Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/02/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Labor Day – the last blast of summer, celebrated with picnics and get-togethers across the country. Several volunteers left our picnics early last night to get together with inmates, who were very appreciative that we were there, knowing we gave up something to be with them. Another small expression of love that we hope in some way mirrors the much greater love Jesus has for us, and He gave up much more than a neighborhood picnic.


Our weekly time began as usual with prayer, using Psalm 37 to focus our minds on the LORD:

Don’t worry about the wicked

    or envy those who do wrong.

For like grass, they soon fade away.

    Like spring flowers, they soon wither.


Trust in the LORD and do good.

    Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

Take delight in the LORD,

    and he will give you your heart’s desires.


Commit everything you do to the LORD.

    Trust him, and he will help you.

He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn,

    and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.


Be still in the presence of the LORD,

    and wait patiently for him to act.

Don’t worry about evil people who prosper

    or fret about their wicked schemes. (Psalm 37:1-7)


Phil’s 1srt service message was all about the power of words, which can be the greatest blessing or tear someone down. As James 3 tells us, the tongue is powerful and can’t be tamed, so be careful. Our words matter, and as Matthew 12 says, we will be judged by our words. Words from a father or mother can have lasting impact on the child, so follow (and share) God’s word which is alive and powerful. We must let the word of Christ dwell within us richly (Col 3.16) knowing that words we share can change a person’s destiny.


In 2nd service, Bill used the miracles of Jesus in Mark 4 and 5 as backdrop to his message that miracles continue even today. Jesus’ display of power to calm the storm frightened His disciples, as He spoke peace over nature, followed by speaking peace over a man possessed with many demons. The world dealt with sickness and possession by keeping it away from everyone, whereas Jesus confronted it to heal the hurting. The people wanted Jesus to go away, valuing a herd of drowned pigs over the rescue of a man from the demonic realm. He calls us to trust in His power to face the evil in our world, putting on the full armor of God, ultimately for the benefit of others.


Example after example in God’s word show us how much He values each of us, so much He sent His son to die for us. We do our best to make that abundantly clear to the men in prison each week, offering them a better way – to follow the God who loves them completely.  Your prayer support of the men and this ministry is vital to that message falling on receptive ears.  Thanks as always for your faithful support in many ways. God bless you.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Kyle– Mom (Connie, 67) had mass found in her lung and it’s cancer, she’s set up for proton therapy, pray for her healing.  Also my Dad (Bobby) was in a car wreck in NC and has severe back pain.


  • Kenny– really tired from working in kitchen, still getting migraines and haven’t seen a PA yet although I’ve submitted many requests.  Pray for “the pause” between getting angry and reacting poorly, where I can make a better choice to react better or not at all.  Pray for family, my friends Frances and Jimmy, especially on passing of Jimmy’s sister – may he have peace in his heart. Pray for my time in here to go fast and smoothly, and for all of us to get out soon  and get a second chance.
  • José– I have 2 weeks left, please pray for what happens once I get out, for my family, daughter, girlfriend, my Dad’s physical and mental health, and thankful for God’s blessings.
  • Keith– pray for Anita, got to call her Tuesday and it was a real good call.  I miss her and love her, and she knows I love her. My dream is to get back together with her when I’m out and we can live sober and help people – She’s still living wild but I’m not giving up on her. I started drug and alcohol class and it’s going well. I’m trying to shore up weak parts of my life and need God’s help.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Volunteer Jose is out sick this evening – pray for his healing and quick recovery.
  • John– that I can return to my family soon.
  • Drake– for final approval of all the details for my baptism in here.  Also for correspondence courses for furthering my education.  Also for some CO’s to stop treating inmates badly.
  • Ross– for upcoming court date for Shane, for all the ladies in this prison, thanks for the volunteers each week, and for anyone from out of state.  Also for anyone getting out to have a good journey.
  • Johnny– to get into a program and get started doing my time at state prison so I can get home sooner. Also thankful for everyone supporting me inside and on the outside.
  • Zack– that I can get into rehab soon.  Also for my Mom (Kären) who is struggling with me in here.
  • Thomas– my family, strength, an d to not be here too long.
  • Josh– thankful that my oldest niece is reunited with her Dad who was released from State Prison and they are re-kindling their relationship.
  • Tony– that we all get something out of our journey here. Also thankful for the guys in here who choose to be kind instead of rude.
  • Rasheem– my kids and their Mom, and all the kids without Dads out there.
  • Miguel– patience and wisdom to get through the days. Pray for the Lord to take care of the CO on my block who is abusing his power.
  • Dan T– for the peace of Jerusalem, and for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever obstacle is preventing him from accepting Christ.  Pray for upcoming divine appointment between he and Dan.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Andy D– pray for the right time to invite my sister to Alpha, pray she says yes, and pray her life is impacting the way mine was when I took Alpha many years ago.
  • Jeremiah– my children, my significant other, and thankful for volunteers.
  • Angel– thankful that my Mom (92) coming to court to help – pray for everything to come together. Pray for my wife, my kids, my grandkids, and for everything to get back into place.
  • Bill– my brother Vince had a ruptured appendix and had surgery. Seems to be doing OK, pray for his healing and recovery.
  • Andy– diagnosed with hernia and have doctor appointment coming up. Pray for healing and that if surgery needed it can wait until after Christmas.  Pray for God’s timing in all this.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • To sell all our tickets to upcoming Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • Continued blessings upon our chaplains at Chester County Prison- Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich.
  • God’s favor and blessing upon the inmates, staff, and their families at the prison.
  • For prison leadership contending with staff shortages and high turnover impacting operations and causing undue stress for supervisors, staff, and volunteers.
  • Wisdom, guidance, and discipline for all recently released men and women to stay in God’s word, continually seek Him through involvement in local churches and with Christian brothers and sisters.
  • Blessings of God’s provision for the resources and volunteers needed to support Aftercare ministries across Chester County.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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