My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This past weekend, Grace Covenant Church hosted a marriage seminar called “Created for Connection”. As a volunteer running the AV systems, I was blessed to hear the presentations and workshops offered throughout the day. Afterward, I thought how most men (like me) are not very comfortable or experienced in the domain of relationships. Many of us can be shy or just prefer to keep to ourselves. But didn’t Jesus give us instructions that might require us to step out of our comfort zone?
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)
We serve a relational God – He wants to hear from us and bless us, and He wants us to relate to and bless one another. We hear that from several disciples…
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:8-10)
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. (Ephesians 4:2-3)
So the question becomes – how best can we love and serve others with that which God has blessed us?
Our wonderful Chaplains inside Chester County Prison demonstrate this relational love every day with inmates, prison staff, and their families. As they relate to these people, serving needs from dietary requests to serving family death notices to counseling for just about any life situation, they allow the love of God to shine into each interaction.
We are blessed to have them ministering within the prison walls, and blessed that so many of you support this ministry with your prayers and contributions. May our Father in heaven bless you in a special way this week.
Grace and Peace,
Prayer Requests from Chaplain Heinrich:
- E.R.: “The Life Recovery Bible has opened up my Heart & Soul to the Lord. I am no longer lost. It helps me to understand the Word in many miraculous ways. Please keep me in your prayers as I start on my new beginning. May God bless u4ever”
- M.T. (57): On his way to a State Correctional Institution (SCI) for 20-40 years. He found Jesus at CCP. Pray that he will be a disciple-maker. Pray for the family of his victim.
- J.F.: “It’s hard for me to follow the Bible”. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give him super-natural insight and understanding of God’s Word.
- N.R.: “I need to talk about my problems and I need help with a bus ticket to Niagara Falls. Please help me. I don’t have no one to help me…please”
Prayers from Onesimus Ministries:
- Oh Lord, would you please make a way for volunteers to once again fulfill their calling to minister in person to inmates within the prison walls of Chester County Prison.
- May God also make a way for inmate gatherings to share, study, and worship.
- Heavenly Father, please inspire prison leadership to allow religious programming for the benefit of those who really need a personal touch from our great God, and thank you for the favor our Chaplains have enjoyed for years.
- May the population of the prison enjoy a time of peace and spiritual prosperity. May the inmates also be blessed with physical, mental, and relational health.
- May those suffering from illness, disease, or mental deficiencies enjoy healing and wholeness from the Great Physician that is our gracious God.
- May the prison aftercare programs throughout Chester County enjoy a time of ample volunteers and support through great partnerships with churches and other faith-based organizations. May the women and men in those programs make real strides in their faith journey and their re-integration into society as responsible citizens.
Want to know more about being a mentor, and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison? Drop us a note at