Treasurer Report Winter 2025

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.   2 Cor. 9:7

Giving is part of our daily walk before the Lord.  God is the greatest Giver and our great Provider and seeks to use us to provide for the needs of others.  There are numerous souls in the Chester County prison who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.  They need to hear that they are sinners before a Holy God but have the opportunity of forgiveness through Christ’s sacrificial death.  Not only can they be forgiven but will also have new life in Christ.  When you feel led to contribute through prayer or financially to Onesimus Ministries, you will be blessed to be part of the process that gets the gospel to the inmates.

On March 1st at Waterway Church in Oxford PA you’ll have the opportunity to have a free breakfast and hear how the chaplains at Onesimus reach the souls in the Chester County Prison.  You’ll also have the opportunity to provide support to the ongoing necessary needs of the ministry.  We know the Lord loves when we give cheerfully for His purposes so may we continually search for ways to be used by God to bless others.  If you’re able to attend the breakfast please register online on the homepage of Onesimus Ministries.

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