A little over a month into the New Year and it’s time to consider our Ministry goal for 2025. Nothing much changes when it comes to reaching the lost with the Gospel, so the goal for the Ministry hasn’t really changed.
Teaching that following Jesus is not about a religion, but a relationship is our top priority. Even Believers who have been following Jesus for years can get caught up in religiosity or legalism. We can still question what do I need to add to Jesus and His finished work on the Cross for my Salvation or how do I remain in good standing with God when I mess up? We have to be reminded that we can bring and do nothing. There are multiple Scriptures that remind us of this fact and certainly Scriptures that remind us apart from Jesus we are lost and dead in our sins. This is what these guys need to hear – always!
It’s important that we remember our audience. Some have a basic knowledge of Jesus; some are well-churched and there are those with little to no knowledge of Christ who are searching. Our focus needs to be on the weakest as all will benefit from those messages. We teach from the Bible God’s Word, starting with the Cross – always with the Cross – and then, as appropriate, other Scriptures to encourage them in their daily walk.
My focus is to continue on this path – always! Since the prison reopened in 2023, I have held 2 trainings a year with the guys on 2nd service team. These are times of fellowship and comparing notes. What’s working, what’s not working, always looking to sharpen our skills. I also have the occasional coffee meetings, one-to-ones with the guys to talk about the ministry, message prep, etc. These have proven most fruitful! The relationships that have developed over the last couple of years are wonderful! These guys are my brothers and my friends!
So, all that to say there really is only one goal: to continue to preach the Gospel, keeping the message simple to reach the lost and growing closer to God and each other through the process. Praise be to our glorious King and Savior – the Lord Jesus Christ!