Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 3/10/25

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Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’ve been learning quite the lesson on perspective the past few weeks.  Our dog Benny has a condition similar to ALS in humans where his mind is sharp but his body is failing, with noticeable decline almost daily at this point.  He’s had to use a “wheelchair” device the last 5 months to even walk and relieve himself since his back legs no longer function.  We’ve dreaded the decision many pet owners must face – when is it time to end his suffering?


Our natural perspective is to think in human terms – if our child was in a wheelchair or suffering with a debilitating disease, we would continue however we could for as long as we could.  All the while sharing our emotions, hopes, dreams, and fears.  But as much as we love our pets – they are part of the family after all – they are still animals, and live only in the present.  We must decide what’s best for them, not us.  It’s a really tough decision no matter how you slice it, and veterinarians say most of us wait too long.


My point is this – if we care about our pets so much that we wrestle so mightily with decisions around their health and their death, and they are merely animals, shouldn’t we be at least that concerned with those around us who don’t know Jesus and are headed for a most unpleasant eternity?


I don’t know if I’ll see my dogs in heaven – I’ve heard arguments on both sides – but the Bible is clear for us humans.  Wide is the path leading to destruction (Hell) for many who will choose that way.  But narrow is the path to life, and few will find it (Mt 7:13-14, my paraphrase).  Do we care about the possible demise of family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors at least as much as we care about our animals?  God sure wants us to.


I’m thankful for the 8 years we got to spend with Benny, and just as thankful for each of you sharing your lives by praying these requests and for these men week after week.  Thank you for caring.  May God bless you and help all of us be mindful of those around us, you know, the ones we’re supposed to love?


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Kenneth– my consistency, and for my girlfriend Taja who just moved to VA, that she can make a good new start.
  • Cotton– for change.
  • Javier– my family.
  • Manuel– it’s my father’s birthday today.
  • Andy D– I have some non-believing neighbors coming to a church event, pray that they would seek and find the Lord.
  • Roland D– for all the men back on the block that didn’t come out to services.


  • Kenny– my coworker (Ray) is belligerent and thinks he knows it all when he’s only been doing the job a few weeks.  He won’t listen when I tell him how we do things and wants to fight me over it. He’s also a muslim, so I pray he’d have peace and know Jesus.  Pray for Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister and Uncle all doing well at home.  My friend Sophie is all better from her pneumonia and RSV and even went to Paris for her Sister’s wedding.  Pray for peace and my time to go smooth and fast.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God would bring us home to our families.
  • Drake– I’m up for release in a week, pray I can find a housing situation (required for release), praying for a future group of friends to live with, pray for friends and family support.  Also pray I can get healthy again, get back to going to the gym, and thankful for the volunteers each week.
  • Jon– family, my kids to be watched over, that I can follow God’s will when I get out.  Also for my court date, to get home as soon as possible, and for the Little old ladies in Lancaster that used to pray for us.
  • Darren– my mother, she’s having a rough time in my absence with spiritual battles.
  • Ross– for my new journey, everyone in here, for those who went home today, for those going to court today, for everyone’s health, and for the economy and stuff going on out there in the world.
  • Rick C– continued healing for our brother Jim, to be fully recovered and return to us soon.
  • Tim– for my family to get through trying times, and my getting through the process.
  • Dan T– for God to lead me with the right opportunity to witness to by brother-in-law, and that he would lower his defenses, accept Crist, and find forgiveness and unburdening of his heavy guilt.
  • Phil T– for Christians in Syrai being persecuted and slaughtered.  And for Christians around the world being persecuted, threatened, and killed.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Elizer– for everyone here to find God, my family, for me in this process.
  • Jeremiah– thanks for the volunteers who are doing a great job, and for guidance and encouragement.
  • Javier– my family, my wife, my sons, my court date, and everyone’s court cases.
  • Pat– everyone in here, and for patience.
  • Mark– all our court cases get resolved, and get back on a better path than when I came in here.
  • Andy D– thanks for the opportunity to share the Gospel with 2 friends, pray that the Holy Spirit would work in their hearts.
  • José– my brother (Alex) in prison, my court date, my family.
  • Donny– family, grandkids, all the guys in here.
  • Rick C– for my wife and kids, as we must put our dog down on Thursday.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • God’s guidance and a spirit of cooperation to plan out and present our first-ever benefit concert in May to help support this ministry.
  • Thankfulness for God’s rich blessing on the benefit dinner last Fall and the benefit breakfast last month.
  • For our dedicated prison Chaplains – Rhonda, Heinrich, Jack – may God bless them and their families.
  • For the volunteers – past, present, and future – serving inside the prison or behind the scenes.
  • For prison staff, especially those in leadership, and all their families.
  • For resolution of staffing issues (shortage, retention, etc) impacting operations inside the prison, causing overworked and stressed staff, and fewer opportunities for more volunteers to serve.
  • For all the incarcerated women and men, and their families who are also “doing time”.
  • For Aftercare ministries and other support organizations across Chester County that minister to those recently released from prison.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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