Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 6/6/23

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are thankful for Chaplain Heinrich stepping in to cover for Chaplain Rhonda during her trip to Israel. We pray she will be blessed by this trip, as much as my wife and I were last year in October when we had the opportunity to tour Israel with a church group.  Everyone at church kept telling me “you’ll never read the Bible the same way again” – and they were right!  Now when I read of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, I can picture it because I was there.  In fact, one of the olive trees we saw in that garden was over 2000 years old – it was there when Jesus cried out to the Father before going to the cross. Simply amazing.


We were in the upper room where the last supper was served, we walked through Caiaphas’ house where they brought Jesus before the High Priest, and we visited Golgotha where Jesus hung on a cross. But the most moving experience was walking into the garden tomb and seeing where Joseph laid Jesus’ body after His crucifixion.  Incredible as that was, the more important thing is that the tomb is empty!  Our Savior is risen!  We worshipped and celebrated communion just a few feet away – I will never forget that!


Overall, it felt like following the footsteps of Jesus was the next best thing to being there with Him.  It put a more solid sense of reality to all we read in the Bible.  Yet I still take great comfort in what Jesus told Thomas after His resurrection…


Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)


A few years ago, we didn’t have the resources to take such a trip.  I often prayed and asked God to make a way for us to tour the Holy Land.  We had to wait 2 years because of covid, but He came through and totally blessed us.  I highly recommend this trip for every Christian. Ask God to make a way for you to go – you will never read your Bible the same way again!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Chaplain Heinrich

Please pray for:


NM: “Seeking spiritual direction. I’m hearing voices and seeing visions”.


MA: “I’m very much in need of ministerial counseling”.


TC: “I would like your prayers for myself and my daughter that we may overcome financial crisis and housing hardship”.


EN: “May I please have a ‘Jesus Calling’ book? Pray that the Holy Spirit will answer this heart-cry.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

For Chaplain Rhonda Soland to be blessed in significant ways while touring Israel. And that the Lord would bring her back to us safely.


For Chester County prison to follow the example of all the State Prisons and open their doors to religious volunteers, that we might once again minister in person to inmates.


For Chaplain Heinrich to have the strength and stamina to keep up with both his and Rhonda’s work.


For good health, good spirits, and a sense of Christ’s peace throughout the prison.


For quick healing and recovery for those suffering from any infirmity within the prison.


For inmates to continue to seek out and pursue Christ, and find Him.  May each one be blessed beyond measure as they enjoy the hope they now have in assured salvation through Christ alone.


For the aftercare ministries that receive released inmates from Chester County – may they continue in strength and availability to help those who need it.  For wisdom and endurance of the volunteers, and for great blessing of the clients to more readily seek after You.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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