Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/23/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Before heading to prison on Monday nights, I prepare to lead prayer time by reading Psalms, beginning with the passage used the prior week.  I keep reading until something stands out and I sense the passage for that evening.  It’s always encouraging when the selected passage “fits in” with the song selections, the testimonies, and the prepared message (all without prior coordination).


Last night, it made me smile when Matt stood up to lead prayer in the 2nd service, and with no foreknowledge, he had pre-selected the same Psalm that I used in 1st service.  And it fit the themes within the 2nd service as well.  It’s so cool to see God use His word and His servants that way.


So which Psalm was it?


LORD, don’t hold back your tender mercies from me.

    My only hope is in your unfailing love and faithfulness.

For troubles surround me—

    too many to count!

They pile up so high

    I can’t see my way out.

They outnumber the hairs on my head.

    I have lost all my courage.


Please, LORD, rescue me!

    Come quickly, LORD, and help me.

May those who try to destroy me

    be humiliated and put to shame.

May those who take delight in my trouble

    be turned back in disgrace.

Let them be horrified by their shame,

    for they said, “Aha! We’ve got him now!”


But may all who search for you

    be filled with joy and gladness in you.

May those who love your salvation

    repeatedly shout, “The LORD is great!”

As for me, I am poor and needy,

    but the LORD is thinking about me right now.

You are my helper and my savior.

    Do not delay, O my God. (Psalm 40:11-17)


It’s really rewarding to be used by God as part of something bigger than ourselves, along with other like-minded followers of Jesus.  I hope all of you feel the same way.  I know how grateful we are to have every one of you praying with us, and for the volunteers, chaplains, inmates, prison staff, and all the families associated with Chester County Prison.  Never underestimate the power of each and every prayer offered up to our Heavenly Father. God bless your week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Kenny– my leg is better from slip and fall while working in kitchen, just bruised.  Thankful I’m now off on Mondays so I can go to church service. Applying for better job in maintenance, pray for opening. Pray for acceptance of my motion to accept “good time” (reduces sentence 8 days for every month worked).  Need wisdom in applying to work release center vs. working/good time deal. Thankful for visit by Dad and Grandfather on Tuesday, pray for my family, girlfriend, and friends all doing well. Also pray for my time to go smoothly and fast, and that we can all get a second chance.
  • Keith– please pray for my girlfriend Anita to have the strength and wisdom to seek rehab and get cleaned up.  Thankful I got to pray with her on the phone, and I pray it’s God’s will for us to get back together when I get out, and for both of us to clean up and be more than we are now.  Pray for my family and that God keeps working in my life.
  • José[He was released a week ago and was very nervous about being on his own again – pray for his strength and understanding where the LORD is guiding him, and keep him far from trouble].



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– God please return us all to our families.
  • Ross– I want to go back home to Florida, praying that my time would max out and probation get revoked so I can go.  Thankful for all the volunteers, praying for all the girls and guys in here, and all the cases.  Also praying for everyone’s health in here.
  • Drake– that my church group will be able to come to my baptism on Oct 31. Also pray that people will stop screaming through the night.
  • Warren– for togetherness.
  • Zack– for my Mom (Kären), and that parole goes well.
  • Johnny– waiting 40 days to go upstate and start my time there, pray things would hurry up and get onto next phase.  Also pray for mental health in here – so many people in despair that need to be uplifted.
  • PJ– pray the charges against me will be dropped which will solve my problems because I’m not guilty.  My next hearing is Oct 21, the day before my birthday, that would be a great gift – I’m ready to go home. [ I usually pray that the truth would be made known and evident to everyone involved in the case].
  • Joshua– for family and that I can get into rehab soon.  Pray for my son  who misses me dearly. Also want to pray for Warren’s situation, and for forgiveness.
  • Tony– for justice and diligence in here.  Thankful that I’m still alive, not hurt, and that I wake up every day.
  • Phil T– my son Kyle interviewed for a better job today, and is getting married in less than 3 weeks.
  • Jose G– pray for the salvation of Elizabeth who is lost, and for the salvation of every soul in this prison.
  • PJ– for the guys on the block in terrible physical shape – some can barely move.
  • Thomas– my court date on the 14th, and for all of us to be free.
  • Dan T– for the right opportunity to witness to my brother-in-law, and for him to overcome whatever roadblocks are in the way of accepting Christ.
  • Jim M– my son Jacob.
  • Deron– God keep blessing me with all I need



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Chris- for God to help me find my way and direct my path – I would like to open a church and do God’s work, and for forgiveness of my sins- past and present.
  • Mike– thankful for volunteers each week bringing the Word, my children Michael and Everly as they adjust to a new home, new parental figure and new school.  For positive outcome at my pre-trial, and for hostages and families of hostages in Israel and throughout the world.
  • Jeremiah– thankful for all the volunteers, and for my children 
  • Joe– get my life back on track – I used to pray daily and lost my way, need to find my way back.
  • Andy D– my wife who is recovering from recent knee surgery, my upcoming hernia surgery, and to be patient through the healing process.
  • Ryan- for the upcoming message I am giving next week- I’m excited and nervous about teaching since I’ve never done it before.
  • Rick C– for Matt’s wife’s heart to be open to the Lord’s leading.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Successful upcoming surgery on Oct 9 and quick healing for board member Andy.
  • Praying for a sold out event – Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • Our wonderful Prison Chaplains- Jack Crans, Rhonda Soland, and Heinrich Botes.
  • All current male and female inmates, the prison staff, and all their families.  Also lifting up the men and women recently released – that they would each establish a new structured life based on a firm foundation of Jesus Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit, and that God would surround them with faithful brothers and sisters.
  • We lift up staff shortages and high staff turnover to be resolved, and lessened impact on operations, religious programs, and less stress for supervisors, staff, and volunteers.
  • Aftercare ministries across Chester county to be blessed with an abundance of resources and volunteers to do God’s work with former inmates that come their way.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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