Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 1/20/25

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“There are no coincidences”, said the inmate seated next to me. The volunteer preaching in 2nd service just commented how he and the 1st service preacher spoke on the way in, and both had selected the same topic tonight. I fully agree – everything happens for a reason, although our secular world would often rather believe in random chance and “fate”.


In these situations, I find myself recalling Romans 8:28, “And we know God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” We must be careful to state the entire verse if we quote it.  Too often I hear people say “God works all things for good”, which could lead hearers to think that if things aren’t good, then God’s not sovereign and in control. Or promoting an overly-inclusive sentiment that God works things equally for all people, when the Bible clearly states this promise is for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.


That can open up a bigger conversation about all promises in the Bible, and how they are meant for believers, while the ultimate end for unbelievers described in God’s Word does apply to all mankind. If the conversation heads that way, my next question normally is to ask if they want to be part of all God’s wonderful promises, in particular to be with God in paradise forever once this life is over. It’s amazing how an innocent comment about coincidence can quickly lead to a decision for Christ. I believe God wants us to be ready, because you never know when an opportunity may come. 1 Peter 3.15 reminds us to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, and to do this with gentleness and respect”.


Prison ministry volunteers remain sensitive to those opportunities, and we appreciate your prayers, as do all the inmates when we remind them each week of how we send their requests out to you, and they are prayed for all week long.  Thanks for your part and how it helps us do our part.  Keep the power flowing, and have a blessed week (and keep warm!).


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Volunteer Eugene’s granddaughter not feeling well.
  • Fire victims in California.
  • Our families.
  • Everyone’s spirit back on the block.


  • Kenny– still reading through various books of the Bible and getting a lot out of it.  My brother comes home this weekend from a week in Mexico – he’s having the time of his life I hear. Pray that my time continues to go smooth and fast, that I can learn new skills in my maintenance job in here that I can use for a job when I’m out. For my family, and my friends especially Frances and Jimmie.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– pray God would return us to our families.
  • Daniel– for healing of my insomnia, it’s driving me crazy – I can’t sleep more than 1 hour each night, I’m having hallucinations and don’t know how to handle it anymore.  This has been going on for 30 years but never this bad before. Need some peace.
  • Jose G– our first grandchild was recently born. Also for our new president and new administration, and for our nation.
  • Nicholas– for us and our families to stay strong and get through this.
  • Kevin– that God would take our problems and concerns out of our hands, since they are out of our control anyway.
  • Jim M– I’m having knee surgery a week from Wednesday.
  • Michael– my Aunt Lois has terminal cancer, pray for family support and that I could be there to support her.
  • Mackey– keep our faith and for patience.
  • Dan T– my brother-in-law in grief support facility working through his son’s suicide that he blames himself for, asking for him to let the Lord remove his burden.
  • Phil T– my coworker (Kennedy) broke up from a long-term relationship, help me find an opening to share the Gospel with him.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Jeremiah– thanks to volunteers coming in through snowy cold weather, for my family, and a successful outcome of my case.
  • Nelson– for a hedge of protection on my family. For health, prosperity, and wisdom for all of us.  For my elderly Mom who’s getting older- want to lift her us, and for my sister.
  • Donnie– my girlfriend Kelly’s mom passed away- prayers for her family.  For my daughter and granddaughters, and for my heart issues – I feel fine now but something’s still wrong.
  • Mark– for my family and how much pain I’ve put them through.
  • Rick C– healing for my friend Vince from church- developed congestive heart failure while waiting for heart valve replacement surgery – slowly recovering from both.
  • Brian– my kids and family, and for my sister who’s going through some serious stuff with her kids- pray for them to be on a better path.
  • Andy D– for everyone who is struggling to know they are not beyond God’s forgiveness.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • For all to go well with our 1st ever Prison Ministry Benefit Breakfast on March 1 (details on website, link below).
  • Strength, health, and wellbeing of our Chaplains in Chester County Prison-  Jack, Rhonda, Heinrich, and their families.
  • Blessings upon all the ministry volunteers serving inside and outside the prison, and prayers for increased opportunities to come about soon.
  • God’s rich blessings upon the prison leadership, all staff members, and their families.  Prayers for resolution to staff shortages and other issues that get in the way of routine operations and normal shifts.
  • For all the incarcerated women and men at the prison- waiting for trial, waiting for sentencing, waiting for transfer to state prison, or serving their time- may the Spirit of God soften hearts, inhabit their prayers, and draw more people unto Himself.  Also for all their families and support systems.
  • God’s provision and blessing upon the various Aftercare ministries and support organizations ministering to men and women released from prison- may they have all they need to help each client continue their faith journey and build a new life.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 1/13/25

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During chapel services last Thursday, I watched a young man break down as he spoke a prayer request for his Mom who suffered a massive stroke and may not live much longer.  It reminds me how we flawed human beings tend to categorize and dehumanize people, especially bad people. Like those sent to prison for breaking our laws. But prison ministry volunteers often see another side – the hurting, remorseful, and defeated individuals who never counted the costs of their actions and didn’t realize what could be lost.


Emotions surfaced as this young man realized the last time he saw his Mom might be the last time ever. In our youth, didn’t we all assume our parents would always be there when we got back from wherever we went?  I fully expected Mom and Dad to still be at my childhood home when my Air Force enlistment was up (and they were). But we aren’t promised such things on earth.  We routinely remind the men how God promises us in His Word if we trust Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we will be with Him for eternity.  And we can surmise that if our parents also trusted Christ as Lord and Savior, we’ll get to see them again.  So every week we pray with the men for salvation of themselves, lost family members, and others they know aren’t walking with the Lord.  We also pray for God to use each of us as He would to make that happen.


We thank each of you for your part in making that happen through your support of the ministry through your prayers, your time, and other gifts. And please be attentive for any other ways God may have for you to spread the love of Jesus and grow His Kingdom.  Be bold, and be blessed!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Charlie– my oldest turns 15 today, and my Mom (April) had a massive stroke with bleeding on the brain – she’s in Paoli hospital and they say it doesn’t look good.
  • Kenneth– help me to trust in the process of life with Christ, like what is He teaching me through this? My biggest fear is to lose another family member while in here.  Help me focus on what God wants for me, and pray for the men back on the block – one guy had a heart attack, and another guy is just giving up.
  • Ken– for all the people that fall into corruption.
  • Kenneth– for miss Barb who has open heart surgery coming up.
  • Rick– all the victims of wild fires in California.


  • Kenny– very thankful my good friend Frances came to visit me. Pray for my brother leaving for Mexico on Saturday 1/11, he will be there a week. Thankful all seems to be going well, and pray things would continue to go well and my time would go smooth and fast. Pray for my family and friends.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– my fiancé is pregnant and needed iron infusions, insurance wouldn’t cover so we prayed on it, still rejected and prayed more, then approved – thanks to God. Pray for my cellmate (Essam) who had a heart attack, and pray God returns us to our families soon.
  • Phil T– my neighbor’s son and his wife had twin boys 8 weeks premature, pray for their health and strength.
  • John#2– that everyone’s family is blessed, and for renewed minds – that we can give it all to the Lord.  Also praying for world peace.
  • Nicolas– for our struggles.
  • Phil T– for courage to witness to my coworkers.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law at a grief seminar for his son’s suicide where he blames himself. Pray he would find the Lord and his burden be lifted.
  • Erwin– California wildfire victims.
  • Jose– my daughter is scheduled to be induced on Jan 20th, they don’t want to wait long because of her diabetes. 



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Ryan– my friend Eric has a growth – potentially cancer – nervous about tests – he’s searching for peace thinking that all his stress is causing the cancer, but he’s looking at secular and buddhist solutions, may he find true peace in Christ.
  • Jeremiah– my brother (Tyrell) recently got out of prison after 17 years, but now he can’t be found.
  • Pat– for our families, and for patience.
  • Pasquale– my wife, my kids, extended family, all our families, and everyone here.
  • Logan– thanking God for His grace, and praying for continued mercy.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • Our Prison Chaplains-  Jack, Rhonda, Heinrich, and their families.
  • All prison staff, particularly leadership, stressed about staff shortages other issues. Blessings on them and their families/ support systems.
  • All ministry volunteers, both serving in the prison and behind the scenes. May volunteer opportunities increase and the staffing issues be resolved.
  • All inmates and their families – both are doing time.
  • Aftercare ministries and support organizations – vital for continued growth once inmates released.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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March 1 Benefit Breakfast

Plans are starting to shape up for our next event – Breakfast at Waterway Church in Oxford, PA, on March 1, 2025.

Waterway Church is located at 550 Waterway Road, Oxford, PA 19363 (MAP)

  • The team is finalizing a menu of delicious breakfast foods
  • Start time probably 9:00AM
  • Back by popular demand – another silent auction!

Tickets will be free, but seating is limited. We’ll be sending a link soon for reservations.

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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 1/06/25

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This latest winter storm interrupted traffic and airports across the Midwest, dropping a foot or more of snow in many areas. And though we missed the brunt of the storm, it still caused interruption to our volunteer team since all prison activities were cancelled last night.  We understand the need for safety and ongoing impacts of staff shortages (made worse in circumstances such as these), but are always disappointed when we don’t get to minister to the men. We still have some inmate prayer requests thanks to Heinrich and Rhonda.


We know everything happens for a reason, or in Biblical terms, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Rom 8.28)  For example, upon our return after the covid interruption of this ministry (for years!), we heard stories of how the mature Christian inmates started numerous Bible studies back on the blocks since volunteers couldn’t get in. Perhaps God was doing something similar last night – we may never know, but need to trust that He has everything under control, and of course His timing and His judgement of every person and every situation is always perfect.


I’m amazed He uses us flawed human beings at all to accomplish His work.  I think He may use service opportunities to see who is truly for Him.  “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” (2 Chron 16.9a)  When we can’t physically be with the inmates, I can assure you that many (or all) of us still prayed for them.  And we thank you for doing the same each and every week. Your support is more important than you will ever know.  And your reward is clearly stated in Matthew 6:20-21, “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Kenneth– for my journey – my walk of faith. Keep me strong through the setbacks and trials.
  • Ken– for all the lonely people who feel like nobody cares about them.  And to never come back here again.
  • Larry– my 16 year old niece (Gianna) has leukemia.  And for the family of my other niece (Mary Jane) who passed away.
  • Andy– for all the victims and families of the New Year’s terrorist attack in New Orleans. Also for all those affected by the other incidents in Las Vegas and in New York.


  • Kenny– thanks for a new year, and being that much closer to getting released.  Thankful my family is doing well – I talked to them last night.  Pray my friends are doing well, like Frances and Jimmie. Pray my brother Manny has a good and safe time in Mexico starting on the 8th. Pray my time continues to go fast and smooth, and that I continue getting the Good Word from The Lord.



Female Inmate Prayer Requests from Chaplain Rhonda

  • MR – “I will be leaving for rehab….please keep me in prayer, that I learn a lot, do good there and gain the tools I need to get back with my family, stay sober and keep God in my heart.”


  • SH –  one of our older inmates, very distraught, dealing with mental health issues, and needing more time and attention than I have to give her. She’s very knowledgeable about the Bible; pray that she takes what she knows to heart and finds her peace in the Lord


  • KD – also dealing with mental health issues; very anxious and overwrought;  plagued by compulsive and obsessive thinking; pls pray peace and relief for her


  • AP – back in CCP again after a long absence; asking for a Bible and devotional book again; pray that she gets back on track with the Lord



Male Inmate Prayer Requests from Chaplain Heinrich

Please pray for:

  • JF: Is applying to be accepted by Jubilee Ministries. He may be released within 4 weeks.


  • BH: Serious psychological disorder and extreme views including that he is the Messiah. Also pray for his estranged but longing father, WB.


  • MZ: Accepted by Potter’s House. Pray for a profitable stay, especially to endure the strict discipline of Phase 1.


  • Nora Rew (a former religious volunteer). Her husband and also a religious volunteer, Dr Robert Rew, passed away on January 1. He was extremely involved at CCP with “Behold Your God” and “Malachi Dads” classes as well as with actual reentry initiatives.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • Ongoing strength, peace, and wisdom for Chaplains Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich to minister effectively within Chester County Prison and beyond. Bless their families and everyone they encounter.
  • Blessings upon prison staff, particularly the leaders, as they deal daily with staff shortages and many other issues. Blessings also upon their families and support systems.
  • Increased volunteer opportunities through resolution of staffing issues at the prison.
  • Blessings upon all the inmates and their families – both are doing time without the other.
  • Bless the volunteers currently serving within the prison – may each experience a renewed and refreshed spirit with boldness to meet every opportunity God provides to share the Gospel.
  • Blessings on the Aftercare ministries – may each one receive everything they need to continue what the Lord has called them to do.  And may every client be blessed through them, and experience spiritual growth beyond what they ever thought possible.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 12/30/24

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New Year blessings to you and yours!

It seems like we’re about to turn a corner in the “wet blanket” attitude within the prison.  Inmates are still mostly down in the dumps as they think about Christmas activities they are missing with their families, especially those with children. But last night in second service I noticed a little glimmer of hope shining through – most of their testimonies and some of the prayer requests looked forward to new beginnings in the new year.


Volunteers use that opportunity to remind everyone how our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ extends the best offer of Hope not just at New Years but every day of the year. There are certain times (and circumstances) in life when people stop to consider their life and where they’re headed.  We notice this every New Year, and we also see it at funerals, rescue shelters, and certainly in prison. I guess when you combine two (like New Years in prison) the effect may be more pronounced.


And like we tell the men, whatever it takes for God to get your attention, now that He has it, make the most of what He’s offering you!  Reminds me of 2 Cor 6:2 , “For God says, ‘At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.’  Indeed, the ‘right time’ is now. Today is the day of salvation.”


We pray that today would be the day of salvation for every soul in Chester County Prison – men, women, staff, inmates – everyone.  And we extend that prayer to all of our families – I think we all have family members not walking with the Lord.  May God get their attention, and may their hearts respond “Yes!”


As always, we thank all of you for your prayers and support throughout 2024, and look forward to laboring side-by-side with you for the sake of the Gospel into 2025 and beyond – however long God will have us doing this!  May each of you be blessed beyond measure in this New Year.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Kenneth– spiritual growth.
  • Ken– all people affected by wars – in Ukraine, Syria, Israel, etc.  Also for Native Americans and some land issues they are dealing with in Oklahoma.


  • Kenny– thankful that Mom and Dad both back to work (after the flu). Safety for my brother going to Mexico in January for the first time.  Pray that my family and friends, like Frances and Jimmy, are all doing good. Pray my time continues to go smooth and fast.  Thankful that I’m able to save money from my maintenance job in here, where I don’t need family to send me any money.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Rick C– for volunteer Matt – his wife has covid.  Also for my friend Milt on hospice who’s waiting to go home to the Lord – peace and comfort for he and his whole family.
  • John– God please return us to our families soon.
  • Scotty– my wife and kids, and for patience in court on Thursday. I have anger issues that get me into trouble, pray for peace in my heart.
  • Daren– to stay sane in here, develop a stronger faith, and that our families are doing well out there.
  • John #2– protect our families especially during the craziness of New Years celebrations, and may we all make a resolution to grow in faith this new year, and get to know Jesus if we don’t know Him.
  • Jose– thanks for 2024 – all the good things and the bad things (learn from both).
  • Phil T– my wife Dawn had some medical tests that turned out to be a false alarm.  Pray for her salvation.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law, headed to a 1 month grief counseling session – his 18 year old son committed suicide 2 years ago and he blames himself. Continue to pray for chance to witness to him, and that he would accept Christ.  Pray he would know that Jesus can help him with his burden.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Irvin– pray that God would clear me from all of this once I’m out – cleanse me.
  • Logan– for all our families, that we may be reunited soon.  And thanks God for your grace.
  • Elijah– for all in here, experiencing a real bad chapter in our life.  For my child’s mom who is really going through a tough time- pray for her.  For everyone to get a second chance and to turn from sin.
  • Jeremiah– I go to trial Jan 9, pray for a fair outcome.  Continued healing for my sister Tamika (note – Apologies for misspelling her name the last few weeks).
  • Keith– for my 83-year-old mom, God protect her – keep her safe and healthy.
  • Troy– For young granddaughter of church friend (Nora) who broke her arm and had to have surgery – pray for healing and restoration.
  • Wayne– for the homeless folks out there to find food and shelter.  And for those out there still using (drugs) to get the help they need.  Pray for my Aunt who’s been out there using for 42 years and having a rough time with failing health.
  • Caleb– that things would go smoothly for us when we get out – that we keep following the Lord and stay in His Word.
  • Brian– for my children and all our children to be on a better path.
  • Andy D– for volunteer Matt’s wife with covid – pray for mild symptoms and not spreading.
  • Ryan– for my buddy Greg – his wife has cancer and going through radiation treatments.  May they both be strong.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • Chaplains Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich – may God grant them all they need (and more) to minister effectively within Chester County Prison and beyond. May their home lives be blessed as well.
  • Staff of Chester County Prison (especially leaders) – may they be blessed with strength and endurance as they deal daily with staff shortages and other issues. And may their home lives provide the support, rest, and peace they need to recharge after every shift.
  • Volunteer opportunities to increase through resolution of staffing issues at the prison.
  • Inmates and their families – blessings of peace, protection, comfort, and wisdom as they attempt to get along without each other.
  • Prison volunteers – a renewed and refreshed spirit with boldness to meet every opportunity God provides to share the Gospel.
  • Aftercare ministries – to experience abundance in support to continue ministering effectively and efficiently to released inmates rebuilding their lives on the outside.  God’s blessing upon each volunteer and client to each grow in faith.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 12/23/24

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Merry Christmas everyone!

As you can imagine, the air of depression in the prison this time of year is palatable. It’s hard enough to be separated from family during the holidays, but being in prison makes it all the more difficult. Inmates feel forgotten and abandoned by everyone and everything they knew as “normal” this season.  It’s into this environment we find ourselves ministering right before we go home to our families. Challenging indeed.


Last night I shared the message of the real Christmas story – the birth of Christ – straight from scripture using Matthew 1 and Luke 2.  I would say the thrust of the message was how the Lord of Lords and King of Kings was born into such a humble setting (laid in a feeding trough among animals) and God chose to reveal the best news ever to shepherds in the fields at night (the lowest of the low).  Why would he do it that way?


Perhaps God wanted all of us to realize that He makes Himself accessible to all people. To have direct access to a king or the president, you’d have to be someone of importance, with status or worldly wealth.  But God’s economy is upside-down from what mankind developed, and He invites people of all statures into relationship.  Prophesies indicated this when they called him Immanuel – which means God with us.  We serve a God who is almighty, King of all creation, and far beyond all we can imagine, yet He cares for each one of us and wants to relate with us on a personal level.


That’s what we wanted the inmates to take away from the services last night.  God cares about them, and wants to be part of their life, inviting them to a fuller life walking with Him, and eternal life in paradise.  Thank you all for spending time this Christmas season thinking and praying for prisoners, their families, and all of us involved with prison ministry.  I pray you each have a blessed and wonderful Christmas.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Kenneth– I have sentencing hearing on Thursday, praying for miracle.
  • Ken– for the people of Palestine and Syria.
  • Charlie– all our loved ones.


  • Kenny– my Mom and Dad both had the flu, feeling better but pray for full healing. Thankful that my friend Frances was finally verified on my visit list so she can come see me.  Pray that Frances and Jimmy doing well. Mom’s new job going good, Dad is encouraging me to keep reading my Bible.  Pray my time goes smooth and fast – so far things have been going well with my maintenance job.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– God please return us to our families.
  • Scotty– my wife and kids.
  • John #2– for everyone to have a blessed holiday, all our families, and all those travelling since they are calling for icy conditions.
  • Jim– for all the guys in here, it’s really tough time right now.
  • Nicholas– we are expecting our first granddaughter on Feb 3, chance for a re-do
  • Jose– salvation for every soul in Chester County Prison – inmates and staff.
  • Rick C– church friend Milt cancer diagnosis, healing and peace for him and family.
  • John– thank God for sending his only begotten Son to us.
  • Deron– difficult to put into words, but need to persist in faith, pray for endurance to keep going.  For strength and hope.
  • Andy L– difficult time for son-in-law’s family – his mother with mobility issues just fell and now having issues with her “good leg”.
  • Dan T– for my “ongoing project” to witness to my brother-in-law, that he would accept Christ.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Caleb– strength for all of us, especially this time of year.
  • Will– for everyone to shield themselves with the armor of God.
  • Keith– for everyone to have wisdom.
  • Matt R– for everyone separated from loved ones, to find peace and comfort during holiday season.
  • Donny– for my girlfriend (Kelly) and Mother (Shirl)- both went to hospital yesterday with breathing problems.  Also for my daughter and granddaughter.
  • Andy D– for all the people that go to church for Christmas will actually hear the Gospel and it will change their lives.
  • Jeremiah– healing for my sister Aneeka (stage 4 cancer) who had surgery.
  • Duane– for everyone out there still using (drugs), not knowing where they’re staying tonight- pray they find warm, safe, dry place to stay and that they would come to God and learn they don’t need to live this way anymore.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • For our prison Chaplains – Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich – renewed spirit as they deal with so much depression through the holiday season.
  • For the leadership and staff of Chester County Prison – may they experience fullness of life that they can bring kindness and compassion to their jobs.
  • For resolution to staffing issues which complicate volunteer opportunities at the prison.
  • For all the female and male inmates and their families – all doing time, especially hard at Christmas.
  • For volunteers at the prison- may they have boldness to meet each opportunity to share the Gospel.
  • For all the aftercare ministries – may they have all they need to continue ministering to released inmates trying to rebuild their lives and grow in faith.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 12/16/24

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I was so angry.  Here I am, giving my time, and just waiting.  And waiting. I’m sitting in the interview area of the prison, waiting for my weekly 1-on-1 session with Kenny.  I know he works in maintenance, and last time it took a while to track him down before they brought him out to me. This time seemed excessive. After 45 minutes, I walk over to the officer in charge to ask what’s going on.  He assures me he just checked and Kenny is working in another building but on his way.


So I sit back down and wait.  And wait. And wait. All religious 1-on-1 sessions are 30 min long and must be done by 2:55pm before the afternoon count at 3pm. It’s already 2:15 and I’ve been waiting since 1:00. Finally, right around 2:24pm the officer comes over and says he’s not coming. “Wish I knew that an hour ago” I snapped back.  I was so angry.


On my way out, the guilt set in – great Christian witness, Rick, snapping at the officer like that.  And why am I so mad? Because it didn’t go my way? Because I wasn’t in control? If I come to serve and give my time, isn’t my time a gift?  And if it’s spent differently than I think it should be, what difference should that make?  If I give a gift, I need to let it go to be used (or not used) by the recipient.  I need to model what God does with each of us.


“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (Jn3.16)  God gave the world the gift of His Son, knowing that some would accept His gift and others reject or simply ignore the gift.  Is God angry at them? I mean, He went to all the trouble of sending His son to earth as a baby, then Jesus spent all that time teaching and showing us the way, and finally sacrificing himself for us. How dare we not respond in appreciation, acceptance, and thankfulness? 


I think God is disappointed and perhaps broken hearted for those who will not be part of His Kingdom, but I don’t believe He is angry at them.  And neither should we.  May we all have hearts of compassion like our Heavenly Father, and present His gift to everyone in our community.  And not be stressed or angry at what happens after that.  As one of our ministry leaders reminds us – we are in charge of effort, He is in charge of results.


Thank all of you for your heart of compassion, and for your time spent praying for inmates, staff, the chaplains, volunteers, all of their families, and the prayer requests below. You are a blessing!  May God bless You in a special way this week as our celebration of Advent continues.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):x

  • Troy– hope to get out next Tuesday, and hope my phone is still working. [We prayed for his life to be different than before he came to prison].
  • Lloyd– my son (Gabriel) has his 10th birthday tomorrow, and I hope to talk with him.
  • Kenneth– pray for a miracle, a better turnout of my case, and wisdom in decision making around the deal they are offering.  Also pray for relationship with my Dad – it was very unhealthy for a long time, but now really good.
  • Kenny– going after a job in the Work Release Center on the Farm Crew, process takes about a month.  I’m thankful for the maintenance job I have, it makes the time go quickly. My Mom has a new job.  My girlfriend cheated on me and is no longer my girl.  Dad told me how the only true friends are the ones who stayed in contact with me. Looking forward to my Dad and Grandpa visiting next week.  Pray for family and friends, especially Jimmy and Frances, and for my time to keep going smoothly and fast.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God would return us to our families soon.
  • Kevin– mental health, my kids, all the single fathers in here, and for strength, guidance, and protection.  Also pray for freedom and forgiveness.
  • Austin– to make better choices, and for my son to have a great birthday on the 21st.
  • John– for all those who don’t know the Lord, for all the upcoming court dates- that the judges have compassion and kindness in their heart.  Also pray for world peace, and an end to violence and hostilities. And pray for those who pray for us, like the little old ladies in Lancaster.
  • Mark– for trust, and not give up on the Lord.
  • Nicholas– for family, and for all of us in here – we only have each other.
  • Jim M– my son Jacob.
  • Phil T– for my brother and his wife who had their first grandchild (Wyatt) born yesterday. And for all those feeling loss at Christmas time, like Matt’s friend Shaun who lost his wife earlier this year and has 4 small kids.
  • Dan T– for my “ongoing project”- I have an opportunity tomorrow night to witness to my brother-in-law, pray it goes well and that he would see the light and accept Christ.
  • Deron– perseverance in light of treatment by CO’s
  • Andy L– my daughter and her husband have no interest in the Lord.
  • Tim– for my elderly mom and dad (Nancy and Pete), I’m so sorry to put them through this.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Jeremiah– for my sister Aneeka (stage 4 cancer) who just had surgery.
  • Mike– for the volunteers that come in every week for us, may they have a good Christmas.  For Jeremiah and his trial in early January (after waiting over 40 months)- pray for a good outcome.  And for my children and their mother who is agnostic.
  • Logan– for all of us, for mercy, and for our families.  Thanks to God for His grace, and pray we can get out soon.
  • Pasquale– for our families, my wife and kids, and to get out soon.  And for everybody here.
  • Donny– for all the families of those affected by the school shooting in Wisconsin.  For my Aunt Janice who’s cancer has come back and she has an upcoming surgery.  And for my daughter and granddaughter and family.
  • Morgan– for my sister (Katiera) who’s having twins and due in May. For all the families struggling during the holidays, and everyone whose struggling right now.  Thanks for all the organizations helping people with food, toys for kids, etc.  Trying to make positive change in the world.
  • Ryan– for my wife (Janice) – the holidays are really hard for her, being separated from her family.  Pray for her to have peace.
  • Andy D– praise for my sister (Donna) – her cancer is in remission.  Pray for a new opportunity to share the gospel with her.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • Our prison Chaplains – Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich – for compassion and inspiration as they minister through the holiday season.
  • Prison leadership and staff – health and wellbeing for them and their families/support system, so each one can appropriately deal with all the daily and weekly issues complicated by staff shortages and high turnover.
  • All the inmates – Male, Female, incarcerated youth, and all of their families – prison doesn’t just affect the inmate – they are all doing time.
  • Religious programs at the prison – to be looked upon with favor by staff, and seen as value-add by prison leadership.
  • Ministry Volunteers – for more opportunities to engage them, and blessings upon those entering the prison each week.
  • Aftercare ministries – to be effectively equipped with needed people and resources for ministry to released inmates, and for all involved to seek out and find true satisfaction in God alone.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 12/09/24

[To view in a browser, visit this Link]


My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Not surprisingly, holidays hit hard in prison.  I forgot just how much until 2nd service last night when most of the prayer requests mentioned it.  Many of us know how it feels to be away from family for a short time, and some of us military folks know the experience over extended periods of time – it stinks.  We had a pretty good idea when the separation would be over, and once you “see the light at the end of the tunnel”, it gets easier to tough it out.  Conversely, most inmates have no idea when they’ll rejoin loved ones.  I imagine that to be exceedingly difficult.


The past few weeks we’ve really encouraged the men to not be consumed with present circumstances, but focus on the long game.  We encourage them to look up instead of down, like Psalm 121 says, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  We remind them (and us) how everything in this life is temporary, but our faith and our God are eternal.  We need to refocus on the best things.  As Paul told the Philippian church, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4.8)


Thank you all for spending time each week prayerfully focused on prison staff, inmates, their families, and their prayer requests.  Blessing them in that way is one of the best gifts you can give this Christmas. God bless you!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):x

  • Kenny– going after a job in the Work Release Center on the Farm Crew, process takes about a month.  I’m thankful for the maintenance job I have, it makes the time go quickly. My Mom has a new job.  My girlfriend cheated on me and is no longer my girl.  Dad told me how the only true friends are the ones who stayed in contact with me. Looking forward to my Dad and Grandpa visiting next week.  Pray for family and friends, especially Jimmy and Frances, and for my time to keep going smoothly and fast.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God would return us to our families soon. Last week we prayed for my ex-wife’s mental issues and she turned a corner because of the prayers.
  • Josh– I have court on Friday, and I’m getting tired of praising the Lord with you guys and would rather be doing it at home. (said with a smile)
  • Ron– give it another try, been praying it for weeks – pray I can get back up state soon. (We also prayed for the Lord to show him if there’s a reason he’s still here, and what he can do about it).
  • John– for people to keep their spirits up with the holidays approaching, for all the court dates coming up – God forgives us, help us restore all the relationships impacted by my actions.  And to take God seriously, especially when out of here, so we don’t end up back in here.
  • Brian– to get my relationships back, and for a better future for myself.
  • Kyle– my immediate family, my daughter (12), and my Mom – it’s her birthday today.
  • Ivan– for world peace.
  • Phil T– for a young family I know – the Dad just lost his job.
  • Jose– for Andy Duncan to experience healing from his covid, and salvation for everyone in Chester County prison.
  • Dan T– for my “ongoing project”- my brother in law dodged a lunch date with me, pray for opportunity to witness to my brother-in-law and that he would see the light and accept Christ.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Jeremiah– for my children and my sister Aneeka with stage 4 cancer.
  • Earnest– pray my family can have a good holiday. I’m in a dark place right now, struggling in my faith and with my addiction.  I know God is working in my heart.
  • Morgan– for everyone who can’t be with family for the holidays, especially with the kids.  Also want to pray for my sister blessed with twins, that they stay healthy through a normal pregnancy – last time she carried twins and lost 1 late in the pregnancy.
  • Joey– for everyone to keep their heads up in here.
  • Donny– my church back home is taking care of the house and stuff, pray for my daughter and granddaughter, and my heart issues still have not been figured out.
  • Rick C– for our brother Andy home with covid – quick recovery and mild symptoms.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • Our wonderful chaplains – Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich – as they minister through the holiday season.
  • Prison staff and leadership – all the issues they must deal with, compounded by staff shortages and high turnover. Also pray for their families that support them.
  • Male and female Inmates, incarcerated youth, and their families – all doing time.
  • Chaplaincy and religious programs at CCP – continued strong programs, looked upon with favor and seen as value-add by prison leadership.
  • Ministry Volunteers – continue to bless them and provide additional opportunities in the prison schedule.
  • Aftercare ministries – to have all they need to minister effectively to released inmates, and for all their clients to find true satisfaction in pursuit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 12/02/24

[To view in browser, weekly prayer requests are posted at]


My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I pray you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, with many loved ones gathered near. We’ve entered a real tough time for those away from their family. This is a season of friends and family gathering for meals, gift-giving, and catching up. How often do we take these things for granted or even try to avoid them, until we can no longer participate? I recall many friends in the military over the years going through similar circumstances due to their commitment to defend our freedoms, wherever that may lead. They were isolated from family for very different reasons than inmates, but the results were the same.


I believe God wants our hearts to go out to anyone missing their family and loved ones, no matter the cause. Isn’t that what grace is all about? Our heavenly Father lavishes His grace and mercy upon us, and we are to respond in kind to those around us. If we can’t do that in person, we can always lift them up in prayer.


In this season of giving, thank you all for your gifts of time, prayer and support to this prison ministry.  May our gracious God repay your kindness with blessings upon blessings. And enjoy those closest to you, none of us knows how long that will last.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– pray that God would return us to our families. Also want to pray for the mental health of my ex-wife.
  • John2– that we all get to court and it will go well for us, and that when we get out we stay with God or if we get out of His will we end up back here.
  • Nick– keep me free from addiction, and pray for my grandchild.
  • John2– also want to pray for us to renew and reunite our families and other relationships that have been broken due to our crimes or drug habits.
  • Jim M– for my son (Jacob) and my grandson (Benjamin), and for the salvation of all the souls in this place.
  • Brian– for all the people close to me that I affected.
  • Jose G– for my daughter-in-law Christina expecting our first grandchild on Jan 22, she’s having some issues like gestational diabetes – pray for Mom and baby to be healthy.
  • Demonte– for everyone’s selfishness – God puts us first, and we need to put Him forst.
  • Dan T– for my ongoing project- pray for the right opportunity to witness to my brother-in-law and that he would see the light and accept Christ.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Patrick– for the son (Jeffrey) of my wife’s childhood friend (Jen) who died 1-1/2 years ago, Jeffrey has lost his sister and his Mom within 1-1/2 years.
  • Jeremiah– for my children, and for closure on my case – need guidance and resolution on steps to take.
  • Andy D– For Tony with stage 4 cancer and had seizures and is now unresponsive, and prayers for his parents Jim and Mary.
  • William– for everyone in here and their families, and for my Father.
  • Matt R– for all the men and women who can’t be with their loved ones over the holiday season.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Please keep our chaplains in your prayers – Jack Crans, Rhonda Soland, and Heinrich Botes – especially as they minister to inmates through the holiday season.
  • Pray for staff and leadership at the prison, and all the issues they must deal with, compounded by staffing shortages and high turnover. Also pray for their families that support them.
  • Pray for inmates throughout the prison system – men, women, youth – and their families.
  • Pray for wisdom in decision-making, especially those with deals presented to them to know whether to accept or go to trial.
  • Pray for the Aftercare ministries throughout the county and all the released inmates they serve – may the ministries be sufficiently resources and supplied, and may their clients continue to seek the Lord and follow Him resolutely.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 11/25/24

[To view in a browser, these weekly prayer requests are posted on our website –]


My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Each week the ministry team entering the prison has a kind of contest to see who can get through the metal detector “clean” without tripping the annoying buzzer when metal is detected.  We’ve all tried our own tricks and tactics – walking fast, walking slowly, going through with arms outstretched, covering belt buckle with hands, etc., etc.  Last night, we all got through metal detector without a sound!  This scenario reminded me of how we typically see ourselves versus how God sees us.  Every other week, most of us fail the test (how we see ourselves), but this week we all passed with flying colors (how God sees us).


I didn’t have the heart to tell the other guys I noticed the metal detector wasn’t plugged in.  And we still had to be “wanded” with a handheld metal detector by the officer escorting us into the prison – rules are rules.  It’s always nice to be reminded how we sinners are made right in God’s sight through the blood of Jesus Christ, who paid our sin debt on the cross – the perfect sacrifice, once for all time. Each week, we carry that message of hope to the inmates, and urge everyone in each service to accept God’s gracious gift of forgiveness and invite Jesus into their heart as Lord and Savior.  Your prayers for these men (and the women in prison) are just as important. Thank you for your partnership in prayer and all the ways you support this ministry.  I can assure you, it does not go unnoticed (by us or by our Heavenly Father). I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Mark– I got to meet with my pastor yesterday and it was very uplifting, hoping to get a Bible so I can look up passages we talked about. [Mark got called out of the chapel mid-service to meet with his lawyer, we all prayed it was good news].
  • Kenneth– pray for the justice system – politics and money involved that just ruins lives.  We all need to make a plan for when we get out so we don’t stray when we have to re-establish a our normal routine on the outside.  My girl Taja is moving to Virginia in January, and my pastor is dealing with some legal issues.
  • Brian– that we all get out sooner than later (and understand God’s purpose for us while we’re here).
  • Charles– my children, I haven’t been in contact with them in months.


  • Kenny– I got no complaints, my maintenance job keeps me plenty busy.  I got to talk to my Dad the other day, and my friend Frances came to visit but couldn’t get in – I put her on my visit list but they didn’t have her on the master list – pray that gets resolved quickly. Pray for family and friends, that my time goes safely, smoothly, and quickly, and that we all can give others a second chance like God gives to us.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Ron– praying to get back up state soon.
  • John– pray for God to return us to our families soon.
  • Kyle– my daughter (12) is headed to West Virginia for the holidays- pray for her safety and to have a nice time.  Also pray for my Mother and my StepDad, and thankful how they are looking after her.
  • John– pray that we will all continue to glorify God when we get out of here, and get connected with a good church.
  • Josh– praying for what we all struggle with in here – patience.
  • Phil T– for all of us in here to realize we have lots to be thankful for.
  • Dan T– for wisdom and the right opportunity to witness to my brother-in-law over the Thanksgiving holiday, and for his heart to be softened and any roadblocks removed for him to submit and accept Christ.  We also pray for all the family members out there who aren’t walking with Christ.
  • Jim M– for Jacob and my grandson Benjamin.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Jeremiah– for my children, and for wisdom in considering a plea deal, praying they take into consideration my “good time” and good behavior. [I prayed that Jeremiah would receive an even better deal from our great God who can do all things].
  • Patrick– for my best friend Jim and his wife Jody – she has issues with psychosis and stopped her meds – it’s a messy situation.  Praying for her help and that Jim can cope with all this.
  • Lemont– my stepdaughter (Lyric) turned 2 on Nov 22 and I missed it.  Pray for my peace and her understanding – she’s probably wondering where I went. I pray she knows how much I love her.
  • Dave– my family, and all our families and how hard the holidays are for all of us.
  • Ryan– my wife Janice has been estranged from her family for 10 years and is really feeling it this week.  She cried all through church on Sunday – God is doing something, pray He continues and there would be reconciliation in her family.
  • Don– for my family, and for my heart issues – I was down to medical unit again, they did EKG and don’t know what’s going on and what meds to give me. Also pray for everyone in here.
  • Andy D– for my sister Donna, and that we can renew our conversation about Jesus.  Pray she is still willing to listen, and God would soften her heart.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Blessings, provision, and daily strength for our prison Chaplains – Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich – to continue ministering effectively through this tough holiday season.
  • Prayers for the prison leadership and staff – in their personal lives and their family’s lives, and resolution of the staffing issues that plague the prison and impact volunteer opportunities.
  • Prayers for all the inmates in the prison system – men, women, youth – and their families.
  • Prayers for those anxiously awaiting trial, and those facing big decisions (like plea deals) affecting their future.
  • Blessings upon those recently released from prison – that they connect with a good church, and surround themselves with faithful brothers and sisters to encourage their faith journey.
  • Prayers for inmates headed to state prison- may their faith continue to grow in their new “mission field”.
  • Blessings upon Aftercare ministries throughout the county – may they have all they need to continue serving released inmates and all those who come to them for help.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 11/25/24