There is something I need to tell you…actually two things:
First, God is at work at Chester County Prison among inmates and staff and, secondly, that you, the reader, play an incredibly important role in the outreach to these 1000 incarcerated souls and those who care for them.
God is working not only among the inmates but also among the staff at Chester County Prison.
One mother of a former inmate recently started making regular monthly financial contributions to the chaplaincy; not only because of what the chaplaincy service meant for her son but because of another reason that totally surprised me.
We spoke about how God is drawing inmates to Himself from different religious persuasions and denominations…including Buddhism, Judaism and (equally miraculously) backsliders from a lukewarm “Christianity”!
As I explained to her that there are “secret’ or “stealth” believers among the staff and that God is also working among the staff, she exclaimed “To be quite honest, that’s actually the reason why I started donating to the chaplaincy…I saw the change in the attitude of the staff and how it contrasted from a few years ago when I had to visit my son at CCP”. She continued and said “The last time I drove out of the prison, I said to myself ‘There is something going on in this place, even among the staff…they are so polite and patient’.
What a great testimony and great encouragement to us who work here every day. “Thank you” for praying, “thank you” for giving money but also “thank you” for encouraging the chaplaincy team here at Chester County Prison. We are honored to represent you in this part of God’s vineyard but also want you to know that you are highly regarded and that without you this work may come to a grinding halt. Pray for us as you are reminded.