Greetings to all of the Partners of Onesimus Ministries.
It is with a joyful, yet sad, heart I send you my last message as the Pastoral Chaplain of Chester County Prison. Twenty-seven years have passed since I first walked through the doors of Chester County Prison as a chaplain. It has been 32 years since I first walked through the doors of Chester County Prison as an inmate. Doesn’t God have an interesting way of “working all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose?” (Romans 8:28). This is a verse that I have learned to live by to help me understand “the now” of God’s plan.
The plan now is that my wife Theresa and I are to move to southern Delaware and realize what the next step of life for us is to be. One cannot turn left until one reaches the left turn. It is time (27 years) for me to move along in life and ministry. I do not know what the future holds but I know who has a hold of it. (“Not I but Christ in me…” Gal. 2:20). I am more than willing to continue in whatever ministry Jesus would have me be a part of, preferably on a part-time volunteer basis. As a volunteer I will be able to have more time to share life and explore with Theresa and thereby enjoying growing older together.
As for volunteer work; Sussex County State Prison is not far away and a mission is around the corner. Opportunity will be close by in many directions, [“Here I am, send me…”
Isaiah 6:8] and I am excited to face the next challenges of ministry that the Lord may call
me toward.
I know the responsibility of being the Pastoral Chaplain of Chester County will be in good hands as I leave. Doug Burnette passed the mantle to Keith Brooks; Keith passed it on to me and now I pass it along to Heinrich Botes. I believe Heinrich is the one called to serve the inmates and staff of CCP for a time; “….for there is a time for every purpose under Heaven.” (Ecc. 3:1). I invite you all to attend our annual Onesimus Celebration Banquet on Friday April 6th at Mount Vernon Church and meet Heinrich personally. We can have a wonderful time of sharing what the last 27 years have been and pray for the many years to come. Thank you for your love and prayers for so many years!