
The word “Anticipate” is very close in meaning to the word, “Expect”.

A pregnant mother expects a child and in anticipation, the room is painted and decorated, many “just-in-case” articles are bought and stored. The rest of the family on both sides become excited with especially the grandparents showing a new spring in their step.

So, what does that have to do with the chaplaincy at Chester County Prison?” you may rightfully ask.

Well, after COVID shut down the chaplaincy program in almost every conceivable way, there suddenly is an air of quiet optimism and EXPECTATION that the chaplaincy schedule will very soon be expanded dramatically. To expound on the image of the expected baby, we are preparing almost feverishly for an announcement that more slots on the weekly chapel service will be activated. Presently, there is a flurry of preparation with many churches and individual volunteers applying for security clearances and building up their teams! It’s almost like the “good old days’!

Please pray for this process as much water flowed under the bridge in the last 5 years with an entirely new leadership team in place. By God’s grace, the Chaplaincy team do experience great favor but (as most mothers will know) the baby has not yet been delivered. More next time…

In Anticipation

Heinrich Botes

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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 2/17/25

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Ever had God drop a nugget of wisdom on you when you’re driving? It happened to me yesterday on my way home.  I was thinking about a bunch of things that haven’t been going as expected lately, and was wondering about God’s will.  How often does it feel like a guessing game trying to figure it out? We often pray, “Lord, if it’s your will, let [this thing or that thing] happen”. We try one thing that looks good, and if that doesn’t work out, I guess it wasn’t God’s will so let’s try the next thing. Trial and error, over and over.  How are we supposed to know God’s will?


Then a thought as if someone spoke it directly into my brain – “spend more time with me.”  That’s how we will know His will – by spending more time with Him, in His Word, in His presence, getting to know Him, becoming more like Him.  It’s not instant (although we’d like it to be), it’s a lifelong ongoing process, and it must be intentional.   We are made in His image, and His will is that we become like Him, and invite others to do the same.  So simple, yet so profound.


One way we can be more like Him is to do the things He taught us, like praying for one another.  Thank you for becoming our prayer warriors, lifting up our chaplains, volunteers, and all the men and women at Chester County Prison each week.  You’re looking more like Him every week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Eugene– continued healing from wrist surgery.
  • Hypolite– my mother.
  • Kenneth– for strength, and protect my mental health.


  • Kenny– [didn’t get to meet this week due to system issues inside the prison.  Pray for resolution to any and all system issues preventing counseling sessions.  Pray for all the inmates desiring 1-on-1 sessions to be able to interact with those they seek.]



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God will bring us all home soon.  Also for patience, and for our court dates.
  • Demonta– for everyone’s decision making [wisdom].
  • Jon– all our families, for protection, that our President would be a godly man, that we can all keep the faith, and for all the victims of tragedy (like wildfires, floods, and wars).  Also pray for strength, understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.
  • Rick C– for the Ricci family at my church on the loss of Sandi Ricci, a sister in Christ.  And for our brother Jim recovering from heart surgery, may he heal up quick.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to be receptive to the Gospel message, and for Chester County Prison to keep allowing us to come in for years to come.
  • Mackey– for the court system
  • Andy L– for all the men here not told what’s going on with their case – it’s very frustrating to be kept in the dark.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Daren– to be released on time.
  • Zack– for a good outcome to my court case.
  • Mike– I have court this week, pray that my loved ones are being watched over – Caroline, Wayne, and the whole house.
  • Donny– for Aunt Janet with stage 4 cancer, for family, especially my grandkids.  Praise that my heart tests came back good, although I have slight diabetes and borderline high blood pressure.
  • Jeremiah– for my sister Temeeka, and for fairness.
  • Logan– for opportunity to practice faith out in the free world, and to see our families as soon as possible.
  • Elijah– for family and a better life outside of here.
  • Ryan– my son’s friend Andrew (17) was thrown out of his house and his father just got out of prison – he’s never met him.  Father suffering with addiction, pray for reconciliation and blessing upon the family, that all would work out, and to understand how do I help out – give me wisdom.
  • Antonio– court date tomorrow, want to go home to my wife and kids, please take care of my family.
  • Joe– my family.
  • Andy D– meeting with a friend who has stage 4 cancer next week and doesn’t know the Lord- give me wisdom and lead me by your Spirit in this divine appointment.
  • Matt R– strengthen my wife’s relationship with the Lord, and help me share the Gospel with her.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • Our upcoming Prison Ministry Benefit Breakfast on March 1 to be successful (details on website, link below).
  • Our prison Chaplains – Rhonda, Heinrich, Jack, and their families.
  • Our ministry volunteers serving inside and outside the prison, and those waiting to serve.
  • The prison staff, especially those in leadership, and their families.
  • Staffing issues (shortage, retention, etc) impacting opportunities for more volunteers to serve inside the prison.
  • All the incarcerated women and men, and their families.
  • Aftercare ministries and other support organizations across Chester County that minister to men and women released from prison.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Goal for the New Year

A little over a month into the New Year and it’s time to consider our Ministry goal for 2025. Nothing much changes when it comes to reaching the lost with the Gospel, so the goal for the Ministry hasn’t really changed.

Teaching that following Jesus is not about a religion, but a relationship is our top priority. Even Believers who have been following Jesus for years can get caught up in religiosity or legalism. We can still question what do I need to add to Jesus and His finished work on the Cross for my Salvation or how do I remain in good standing with God when I mess up? We have to be reminded that we can bring and do nothing. There are multiple Scriptures that remind us of this fact and certainly Scriptures that remind us apart from Jesus we are lost and dead in our sins. This is what these guys need to hear – always!

It’s important that we remember our audience. Some have a basic knowledge of Jesus; some are well-churched and there are those with little to no knowledge of Christ who are searching. Our focus needs to be on the weakest as all will benefit from those messages. We teach from the Bible God’s Word, starting with the Cross – always with the Cross – and then, as appropriate, other Scriptures to encourage them in their daily walk.

My focus is to continue on this path – always! Since the prison reopened in 2023, I have held 2 trainings a year with the guys on 2nd service team. These are times of fellowship and comparing notes. What’s working, what’s not working, always looking to sharpen our skills. I also have the occasional coffee meetings, one-to-ones with the guys to talk about the ministry, message prep, etc. These have proven most fruitful! The relationships that have developed over the last couple of years are wonderful! These guys are my brothers and my friends!

So, all that to say there really is only one goal: to continue to preach the Gospel, keeping the message simple to reach the lost and growing closer to God and each other through the process. Praise be to our glorious King and Savior – the Lord Jesus Christ!

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It Never Gets Old

As Christians, and especially if we have been followers of the Lord for some time, we know that God works in the heart of man to lead, guide, direct, and to change the course of a human life. We KNOW this. But it never gets old watching it happen. It never gets mundane or boring to watch as God works as only He can in a human heart.

With the women in the prison, I am seeing some of them who are really starting to move closer to the Lord and build a genuine relationship with Him. I see their knowledge of and familiarity with the Scriptures begin to increase. I watch as their attitudes and behaviors begin to change. I see their excitement and amazement as they see these changes in themselves or hear family members remark about the changes in them. And I am always thrilled when they begin to tell me of the growing desires in their hearts to help others or to serve or give back in some way in their communities. They share a variety of ideas and dreams of what they could do to make a difference in some area of service. I’m always intentional about pointing out to them that this is God moving in their hearts, stirring these desires in them. The excitement and wonder on their faces is priceless to see.

We know God works in the heart, but again, it NEVER gets old to see it happen and to witness the results. I pray that He continues His work in the minds and hearts of the men and women in Chester County Prison during their time of incarceration and well beyond.

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Treasurer Report Winter 2025

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.   2 Cor. 9:7

Giving is part of our daily walk before the Lord.  God is the greatest Giver and our great Provider and seeks to use us to provide for the needs of others.  There are numerous souls in the Chester County prison who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.  They need to hear that they are sinners before a Holy God but have the opportunity of forgiveness through Christ’s sacrificial death.  Not only can they be forgiven but will also have new life in Christ.  When you feel led to contribute through prayer or financially to Onesimus Ministries, you will be blessed to be part of the process that gets the gospel to the inmates.

On March 1st at Waterway Church in Oxford PA you’ll have the opportunity to have a free breakfast and hear how the chaplains at Onesimus reach the souls in the Chester County Prison.  You’ll also have the opportunity to provide support to the ongoing necessary needs of the ministry.  We know the Lord loves when we give cheerfully for His purposes so may we continually search for ways to be used by God to bless others.  If you’re able to attend the breakfast please register online on the homepage of Onesimus Ministries.

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When Times Are Difficult to What Will My Soul Hold On?

I suspect every generation might have said we live in stressful times, and how can it get worse.  There is the ebb and flow of continual change which all of us face.  The time also comes as we get older when “the optimism of youth” gives way to “the reality and concern” of maturity.  The older we get the more angst we experience.

As I thought about our changing times and the national polarity which seems to be pulling us apart, my mind went back to the lyrics of an old hymn I enjoy, entitled, Will My Anchor Hold?  The writer picks up the image of a ship on stormy water and the absolute necessity of a secure anchor—it is quite easy to make a significant spiritual application. 

Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,Will your anchor drift or firm remain?  

We have an anchor that keeps the soulSteadfast and sure while the billows roll,Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love. 

It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,For ’tis well secured by the Savior’s hand;And the cables passed from His heart to mine,Can defy the blast, through strength divine. 

All of us wish for “peaceful waters” in everyday living, but real life is not often like that for any extended period of time.  Something will come to “stir up the waters” of everyday living.  It might be health issues where one trip to the doctor turns your world upside down. Or you find yourself in a broken relationship not of your choosing or desire, but it has happened and you find yourself a single parent. 

Or the economy has slowed and you find yourself without a job with an uncertain future at best. Or bad habits and behaviors have finally caught up with you and you find yourself or someone you care about sentenced to time in prison.   Like the phrase from another song—“….when the world you have been living in comes crashing at your feet.” 

All of us face such times when our faith is tested.  You ask yourself on what will your faith rely?  Will the “anchor” of your heart hold firm when “the storm clouds of life” unfold their wings of strife?  Yes, it will.  The answer—your heart is “safely moored” by the Savior’s hand.  “The cables passed from His heart to mine can defy the blast, through strength divine.”  There is the strength to “weather the storm.”  We have an anchor that keeps the soul.

Onesimus Ministries is committed to the task of helping men and women find a heart and life change which will profoundly impact their life and living.  In v. 11 in the Apostle Paul’s letter to Philemon he asks his friend Philemon to accept back a servant of his who had stolen from him and wronged him.  Paul had the occasion while in prison to introduce Onesimus to the life changing good news of God’s forgiving grace.  Paul asks Philemon to accept him back as a brother in the Lord.

I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, (name means “useful”) who became my son while I was in chains. Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me….I am sending him back to you……no longer as a slave, but as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a man and as a dear brother in the Lord.” (Philemon 10-16)  

Onesimus Ministries seeks to encourage our local churches to receive and assist men and women who are experiencing a life change and becoming “useful” members of our communities. 

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Return On Investment

Many years ago, a wise man taught me the law of “give to get”.  Not give because we want to get but getting because we want to give.  He was a master of one liners and told me that “if I cast my bread upon the waters, it will come back in club sandwiches”.  That has been my experience in prison ministry.

Several times over the years I have met men on the street and in stores and restaurants who were attendees in our Monday night services while they were doing time in Cheser Count Prison.  Those times have been club sandwiches for me.  

My return on investment is beyond anything I am able to calculate, and it continues to grow.  It is my prayer that God will allow me to continue at the prison for many more years.

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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 2/10/25

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Dependency on God is so freeing.  He always brings the right things in His perfect timing.  Like when I sensed a week ago He wants me to preach about religion versus a personal relationship with Christ, and how understanding what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ was the defining moment in my faith journey.  Then last night several inmates had questions or testimonies about that very subject.  I believe God used me to deliver a message they needed to hear.  And that is simply amazing – how He can use such a broken vessel to accomplish His work on Earth.  As I’ve heard from pastors a number of times, the ability God seeks most in us is our availability.


And we appreciate how each of you consistently give your availability in support of what God is doing through this prison ministry.  I hope and pray you sense His joy and blessing as you lift up these men and women in prison, and their prayer requests each week.  Your partnership means more than you know.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Kenneth– praise the Lord my lawyer issues are being resolved, and even the judge seems to care more about my situation.  I was about to unload on my lawyer about how he messed up so many things when he apologized and told me how he was going to proceed – it gave me peace.  I’m praying for the process and for God to prepare me for what’s coming next, and help me stay on the path.
  • Hypolite– to get back to my wife and kids.  I have court on Tue (today), and pray for the judge’s heart.
  • Eugene– healing from wrist surgery, and encouragement for men’s meeting in his church.


  • Kenny– the other assistant maintenance guy (Tech) is going home Feb 18, pray that his replacement would be a good guy. My May 25 release date coming quick, pray my time would continue to go fast and smooth. Pray that my family all doing well, my friends doing good, especially Jimmie and Frances, and that we all get a 2nd chance.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God would return us to our families.
  • Demonta– court on 24th, pray I can go home with time served.
  • Aaron– that we can be reunited with our families.
  • Jon– everyone’s family, for all the victims of tragedy, like from California wildfires, the plane crashes, and murders. For all of us to renew our minds in here.
  • Rick C– for quick healing of our friend Jim who had heart surgery last week.
  • Kevin– for spiritual strength and security.
  • Dan T– for the hostages in Gaza still in captivity over a year later, and for my brother-in-law to be receptive to the message of Christ’s forgiveness.
  • Ross– I’ve been in here 37 months, praying for what God wants me to do and where He wants me to go – I wanted to go back to Florida but I’m at the point where I’ll go wherever God sends me.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Pascual– pray for me and my family.
  • Jeeter– to get released soon.
  • Joe– my daughter’s wellbeing while I’m in here.
  • Elizer– a better life.
  • Jeremiah– my sister Tameeka who had cancer surgeries was rushed back to hospital – not sure of severity.
  • Shawn– my friend and her mom.
  • Pat– my family, and for patience.
  • Charles– for my anger issues to get better – need peace.
  • Andy D– my friend Ralph unsuccessful trying to sell his business- weighing on him for some time.
  • Rick C– my daughter and son-in-law looking for a house close to church, work, and friends.  They put in a bid on a place, pray it’s accepted if that’s the right house for them.
  • Donny– praise God my heart issues are clear, all tests normal.
  • Joe– need transformation.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • For a successful 1st annual Benefit Breakfast on March 1 (details on website, link below).
  • For all our prison Chaplains – Rhonda, Heinrich, Jack, and their families.
  • For ministry volunteers serving inside and outside the prison, and those waiting to serve.
  • For prison staff, especially those in leadership, and their families.
  • For staffing issues (shortage, retention, etc) and for more opportunities for volunteers to serve inside the prison.
  • For all the incarcerated women and men, and their families.
  • For Aftercare ministries and other support organizations ministering to men and women released from prison.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 2/03/25

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Over the last few years, we’ve heard more about “misinformation” and “disinformation” than we care to remember. These overused terms are just softer ways of referring to lies. Misinformation is lying without intent to harm, while disinformation is deliberate lying to mislead others.  Plenty of both in today’s world make it exceedingly difficult to know what’s really true.  With trust in legacy news sources hitting all-time lows, curious why people still tune in. We all want truth, though many will just take what they can find. The Bible describes Satan as the great deceiver (Rev 12:9) and father of lies (Jn 8:44) – I think he’s very happy with all this right now.


Whether mis- or disinformation, it’s simply not the truth.  But we all have access to the ultimate source of truth- the Holy Bible. With the inspired word of God so readily available in practically every language and translation imaginable, why are so few familiar with its contents, let alone well-versed?  Perhaps we’re afraid of God’s truth, or we just want our own truth.  Whichever we choose to define our present reality, our inevitable future will bring us face-to-face with God’s reality.  For Bible-believing Christians, that day is welcomed with open arms.  For others, a fearful unknown will be quite the shock. 


As Christ-followers, it’s our job to make disciples- investing God’s truth into the lives of others.  Our goal every day in the prison, through volunteers and our chaplains, is to show inmates the truth of God’s ever-present and unlimited love, mercy, and saving grace in contrast to what we see in our world.  As always, thank you for your partnership and support to make that happen.  God bless your week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Roland– for the guys not here today, pray they come back next week.
  • Andy– stressed about band issues, things not coming together for upcoming benefit concert – help me to let go and put it in God’s hands.  Also asking God to rekindle passion in me to share the Gospel, following Jesus’ example of seeking and saving the lost.
  • Kenneth– to keep the faith, and stay strong mentally through this journey- been pretty oppressive lately.  God keep me in your good graces, and grant me wisdom and guidance. Also pray for the victims of the plane crash and their families, and for the family and friends of that kid who fell off a light pole and died during Eagles championship celebration.
  • Eugene– for all of us to have a greater hunger and thirst for His Word and His righteousness.  Also pray for our president and new administration, and for them to realize how words have power.
  • Rick– for our country to seek out truth, and for all media outlets to stop being so biased and twisting stories for their purposes and causing further division.


  • Kenny– my brother and best friend both have the flu.  Mom continues to work crazy hours. My uncle is a big Eagles fan so hope they do well.  Pray for my family – they seem to be doing good – for my friends, especially Jimmie and Frances, and for my time to go smooth and fast.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Rick C– for volunteer Jim who had heart surgery this morning- wife said he came through ok, pray for healing and quick recovery, and upcoming knee replacement surgery.
  • John– God return us to our families.
  • Ross– I have a big meeting tomorrow, hope it all goes well.  Pray for everyone in here and their court dates and probation hearings, and everyone’s health.
  • Drake– for guidance, thank you for good virtues and the sense of brotherhood, and for being around some good people.  Pray for conversion of my parents, they are lost – please change their hearts.
  • Brandon– for all in here and what they are going through, for the volunteers who come in each week, for 3 family members fighting cancer- my 2nd Mom (almost clear), my Aunt (stage 4), and my Uncle (pancreatic cancer, doing ok).  Pray for everyone’s family and support system that takes care of us and keeps us going- God watch over them.
  • John– for everyone impacted by plane crashes and the wildfires in California, for all the homeless as it’s real cold out lately, for the little old ladies in Lancaster who pray for us, and for my 8 kids and grandkids to all be walking with the Lord.  Pray for everyone in the prison to renew their mind, and pray for the new president and his administration.
  • Jay– my son was born 3 weeks ago and has a hole in his heart, and my little sister (17) was in a real bad car accident last week.
  • Stefan– for forgiveness, and my 2 sons (8, 11) – I want to be a good father to them.
  • Joel– guidance, my mother, my father, thank you for chance to come here and participate.
  • Kevin– for protection and strength, especially against Satan’s power.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to hear and respond to the Gospel message- he’s in grief counseling over suicide of 18 year old son, blaming himself, now marriage is on the rocks – pray for the right opportunity to witness and that Jesus would heal and remove his burden.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • José– my kids (3 boys).
  • Kyle– my daughter (Cassidy), my Mom, and my Step-dad.
  • Pasqual– my family, my kids, court date on the 10th.
  • Philpa– my entire family and all of us.
  • Jeremiah– my sister’s recovery from cancer and surgeries, for my strength- feeling defeated. And thanks for all the volunteers coming in out of the kindness of their hearts.
  • Donnie– my Aunt Janice has stage 4 cancer, praying for a miracle.  Also pray for my family, daughter, grandkids, and my church that’s really taking care of all of us.
  • Alan– for my daughters, and my family to be stronger. My brother-in-law (Ryan) had 3 strokes.  For Bernadette, Andrew, and George – my friend was shot in home invasion and now paralyzed, her son was shot and killed- cops looking for guns had wrong address.  Also pray for our country and this world- things are scary.
  • Andy D– for the victims and families of both recent plane crashes.
  • Matt R– our friend Martin who is out now says he is praying for all the inmates and volunteers. Pray for Guy who is also out but no longer wants to be contacted, pray for him to not isolate himself.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • That more would come to our 1st ever Prison Ministry Benefit Breakfast on March 1 (details on website, link below). Only 19 reservations so far.
  • For Chaplains Rhonda, Heinrich, Jack, and their families.
  • All the ministry volunteers serving inside and outside the prison.
  • Prison leadership, staff members, and their families.
  • Resolution to staff shortages and retention issues/ increased opportunities for volunteers inside the prison.
  • All the incarcerated women and men, and their families.
  • Aftercare ministries and support organizations ministering to men and women released from prison.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 1/27/25

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Ever wonder if you’re really following God’s leading when it doesn’t seem to make sense? Then it all comes together when He lets you see why? That happened to me (again) last Thursday, as it was my turn to preach. At least a week ahead of time, I start praying for inspiration on what to preach.  Days went by, and nothing came to mind. Monday night rolled around, and both prison services had the same message from different volunteers – the armor of God in Ephesians 6.  A familiar lesson, and it’s preached often in prison.


The idea stuck with me. I looked up the last time I preached it – April 2024, not that long ago.  God, are you sure? Aren’t we over-doing it a bit? I scanned my notes and felt uninspired to just “dust off” that message and give it again, so I started from scratch.  The Lord showed me a few things I never saw before – like direct links to Jesus in each piece of armor.  Thursday came, and I felt we should begin chapel time with prayer requests. The first man described how his faith was drifting, he lost his bearings, and was losing control of his behavior because of his situation. I looked at another volunteer who knew my topic and we just smiled.  This man desperately needed the armor of God in his situation.


I love it when God shows us why He led us somewhere.  He doesn’t need to – He owes us nothing – but I think He likes to inspire and fill us with enthusiasm over what He’s doing and how He lets us be a part of it.  And we are all so grateful for all of you being a part of what we’re doing in this prison ministry.  It takes many parts to keep moving forward, and your support through prayer and other means is vital – Thank You!  May God bless you in a special and powerful way this week.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Larry– I’m drifting from God, losing my bearings, and starting to lose control of my behavior.  I’m supposed to be out on bail, but it feels like everyone is messing with me.  It’s really discouraging and I pray I’ll be getting out soon.
  • Kenneth– my girl is going through trials in her move to Virginia – she’s really discouraged that her plans keep changing.  I pray she can keep focus and not be discouraged.  Also want to pray for Charlie who missed church last two times – pray he comes back and for the situation with his Mom having a stroke and not doing well – pray for her healing.  Also pray for the volunteers and their families.
  • Roland– praying for inspiration on my message to preach next week, since I thought it was going to be the armor of God.  Lord, lead me to the right scriptures.
  • José– for my wife (Yolanda), she has diabetes.
  • Kenneth– prison system not helpful – oppressive – seems to be going in wrong direction with good officers leaving under new administration – I pray for attitudes of helpfulness.


  • Kenny– my brother is back safe from Mexico – he had a blast. Mom is working crazy hours (3am-2pm), Dad is working a lot, sister just seems to work and sleep.  Pray for my back pain- sciatica on right side, they give me Motrin and anti-depressants. Pray that my time continues to go smooth and fast, for my family, and my friends especially Frances and Jimmie.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– pray God would return us to our families soon.
  • Demonte– court date on Feb 3
  • Drake– grateful to be back in church, it’s been a while (was moved to other block). Pray for guidance when I’m out, and a solid home plan, and thankful for my outside support system.
  • John#2– thanks for answered prayer with cease fire and hostages being released.  Pray for family, kids, grandkids, and victims of California wildfires.
  • Michael– my Aunt Louis has terminal cancer- pray I can be released to see her and take care of things, this is really tough on my Mom.
  • Nicholas– my granddaughter was born the other day – praise God.
  • Kevin– for God to keep everyone and give us peace.
  • Jose G– for the salvation of all the souls in Chester County Prison.
  • Jim M– for the inmate (Daniel) who couldn’t sleep last week. [Daniel replied that he did actually get some sleep after church last week]
  • Dan T– my brother-in-law in facility in Florida to deal with grief- blames self for son’s suicide- pray he would seek the Lord and God would release his burden.
  • Stefan– Ancestors watch over me and get me home safe. [For accuracy, that was the request, however I prayed for God to watch over him]
  • Rick C– safe travels for volunteer Jose and wife headed to Colorado for 3 weeks to spend time with new grandchild (first one). 


Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Buck– for judge to have favorable opinion of me in court tomorrow at 1:30pm
  • Jeremiah– thanks to volunteers coming out and taking care of us.  For my sister Tamica with stage 4 ovarian cancer and going through surgeries.  For my District Attorney to have a softened heart and bring my case to conclusion in my favor – it’s been 4 years of waiting.
  • Eddie– guidance and wisdom for myself and so I can help others
  • Logan– for the Lord to provide for my wife and kids.  And for my brother to come to the Lord.
  • Rick C– for volunteer Jim who was supposed to have knee replacement surgery this week but got postponed as they look into heart issues uncovered with stress test. Going in for catheterization on Wednesday.
  • Andy D– my friend Rich had  a high PSA test- peace for him and family, and good outcomes on follow up tests.
  • Donnie– I give thanks for my church taking care of my family, and for my heart issues – things still up in the air – not sure what’s going on.
  • Matt R– for my mental stability during this journey of sobriety, been having bad dreams lately about drinking – God please rid me of these thoughts.
  • Rick C– for volunteer Andy who recently had hernia surgery and is in pain from lifting something heavy yesterday.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • For good turnout and plenty of support for our 1st ever Prison Ministry Benefit Breakfast on March 1 (details on website, link below).
  • Chaplains Jack, Rhonda, Heinrich, and their families.
  • All the prison ministry volunteers serving inside and outside the prison
  • Increased opportunities for volunteers inside the prison.
  • Prison leadership, staff members, and their families.
  • Resolution to staff shortages and retention issues.
  • All the female inmates and their families.
  • All the male inmates and their families.
  • Aftercare ministries and support organizations ministering to men and women released from prison.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 1/27/25