Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 7/3/23

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Independence Day is upon us.  We see red, white, and blue everywhere we look. Picnics are scheduled, barbeques are fired up, flags are flown, all in celebration of our freedom from tyranny when the original 13 North American colonies broke away from England.  The USA became an independent nation, free to choose its own path in laws and government structure.  This freedom came at great cost – many people gave their lives in a revolutionary war that dragged on for years.  Now every American can enjoy freedoms secured through the selfless acts of soldiers across the country.


Christians around the world can celebrate a similar yet more significant story.  Every person on Earth can enjoy freedoms over sin and death that were secured for us at great cost, although it wasn’t by many who gave their lives over many years.  It was one man – Jesus of Nazareth – the Christ – the Son of God – who achieved these freedoms for us by giving His life on a Roman cross about 2000 years ago, then rising from the dead 3 days later as He said He would.


Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.  Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.  So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:34-36)


Now those who choose to believe in Him and accept His gift of righteousness in exchange for our sinfulness have the freedom to choose love, and the freedom to live with God for eternity.  And what God asks in exchange is that we love Him and love one another, and tell everyone how they can be free as well.


In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. (Ephesians 3:12)


You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.  For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:13-14)


Our wonderful chaplains in Chester County Prison consistently share this Good News among the inmates and staff, and all who would listen.  Rhonda and Heinrich freely share what God has given them, as should we all.  Thank you for your support of this ministry, and as we celebrate our nation’s freedom, may we also share with others the freedom available in Christ Jesus.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Chaplain Rhonda

Prayer requests for this week:


A.N. – leaving for rehab this week; dealing with mental health & trauma issues; very much wanting to “get it right” and re-connect with God, but “so scared” she will backslide again. She was very fearful; please pray that she will keep God at the center of her focus and trust Him to deliver her.


M.O. – left for rehab a few days ago; also wanting to reconnect with her Christian faith; very sweet and sincere; pray that she stays the course.


B.H. – back in CCP; requested a Bible and material to help grow her faith; asking for prayer for her son and grandmom.


K.S. – back in CCP after numerous previous incarcerations; asking for “prayer and spiritual guidance”.


T.J. – also back after numerous past incarcerations; serious mental health issues; seeking faith in God; please pray God will step in and change her life.


Also, please pray for the several older women (65 & over) in the prison population. A new one (68), a first-timer, just came in a few days ago. Not sure what’s bringing them in at this age, but pray that they encounter God while here.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

For Chaplain Heinrich and wife Susan to experience blessings of grace, mercy, and safety as they travel throughout Africa.  May they bless so many others on this trip, while achieving their goals along the way.


God’s blessings on Chaplain Rhonda for extra strength and endurance to cover all chaplain duties while Heinrich is abroad.


Thank you, Lord, for progress made towards opening the prison to volunteers once more.  May your peace and motivation of love for us overcome any remaining obstacles so that we might minister in person to those in prison.


We ask your blessings of peace, good health, and prosperity upon all staff, inmates, and families connected with Chester County prison.


We ask for your protection of inmates hearts, minds, and souls, that they would seek You as the answer to what is missing in their lives.


May the Bible Studies and fellowships happening on the cell blocks continue to spread your Good News to all that would hear it.


Please pour out your continued blessings upon the aftercare ministries that take care of the women and men released from prison, as they try and make a new way in life.  May the clients continue to build upon the foundation of Christ, and may the ministries enjoy abundant resources and volunteers to get the job done.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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