Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 1/20/25

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“There are no coincidences”, said the inmate seated next to me. The volunteer preaching in 2nd service just commented how he and the 1st service preacher spoke on the way in, and both had selected the same topic tonight. I fully agree – everything happens for a reason, although our secular world would often rather believe in random chance and “fate”.


In these situations, I find myself recalling Romans 8:28, “And we know God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” We must be careful to state the entire verse if we quote it.  Too often I hear people say “God works all things for good”, which could lead hearers to think that if things aren’t good, then God’s not sovereign and in control. Or promoting an overly-inclusive sentiment that God works things equally for all people, when the Bible clearly states this promise is for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.


That can open up a bigger conversation about all promises in the Bible, and how they are meant for believers, while the ultimate end for unbelievers described in God’s Word does apply to all mankind. If the conversation heads that way, my next question normally is to ask if they want to be part of all God’s wonderful promises, in particular to be with God in paradise forever once this life is over. It’s amazing how an innocent comment about coincidence can quickly lead to a decision for Christ. I believe God wants us to be ready, because you never know when an opportunity may come. 1 Peter 3.15 reminds us to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, and to do this with gentleness and respect”.


Prison ministry volunteers remain sensitive to those opportunities, and we appreciate your prayers, as do all the inmates when we remind them each week of how we send their requests out to you, and they are prayed for all week long.  Thanks for your part and how it helps us do our part.  Keep the power flowing, and have a blessed week (and keep warm!).


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):

  • Volunteer Eugene’s granddaughter not feeling well.
  • Fire victims in California.
  • Our families.
  • Everyone’s spirit back on the block.


  • Kenny– still reading through various books of the Bible and getting a lot out of it.  My brother comes home this weekend from a week in Mexico – he’s having the time of his life I hear. Pray that my time continues to go smooth and fast, that I can learn new skills in my maintenance job in here that I can use for a job when I’m out. For my family, and my friends especially Frances and Jimmie.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– pray God would return us to our families.
  • Daniel– for healing of my insomnia, it’s driving me crazy – I can’t sleep more than 1 hour each night, I’m having hallucinations and don’t know how to handle it anymore.  This has been going on for 30 years but never this bad before. Need some peace.
  • Jose G– our first grandchild was recently born. Also for our new president and new administration, and for our nation.
  • Nicholas– for us and our families to stay strong and get through this.
  • Kevin– that God would take our problems and concerns out of our hands, since they are out of our control anyway.
  • Jim M– I’m having knee surgery a week from Wednesday.
  • Michael– my Aunt Lois has terminal cancer, pray for family support and that I could be there to support her.
  • Mackey– keep our faith and for patience.
  • Dan T– my brother-in-law in grief support facility working through his son’s suicide that he blames himself for, asking for him to let the Lord remove his burden.
  • Phil T– my coworker (Kennedy) broke up from a long-term relationship, help me find an opening to share the Gospel with him.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Jeremiah– thanks to volunteers coming in through snowy cold weather, for my family, and a successful outcome of my case.
  • Nelson– for a hedge of protection on my family. For health, prosperity, and wisdom for all of us.  For my elderly Mom who’s getting older- want to lift her us, and for my sister.
  • Donnie– my girlfriend Kelly’s mom passed away- prayers for her family.  For my daughter and granddaughters, and for my heart issues – I feel fine now but something’s still wrong.
  • Mark– for my family and how much pain I’ve put them through.
  • Rick C– healing for my friend Vince from church- developed congestive heart failure while waiting for heart valve replacement surgery – slowly recovering from both.
  • Brian– my kids and family, and for my sister who’s going through some serious stuff with her kids- pray for them to be on a better path.
  • Andy D– for everyone who is struggling to know they are not beyond God’s forgiveness.



Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries

  • For all to go well with our 1st ever Prison Ministry Benefit Breakfast on March 1 (details on website, link below).
  • Strength, health, and wellbeing of our Chaplains in Chester County Prison-  Jack, Rhonda, Heinrich, and their families.
  • Blessings upon all the ministry volunteers serving inside and outside the prison, and prayers for increased opportunities to come about soon.
  • God’s rich blessings upon the prison leadership, all staff members, and their families.  Prayers for resolution to staff shortages and other issues that get in the way of routine operations and normal shifts.
  • For all the incarcerated women and men at the prison- waiting for trial, waiting for sentencing, waiting for transfer to state prison, or serving their time- may the Spirit of God soften hearts, inhabit their prayers, and draw more people unto Himself.  Also for all their families and support systems.
  • God’s provision and blessing upon the various Aftercare ministries and support organizations ministering to men and women released from prison- may they have all they need to help each client continue their faith journey and build a new life.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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