Category Archives: Chaplain Heinrich’s Blog

Those Persistent Mothers

In the so-called Parable of the Persistent Widow, Jesus told his disciples a story to show them that they should always pray and not give up. In Luke 18, verse 4 and 5 we discover the judge’s thoughts, nowadays called ‘self-talk’: … Continue reading

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Death in Family (known in prison as a DEE-EYE-EFF) is probably one the most difficult situations chaplains need to deal with. The news of the death of one of an inmate’s close family members is usually conveyed to the chaplain … Continue reading

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But for the Grace of God, there go I

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:7 This verse in Isaiah 55 twice mentions the word “let” (ʿāzaḇ in Hebrew), which … Continue reading

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Regret…that emotion experienced when the realization dawns that nothing can be done to “make things right”, seems to be one of the most prominent emotions inmates deal with in prison. Regret is usually ignited when a relationship with a loved … Continue reading

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Faithful Over These Few Things

Faithfulness, the definition of this word and its application on prison ministry is so much more relevant than ever before. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines faithfulness as “firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty”. Jesus concludes a parable … Continue reading

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“I was just about to Lose my Faith and Lose Hope”

Reading Inmate Request Forms with messages such as these below inspire us as chaplains to continue being faithful to perform the seemingly mundane and insignificant tasks that atypical day in prison holds: “I just want to thank you for your … Continue reading

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God Does Prison Ministry Better Than We Do

It is now widely acknowledged that persecution and restrictions, contrary to human reasoning and expectations, enabled the ‘under-ground” church in oppressed nations to flourish. The Holy Spirit entered homes and hearts in an unprecedented manner to produce fruit…”fruit that will … Continue reading

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“There Is Something Going on in this place”

There is something I need to tell you…actually two things: First, God is at work at Chester County Prison among inmates and staff and, secondly, that you, the reader, play an incredibly important role in the outreach to these 1000 … Continue reading

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Radio Interview for Onesimus Ministries

Radio Station WDAC 94.5 interviewed Chaplain Heinrich and Pastor Vernon, and it aired on April 18, 2020 – Listen to Ministry Focus podcast below.  Click HERE for WDAC website.

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Chaplain Heinrich’s Jottings

There are so many reasons to provide a chaplaincy service at Chester County Prison. Every day creates opportunities to share CHRIST as THE ANSWER to all the many and wide-ranging problems that face incarcerated men and women. This may sound … Continue reading

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