My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The big news for the ministry is our 1st Annual Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill has sold out! God continues to bless this ministry in so many ways, as he opens the hearts of His people to donate generously in ticket sales, event sponsorships, and donations of some really cool auction items. Friday’s dinner will be a wonderful time of fellowship and celebration of all He is doing in our midst. If you missed out on this event, not to worry – the Feb 22nd Benefit Breakfast in Oxford and the May 16th Benefit Concert in Exton will be here before you know it.
For all of you who support us in so many ways, we echo the same sentiment Paul wrote at the beginning of several books of the New Testament. To quote from Colossians, “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people” (Col 1:3-4).
May your day and week be filled with many blessings from above.
Grace and Peace,
Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):
- Eric– I’m very anxious about going up state – they don’t tell me where I’m going. Pray God would surround me with good people – other Christians – and protect me. Pray for all the guys in here and for the volunteers. Pray for my grandmom (very sick), my kids, and my whole family. God help me keep humble in state prison.
- Kenneth– for my girlfriend (Taja) who is transitioning from here to Virginia, and for her mom (Barbara) with an infection in her hip – healing and quick recovery. Praying for spiritual guidance, patience, understanding, and help my decision making.
- Javier– patience and freedom, my daughter to have strength to move on after death of my wife.
- José– my daughter (6) had her birthday yesterday, hope it was a great time. God take care of her and her Mom, and take care of all of us, and grant me patience.
- Kenny– pray for a couple of guys on kitchen crew trying to drag me down and challenging me to fight just because I’m following rules and trying to make a better life for myself. Praying the maintenance job comes through, particularly the one at the Work Release Center so I can get moved there and have contact visits with my family (vs. phone/glass visits). Please pray for my family, my girlfriend, and my friends. Pray my time here goes fast and smooth, and I can make this whole experience 1 big life lesson on following the Lord and forgiveness.
Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):
- Deshawn– pray for my court date coming up, and I want to thank the Lord for salvation and how He makes time for me – I’m in His service and have so much to be thankful for, like my Christian family. I pray more people would accept Jesus, and may our minds be always on Him. Open our hearts and minds, help us stay focused on the most important things, and keep us encouraged through our hope in Jesus Christ.
- Ross– for everyone in here, and for health and our families. I have 5 months left to max out, and signed an application with Florida hopefully to get back home. Pray for my situation that I brought up to the PA Bar Association in a letter, and for all the upcoming court dates. Pray for all the men and women in this prison, and for those recently released.
- Junior– my court date, to get home, and for my wife and 2 kids (8 and 5).
- Drake– pray that I can apply ‘good time’ towards my sentence, for friends and family, for the volunteers, and for my baptism coming up on Oct 31 – pray my 2 teachers can come in to support me.
- Dan T– for a clear opportunity to witness to my brother-in-law, and that he could overcome whatever obstacle may be in the way of him accepting Christ.
Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)
- Clarence– thank you for the volunteers who bless us each week bringing the Word, pray for the men back on the blocks who couldn’t make it out, for persistence for me, and it’s my last Monday here – I’m headed to another facility for rehab.
- Ryan– my friend Shawn relapsed and got 2 DUI’s so he should be in here soon – pray he comes to church and the Lord gets ahold of his heart.
- Jacob– pray for both my daughters to be safe (Gabriella and Taneil).
- Matt R– my friend (Ethan) -father with dementia and is close to death, many family complications – pray for the family and that the father knows Christ.
- Clarence (different man)- pray that when I’m released I have a humble heart, not get angry, be able to handle situations, and not repeat the mistakes of my past.
- Mike– for volunteer Andy’s healing from surgery, for all the folks cleaning up after the hurricanes and suffering losses, and for Tony who was moved to the work release center – having a rough time since they found the body of his missing child, and turns out his son’s cousins and friends OD’d him and beat him then dumped the body.
- Andy D– for my sister’s husband’s son (Bobby) who is an addict and in a facility since he attempted suicide in front of his father while telling him “it’s all your fault”. My sister and her husband not getting along, and she doesn’t know Christ and makes excuses for not wanting to hear more. Pray for this whole messy situation.
Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries
- Praise that Andy is back to ministering and healing up- pray for full restoration and no pain.
- Praise that our 1st annual Benefit Dinner has sold out, and several people have blessed us with excellent donations for the silent auction.
- Asking God’s continued blessings upon our Chaplains and their families- Jack Crans, Rhonda Soland, and Heinrich Botes.
- Praying for solutions to prison staffing issues (shortage and high turnover) which impact operations and restrict expansion of religious programming at the prison.
- Blessings upon prison staff, female inmates, male inmates, and all of their families.
- Guidance and protection for recently released inmates and those transitioning to state prison.
- Blessings of adequate staff and resources for Aftercare ministries across Chester county to continue ministering effectively to former inmates and everyone who comes to them for help.
If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at
These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –
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