Thanks to everyone that participated in our first annual Benefit Breakfast at Waterway Church on Mar 1, 2025 – it was a wonderful affair!
Congratulations to all the silent auction winners:
- Phillies “Take me out to the ball game” basket – Donna Mottes
- Home Handyman Starter kit – Eva Bair
- Family fun in a Nerf world basket – Bev Rogevich
- Eagles fan goodies basket – Roy Caudill
- Southern Chester County Dining basket – Dennis Mason
- Gourmet Coffee experience – Vernon Myers
- Secret Chef kitchen essentials basket – Evelyn Alexander
- All around Oxford community experience – Nancy Duncan
- Stay Calm and Relax basket – Alyssa King
Our Mission:
Onesimus Ministries exists for the purpose of introducing prison inmates, ex-inmates, and their families to the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ, as well as spiritually supporting and assisting anyone in becoming faithful in their daily walk as Christ’s disciples.
Why Are Onesimus Chaplains Needed in Chester County Prison?
“The truth about ministry is that it rarely occurs with power without the actual presence of the laborer”.
You may have heard the term, “It takes a village to raise a child”, well it takes a team of Chaplains to minister to a prison. Chester County prison has contracted to County Corrections Gospel Mission (CCGM) to supply Chaplains and ministries to care for the religious needs of the inmates. Onesimus Ministries is blessed to supply Pastoral Chaplains to Chester County Prison.
Jack Crans is the Administrative Chaplain and is responsible for coordinating religious programs, services, and volunteers at CCP as well as his many other branches of CCGM.
Chaplain Heinrich Botes of Onesimus Ministries is the Pastoral Chaplain ministering to the many personal, religious and transitional needs of male inmates every day.
Chaplain Rhonda Soland of Onesimus Ministries is the Pastoral Chaplain ministering to the many personal, religious and transitional needs of female inmates.
There are many volunteers helping with the many ministerial needs of the prison, but that is only an hour at a time. The reason Chaplain Heinrich is able to be in CCP full time every day and Rhonda part time is because of the support of churches, individuals, and partners in ministry contributing to Onesimus Ministries.