Hello, Right Hand, Let Me Introduce You to the Left – Chaplain Peter

Paul had declared that: “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body-whether Jews or Greek, slaves [prisoners] or free –and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.” [1 Cor. 12:12, 13] As one body in Christ are you aware of what all of the limbs and parts are doing? Onesimus ministries has been an intrigal part of the “Body” for many years, yet I sense many of you and your congregations do not realize how much so. Daily as a Chaplain in Chester County Prison I am an extension of the body of Christ, a hand so to speak reaching the lives of the prisoners within. When the prisoners make a profession of faith and are “Saved” by Jesus they are no longer who they were, but have become new creatures in Christ. [2 Cor. 5:17]

I offer to you two opportunities to become more aware of the work of the Onesimus Chaplains in Chester County Prison. One would be to invite me to your “Body” the church to share during a service our ministry, purpose and victories. I am a living testimony of the change that occurred while incarcerated. I would love to share the victory of the past 30 years of following the call of Jesus, 24 of which have been as a Chaplain. The second would be to attend our annual celebration banquet, April 10th at Mt. Vernon Church and hear the testimony of Ronald James [see the biography], and others whom had been touched by the mighty hand of Jesus through our ministry. Many men and women that have been ministered too through our Chaplains have now taken their rightful place in the Body of Christ and in our communities. Come and be introduced to the many right and left hands as well as the feet, ears, eyes, elbows etc.

Please contact Onesimus Ministries, Pastor Vernon Myers (610-932-4429) or myself (610-857-3980), proomet@chesco.org to arrange a time that I may share the vision and work being accomplished at your county prison.

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