Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Monday Night Prison Fellowship team is excited to welcome 11 new volunteers from 2 different churches, but all of us in the same Body of Christ. We prayed to the Lord of the harvest and He provided! Some may be called into the prison to minister on Monday Nights, while others called to pray for the incarcerated men and women. In either case, we are thrilled for them to join the team. Welcome one and all!
During the two worship services in the prison chapel last night, the team focused on who is Jesus, is He really God, and did He really rise from the dead? We can’t always tell who accepts Christ into their life for the first time, but I love that we give an invitation each week. When the Word of God is preached, you never know whose hearts may be stirred by the Holy Spirit! And it’s always great to welcome new souls into the Kingdom of God. What an honor it is to be the hands and feet of God in that place.
Please keep me in prayer as I prepare the message for next week. For the past few weeks I’ve felt God’s prompting to teach through John 20. I can now see how my message will continue last night’s teaching on the resurrection of Christ. It’s almost as if there is a greater plan in place – ya think?
God is so good. I love it when He does things like that.
Prayer time in last night’s services kicked off with the first half of Psalm 20, followed by lifting up to the Lord the men’s prayer requests that are listed below.
Psalm 20
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
1 In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry.
May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm.
2 May he send you help from his sanctuary
and strengthen you from Jerusalem.[a]
3 May he remember all your gifts
and look favorably on your burnt offerings. Interlude
4 May he grant your heart’s desires
and make all your plans succeed.
5 May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory
and raise a victory banner in the name of our God.
May the Lord answer all your prayers.
Please keep all the men and women in CCP, along with their heart cries illustrated below, in your prayers throughout the week. Thanks for your involvement in this ministry, and may our great God bless you richly this week!
Grace and peace,
Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):
- Corey– all of my loved ones, and those less fortunate.
- Bernard– to be released soon, and thankful for the volunteers coming out each week. I wanted to meet God here tonight.
- Forrest– for my lawsuit and real estate, and successful outcome of my case.
- Ross– for my kids and my family going through a lot – my Mom just passed away.
- Amir– for family, especially my Aunt.
- Thomas– for my family’s forgiveness and acceptance.
- Joshua– for my family.
- Mark– prayers for myself, my girlfriend, my family, and everyone in here. Also leniency in my case.
- Dave– for my children, my significant other, leniency in my case coming up, and for everybody in here and on the outside.
- Ron– for release from this prison soon, since I’ve already beat my case and just waiting for Sherriff department transfer. Also thankful for 2nd chances and God’s help with my anger.
- John– to get back to school and for my family.
- Josh– for my family, and for direction in my life.
- Cory– repentance, forgiveness, and overcoming the temptations of the devil..
Inmate Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)
- Dave– my niece’s daughter was born premature and already had one heart surgery. She’s 2 years old and has another heart surgery on Oct 18.
- Rob– everyone’s health in here.
- Ken– for friends, family, and our kids on the outside having a tough time.
- Bo– that everyone here receives a good message tonight, for everyone to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, for my family and friends, and that God would stay near and dear to my heart.
Prayers from Onesimus Ministries
Praying for everything to come together and for a wonderful Annual Banquet for Onesimus Ministries on Oct 27.
For two of the Onesimus Prison Ministry board members dealing with some personal health issues.
Continued prayers for volunteer Dan’s 94-year-old mother-in-law struggling with health and longing to go home to Jesus. Also continued prayers for volunteer Andy’s family grieving the loss of his mother June.
Please continue to lift up the staff of Chester County prison and their families dealing with long work hours due to staff shortages.
Ongoing prayer for our wonderful prison chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich serving so many inmates and staff each day. Lord, grant them the drive and passion to show the love of Christ in a very real way to all those they come in contact with.
For aftercare ministries in Chester County serving recently released women and men as they rebuild a new life after prison. May the ministries flourish and the clients each experience God’s love in setting up new habits and basing their lives on the firm foundation of Christ.
If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at
These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –
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