It is now widely acknowledged that persecution and restrictions, contrary to human reasoning and expectations, enabled the ‘under-ground” church in oppressed nations to flourish. The Holy Spirit entered homes and hearts in an unprecedented manner to produce fruit…”fruit that will last”…to quote Jesus in John 15:16.
I believe God may be doing something similar at Chester County Prison despite the COVID-related restrictions that changed prison ministry as we knew it. Below are but a few extracts taken from Inmate Request Forms sent to me since March 2020. I quote them verbatim while giving all the honor and glory to God.
“I got shot in the face in December….still have the bullet in my head. ‘God’s trying to tell me something’ is what I told myself but didn’t search for Him. This is the first time and with your help I’m finding Him more every day. In the Lord, Jesus Christ.”
“Thank you for everything…you have opened something up inside of me that was never there before”.
“Thank you for serving God – without people such as yourself being so willing to dedicate your time to our searches for God within these walls, our personal efforts may otherwise be lost or reach a plateau much too soon.”
“I would like to learn how to read the Bible and find something greater than myself. I’m 43 and have been walking through life blind.”
“The correspondence you sent me made such a significant impact on the growing of my faith as well as bringing me to magnificent joy and peace that means so much in adverse times as this for me.”
“I love The Life Recovery Bible that you sent down (to Maximum Security). It now is my favorite version.”
“I received ‘William Carey, Father of Modern Missions’ from you. I devoured it in about 8 hours.”
“I want any type of inspirational books that I can borrow to hopefully help me understand and accept a relationship with Christ Jesus. In my heart I want it so bad, but my mind is in the way”
After reading this would you agree with me that God does prison ministry better than us? Please pray for us and thank you for your support to keep us here.