Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“Some things in life are worth waiting for” seemed to be the theme last night, as the volunteer crew waited outside the prison for quite a while before someone was sent to let us in. We apologized to the men for the service starting late, although those compressed services can sometimes be the most meaningful. The team gets so concerned with timing, but always leaves plenty of time for the message – sort of a Martha and Mary thing.
Once we did get into the prison and get settled in the chapel, the prayer time was just as full of requests as other weeks, and we came humbly before our great God with the 2nd half of Psalm 86 to guide our hearts and minds:
Teach me your ways, O Lord,
that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
that I may honor you.
With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God.
I will give glory to your name forever,
for your love for me is very great.
You have rescued me from the depths of death!
O God, insolent people rise up against me;
violent people are trying to kill me.
And you mean nothing to them.
But you, O Lord,
are a merciful and gracious God,
slow to get angry,
full of unfailing love and truth.
Look down and have mercy on me.
Give strength to your servant;
yes, save me, for I am your servant.
Send me a sign of your favor.
Then those who hate me will be put to shame,
for you, O Lord, help and comfort me. (Psalm 86:11-17)
Andy D delivered a double-header (preached in both services) centered on John 14:6 where in response to Thomas’ question, Jesus proclaims himself to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Andy set up the context of the last supper and how Jesus’ disciples were slowly coming to understand how Christ was not the political/military leader they were hoping would overthrow the Roman government at that time. As we walked through John 14:1-6, Andy expanded on what it meant for Jesus to be the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.
Jesus is the only Way to the Father, and our ‘eternal GPS’ to guide believers to heaven because we get lost and can’t get there on our own. Jesus is the Truth which is absolute and shows us the way things really are – we all fall short of God’s glory, but He has made a way for us if we accept the truth of who He is, why He came, and what He’s done for us because of love. Jesus is the Life we get to enjoy eternally with God, given to us as a gift because of the high price He paid for us on the cross, becoming sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
May we all find encouragement, peace, and hope in how Jesus lays claim to each of us in His unending love. I know the men are encouraged each week as they are told that many people pray for them and their prayer requests. Thank you for your expression of love to ‘the least of these’ through your faithful prayers for them, their families, and the list of things below that they care about. Be blessed in Jesus’ name!
Grace and Peace,
Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):
- Jih– my cellmate Kevin prays for how he can be of service to the Lord, and I pray that all the volunteers would be blessed.
- Dan– my Dad (67) is dealing with inoperable esophageal cancer, the latest cancer attacking him (he’s been through several types of cancer already). This might be it for him, pray for healing and for peace. Also my cellmate’s dad is suffering from dementia so I want to lift up his Dad and Mom who is taking care of him.
- Joe– for all the young men like myself in prison- we have lost all wisdom and really need wisdom- pray we would have wisdom to guide us.
- Alonzo– help us stay humble, and to keep our minds on things above.
- Joseph– pray for me and all of us in here, and especially for those who don’t know Jesus. Also want to pray for the CO’s (Corrections Officers) that God would touch their hearts.
- Angel– for world peace, my Mom, my grandparents, thanks for the volunteers, and lift up everyone in this prison.
- John– for all those who pray for us, for the volunteers, and so thankful for weekly services where we can come to gather and worship our great God. Also for my family to be uplifted, and for my eyes – that God would make a way for me to get the eye surgery I need.
- Nathan– for my upcoming court date, and all of the upcoming court dates, and forgiveness.
- Al– keep my family safe, and pray the world will still be there when I get out in a year and a half.
- Joe– that I’m not drafted into the next wars that will rage in this country like World War 3. And for my family as my niece died 6 months ago.
- Brent– for my friends, my family, the volunteers, and my court date tomorrow.
Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)
- Martin– my family, for God to keep His hands on my situation, and my successful recovery.
- Logan– my family, and I have a new plea agreement coming and hope it’s acceptable. Also my friend Tito back on the block wants prayers.
- Jeremiah– it’s my son’s birthday today.
- Sam– for all the sick and suffering. And a special prayer for Pastor Jack Crans.
- Andy D– for my sister Donna who is battling cancer and struggling with her chemotherapy. Also for some family issues going on.
- Tyreek– for all of us in jail, and for God’s guidance.
- Andy L– my neighborhood has many troubles. A lady that needs a kidney is getting stronger so she may actually qualify to get a kidney, there’s a single Mom who’s deadbeat husband keeps making life difficult for her and the kids, and there are other broken families. We ask God to use Andy and Dot as a beacon of His shining light in that community.
- Dan T– doctor appointment tomorrow for something significant, grant me peace to follow God’s plan for whatever way it goes.
- Rick– for our brother Craig who is wiped out after working so much and didn’t make it to services tonight, that he would have respite for his body and soul.
Prayers from Onesimus Ministries
- We want to continually lift up our front-line servants ministering daily to inmates, staff, and families at Chester County Prison – our wonderful chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich. Lord grant them all they need to do exactly what it is that you would have them do each day in your mercy and love. Bless them to be a blessing to so many others.
- Lord we ask for your healing mercy to be poured out upon all those dealing will illness and infirmity within the prison. Give your strength to those with addictions to overcome, and in your mercy and love grant peace to every soul that seeks after you. We also want to lift up Pastor Jack Crans for healing from his cancer.
- Father we ask for compassion and peace among the prison population and within each interaction between staff and inmates.
- We continue to lift up the aftercare ministries in our county – may God bless them with the people and resources needed to minister effectively in His name to recently released men and women. May each client walk in your life-giving light and draw closer to you with each day that goes by. May the staff and volunteers enjoy your refreshment in their soul knowing they are doing what you called them to do. We ask these ministries to continue strongly as long as you would have them operate.
If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at
These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –
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