Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 10/30/23

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Let me first welcome several new members to our weekly prison ministry prayer chain who signed up at the banquet.  Let me also offer my thanks to all who attended the Annual Onesimus Ministries Banquet last week.  Turnout was a bit light this year, but the food, fellowship, worship, and speakers were all excellent!  If you were unable to come, you missed out on a very special night – make sure to mark your calendars for next year about this same time!


Last evening was cold and wet, but the Son was shining brightly within the prison chapel I assure you.  The men who came out for the 7:00 and 8:30 worship services expressed how thankful they are for our presence each week, which just increases the joy for those of us going in as the Lord calls us to.  Phil’s message on hitting rock bottom and building upon the firm foundation of Christ was spot-on and the men really resonated with his personal testimony which included time in the very same institution.


This week I encouraged the men with Psalm 32 to kick off the prayer time.


Oh, what joy for those

    whose rebellion is forgiven,

    whose sin is put out of sight!

Yes, what joy for those

    whose record the Lord has cleared of sin,

    whose lives are lived in complete honesty!

When I refused to confess my sin,

    my body wasted away,

    and I groaned all day long.

Day and night your hand of discipline was heavy on me.

    My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat.      Interlude


Finally, I confessed all my sins to you

    and stopped trying to hide my guilt.

I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.”

    And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.      Interlude


Therefore, let all the godly pray to you while there is still time,

    that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment.

For you are my hiding place;

    you protect me from trouble.

    You surround me with songs of victory.      Interlude


The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.

    I will advise you and watch over you.

Do not be like a senseless horse or mule

    that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.”


Many sorrows come to the wicked,

    but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord.

So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him!

    Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure! (Psalm 32:1-11)



As I tell the men most weeks, the Psalms are the ultimate prayer guide and I believe God loves it when we pray scripture back to him and lay hold of His promises.  I encourage all of us to so the same, and in light of recent events, encourage us all to follow Psalm 122 praying for the peace of Jerusalem (and surrounding region). Thank you all for your diligence in prayer for the incarcerated women and men, and the men’s prayer requests voiced below.  May God bless you richly as you claim His promises and pray His Word.


Grace and peace,




Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):


  • Dave– my children, my significant other, and wondering what is happening with my case – I’ve been here almost 8 months and haven’t seen a judge.
  • Ross– big prayer request for a place to live in Florida (where I’m from), and for my cellmate Bernard who can’t be here because of severe back pain, and he found a lump in his side – pray it’s nothing.  Also want to pray for those on the outside.
  • Shaun– pray that I can stay focused and get what I need out of this place, and pray that my fellow inmates can get what they need.  Also pray for my sister and her kids – they are having trouble making ends meet.  Also pray for my children and grandchildren.
  • Mark– pray for everybody in the world, my significant other, family, and my brother is really on my mind (he died a year ago).  I’m trying to understand my destiny, and will be going up state for a while. Also want to pray for my girlfriend to find a place to live (getting evicted), and for some physical healing for my back and hip.  God help us break the cycle of bad decisions and bad behavior that land us here.  And help me to pause when faced with circumstances so I don’t overreact badly.
  • Angel– for each of us, our wives, kids, moms and dads, and for all those struggling with addiction like my friend Stephanie.  It’s hard to contact my family, I pray for better communications and for my fiancé Danelle who just got out of rehab, that she stays safe and sober and works out her situation in the shelter she’s in.  Also pray for probation officers to help me get the help I need, and for peace and the children of the world.
  • Steen– thank you Jesus for being here with us and being my personal Lord and Savior.  Thank you for the volunteers and I pray for our victims and for forgiveness for what I did.
  • Phil T– I attended my 50th High School reunion and tried to share Christ with an old friend but he wasn’t really buying it.  Pray for Charlie.
  • Angel– I’m concerned about a guy the Lord led me to talk with – he wants to hurt himself – I told the officers, but we really need to pray for Dennis.
  • Joel– my family, for each of us, for the people in Mexico affected by the hurricane, for the war in Israel, and for all of us to be ready for when Jesus comes back.



Inmate Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)


  • Martin– for successful recovery, my family, my 97 year old grandmom, and good outcome of my case.
  • Maurice– my Aunt had a stroke. I pray for my little cousins who lost both their Mom and Grandmother within the same year, and Dad is not there.  Also pray for me in general.
  • Clarence– Thankful for the volunteers, pray for the brothers back on the block who aren’t here, and pray for me, my children, my father’s legs keep going out on him, and I have court on the 27th of next month after being here 7 months.  Praying for strength for each day.
  • Jacob– my family and a good outcome with my case.
  • Joseph– for all the inmates to come to the cross, and also all the folks on the outside.  Pray for my family, my friends, and pray for my enemies.
  • Dan– my sister Kathy is pregnant with her first, and it’s twins, and there’s difficulties with the pregnancy.  Pray for her health and the health of those babies, may they all be safe.
  • Daryl– for Israel and peace of Jerusalem. And for our country and our leaders, and the next president to be a lot better.  Pray that we would all depend on God’s word and nothing else.  And for the volunteers to have good health and safe travels home tonight.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries


We’re so thankful and praising God for his provision through the generosity of all ministry supporters – from the banquet offering, and our 15 very generous table sponsors, and all those who faithfully fund this ministry throughout the year.


Continue to pray for protection, wisdom, and daily strength for chaplains Heinrich and Rhonda as they serve each week in the prison ministering to many inmates, staff members, and their families. Also praying for safe return to the US for Rhonda and husband Mike on an overseas trip.


Thanks and prayers for more laborers in the field – God always provides and we are counting on Him.  We have a few new volunteers in the pipeline and pray all goes well processing their applications and background checks. 


Remember to lift up the prison staff who are short-handed and must work many long shifts.  It takes a toll on them and their families – may the Lord strengthen them with endurance and may His peace surround them at work and at home.


Finally, please keep in prayer the aftercare ministries across Chester County that help men and women recently released from prison.  May they have what they need in personnel and resources to bless these former inmates as they rebuild their lives on a firm foundation of Christ.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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