Keith Brooks, who served as chaplain at CCP before Peter, has a passion for aftercare—involving churches in welcoming and folding into fellowship with mutual encouragement and accountability inmates who have served their time and are ready to be released back to our communities.
Men and women who make a profession of faith and are growing in their desire to have a new start in life with Christ need a faith community which will encourage and support the life change these new believers are wanting to make.
Keith sees as an absolute necessity the preparation of these men and women through one-on-one counseling before they leave CCP. It is essential they become a part of a welcoming community to continue the one-on-one fellowship and discipleship when they are at home in our communities.
Make the urgent need for aftercare follow-up a matter of your prayers. Pray for churches to see the need to “disciple those the Lord brings to them.” Pray also for men and women who will see the calling to be participants in one-on-one teaching and training of these new believers so that we can grow these people strong in their faith.
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