Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 10/28/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We’d like to thank our great God, and everyone who participated in our 1st annual benefit dinner at Green Street Grill – it was a resounding success!  From the feedback so far, everyone had a wonderful evening.  The food was off the charts, the fellowship was great, the live music added a nice touch of class, and many people had fun bidding on an array of interesting silent auction items. We especially want to thank our gracious host Kerry Greco and his Green Street Grill staff – well done!


It’s so cool when God’s people come together for a good cause, support it so well, and have fun at the same time – a win-win-win situation. We’re also thankful for how we all come together each week in prayer for the benefit of those in prison, those ministering to them, and those overseeing them. God honors and answers our prayers in ways we may never see personally.


I preached through 1 Timothy 2 last night, and this weekly email is a great opportunity to practice the first few verses:

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)


May God bless you in a special way this week.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Kenny– thankful for maintenance job that starts tomorrow – no more crazy early hours getting up at 2:30AM to work in the kitchen. I get to have a more normal routine so I can attend Bible study on the block and go to church on Monday nights.  Please pray for my family, my girlfriend, and my friends.  Pray my time here goes fast and smooth, and for everyone here to find a way to God.


Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God will return us to our families.
  • Ron– to get back up state (prison).
  • Douglas– to go home after my court date on Wednesday, and get back to work to give my kids a good Christmas.
  • Josh– my court date on Friday.
  • Joe– for my good friend Renee
  • Ross– for everyone in here, and their court dates, for our families, and that I can max out my time and get back home to Florida. Praying for an answer to my complaint to PA Bar association about my situation. Also for all the young trick-or-treaters to have a safe holiday.
  • Shawn– that I can get into rehab.
  • Demonte– for everyone’s mental health in here.
  • Drake– my baptism coming up on the 31st.
  • Dan T– for my brother in law to accept Christ.
  • Phil T– for the Alpha program at my church, and the Holy Spirit weekend coming up – that participants would sense the presence of God’s spirit.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Jeremiah– for my sister Tamika to fully recover from her surgery.
  • Donald– for my daughter and 3 grandchildren at home.
  • Candido– for my family, for me, my friends, and everything in between.
  • Adrien– my family and my parents.
  • Pasquale– my wife, my kids, my mother.
  • Jose– for perseverance, forgiveness, and patience.
  • Matt R– mt friend Ethan lost his father 2 days ago – strength for the family



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Praise God for blessing us with a wonderful outcome for our 1st annual Benefit Dinner.
  • God bless our wonderful Chaplains and their families- Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich.
  • Resolution of prison staffing shortage and high turnover which impact religious programs at the prison.
  • That every inmate would act upon the opportunity to invite Christ into his/her heart.
  • May the Lord bless the prison staff, inmates, and all of their families.
  • Guide, direct, and protect all recently released inmates and those transitioning to state prison.
  • Provide for the needs of Aftercare ministries across Chester county, that they would continue to minister effectively to former inmates and everyone who comes to them for help.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Green Street Dinner SOLD OUT

Thanks to everyone who supported the ministry by purchasing tickets. We have lots of fun items for our silent auction, it should be a great evening!

Look for our next event – Benefit Breakfast at Waterway Church in Oxford on Feb 22, 2025 – More to come!

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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 10/21/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The big news for the ministry is our 1st Annual Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill has sold out!  God continues to bless this ministry in so many ways, as he opens the hearts of His people to donate generously in ticket sales, event sponsorships, and donations of some really cool auction items.  Friday’s dinner will be a wonderful time of fellowship and celebration of all He is doing in our midst.  If you missed out on this event, not to worry – the Feb 22nd Benefit Breakfast in Oxford and the May 16th Benefit Concert in Exton  will be here before you know it.


For all of you who support us in so many ways, we echo the same sentiment Paul wrote at the beginning of  several books of the New Testament. To quote from Colossians, “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people” (Col 1:3-4).


May your day and week be filled with many blessings from above.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Eric– I’m very anxious about going up state – they don’t tell me where I’m going. Pray God would surround me with good people – other Christians – and protect me.  Pray for all the guys in here and for the volunteers.  Pray for my grandmom (very sick), my kids, and my whole family. God help me keep humble in state prison.
  • Kenneth– for my girlfriend (Taja) who is transitioning from here to Virginia, and for her mom (Barbara) with an infection in her hip – healing and quick recovery.  Praying for spiritual guidance, patience, understanding, and help my decision making.
  • Javier– patience and freedom, my daughter to have strength to move on after death of my wife.
  • José– my daughter (6) had her birthday yesterday, hope it was a great time.  God take care of her and her Mom, and take care of all of us, and grant me patience.


  • Kenny– pray for a couple of guys on kitchen crew trying to drag me down and challenging me to fight just because I’m following rules and trying to make a better life for myself.  Praying the maintenance job comes through, particularly the one at the Work Release Center so I can get moved there and have contact visits with my family (vs. phone/glass visits).  Please pray for my family, my girlfriend, and my friends.  Pray my time here goes fast and smooth, and I can make this whole experience 1 big life lesson on following the Lord and forgiveness.


Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Deshawn– pray for my court date coming up, and I want to thank the Lord for salvation and how He makes time for me – I’m in His service and have so much to be thankful for, like my Christian family.  I pray more people would accept Jesus, and may our minds be always on Him.  Open our hearts and minds, help us stay focused on the most important things, and keep us encouraged through our hope in Jesus Christ.
  • Ross– for everyone in here, and for health and our families.  I have 5 months left to max out, and signed an application with Florida hopefully to get back home.  Pray for my situation that I brought up to the PA Bar Association in a letter, and for all the upcoming court dates.  Pray for all the men and women in this prison, and for those recently released.
  • Junior– my court date, to get home, and for my wife and 2 kids (8 and 5).
  • Drake– pray that I can apply ‘good time’ towards my sentence, for friends and family, for the volunteers, and for my baptism coming up on Oct 31 – pray my 2 teachers can come in to support me.
  • Dan T– for a clear opportunity to witness to my brother-in-law, and that he could overcome whatever obstacle may be in the way of him accepting Christ.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Clarence– thank you for the volunteers who bless us each week bringing the Word, pray for the men back on the blocks who couldn’t make it out, for persistence for me, and it’s my last Monday here – I’m headed to another facility for rehab.
  • Ryan– my friend Shawn relapsed and got 2 DUI’s so he should be in here soon – pray he comes to church and the Lord gets ahold of his heart.
  • Jacob– pray for both my daughters to be safe (Gabriella and Taneil).
  • Matt R– my friend (Ethan) -father with dementia and is close to death, many family complications – pray for the family and that the father knows Christ.
  • Clarence (different man)- pray that when I’m released I have a humble heart, not get angry, be able to handle situations, and not repeat the mistakes of my past.
  • Mike– for volunteer Andy’s healing from surgery, for all the folks cleaning up after the hurricanes and suffering losses, and for Tony who was moved to the work release center – having a rough time since they found the body of his missing child, and turns out his son’s cousins and friends OD’d him and beat him then dumped the body.
  • Andy D– for my sister’s husband’s son (Bobby) who is an addict and in a facility since he attempted suicide in front of his father while telling him “it’s all your fault”.  My sister and her husband not getting along, and she doesn’t know Christ and makes excuses for not wanting to hear more.  Pray for this whole messy situation.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Praise that Andy is back to ministering and healing up- pray for full restoration and no pain.
  • Praise that our 1st annual Benefit Dinner has sold out, and several people have blessed us with excellent donations for the silent auction.
  • Asking God’s continued blessings upon our Chaplains and their families- Jack Crans, Rhonda Soland, and Heinrich Botes.
  • Praying for solutions to prison staffing issues (shortage and high turnover) which impact operations and restrict expansion of religious programming at the prison.
  • Blessings upon prison staff, female inmates, male inmates, and all of their families.
  • Guidance and protection for recently released inmates and those transitioning to state prison.
  • Blessings of adequate staff and resources for Aftercare ministries across Chester county to continue ministering effectively to former inmates and everyone who comes to them for help.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 10/21/24

Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 10/14/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I appreciate all the congratulations and prayers for my daughter’s wedding this past weekend.  It was an absolutely beautiful weekend – God blessed us with incredible weather for her outdoor ceremony in a beautiful setting along the tree-lined Conestoga River in Lancaster.  Perfect temperatures, gentle breeze, and sun shining through the trees with birds chirping made a wonderful backdrop for a very God-honoring wedding ceremony.  My wife and I had our hearts overflowing with how my Daughter and new Son-in-law invited Christ into the middle of their marriage right from the start.  It was apparent to every person at the ceremony how big a part God plays in the life of my family.


I believe the same holds true for the ministry teams that conduct Monday night services each week – it should be apparent to every person we interact with throughout the evening how God’s love, forgiveness, and our thankfulness for His promise of salvation drive what we do. We pray in thanksgiving for each of you as you support us in this ministry with prayer and other means.  May our Lord bless you richly this week as you join us in lifting up the prayer request below.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Eric– My Mom’s Mom is very sick and close to dying, she may be on hospice. My mom is completely stressed and trying to be strong for me – she kept it from me but my sister told me. I’m trying to be strong for her too.  I’m headed to state prison in 2 weeks- pray for my family and especially my kids to understand, give them strength one day at a time. I want to understand and apply what I hear in church, I am energized by hearing and learning God’s Word and His will for my life.
  • Kenneth– pray for comfort for my family and for Eric’s family too. Asking God to prepare me for what lies ahead – I’m stuck looking at my situation and what I wanted and expected to happen, and focused on what went wrong. God help me see what went right and to stay focused on your will for me.
  • José– forgiveness, my family and my kids.
  • Javier– my wife recently passed away, strength for my daughter to move forward.


  • Kenny– finally was able to get a haircut- feel like a new person. The maintenance job I’m hoping for should be coming any day now, then I can stop with the crazy cafeteria shifts.  Getting along with my Muslim cellmate – we share about our faiths.  My blood pressure meds are working, almost no headaches anymore. Please pray for my family, my girlfriend, and my friends.
  • Keith[released 2 weeks ago] Pray for Keith, his girl Anita with addiction issues, his family, and his weekly request that God would keep working in his life.
  • José[released several weeks ago] Pray he’s engaged in a good church and a Bible study with solid brothers and sisters in the faith.


Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God would return us all to our families soon.
  • Joe– for my uncle (Steven) and my friend – health issues – I don’t know what’s going on with either of them.
  • Drake– my (Catholic) baptism ceremony is in the prison chapel on Oct 31 at 1:15pm.  Also prayer for building/developing community and support systems. Praying for access to more seminary courses.
  • Ron– to get back home to Waymart, where things make sense.
  • Josh– I’m struggling with the question of has God forgiven me?  I need strength.

[Note: several volunteers did ensure him of God’s forgiveness for those who believe]

  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to accept Christ.
  • Rick C– thankful for a wonderful weekend for weddings – Phil’s son Kyle married his fiancé Hannah, and my Daughter Ali married her fiancé Aaron. We pray God will walk each step of the journey these two couples have started with each other.
  • Phil T– for Chaplain Heinrich’s heart tests to come back normal and no additional treatment needed. Also praises for his 2 sons getting their green cards after 11 years of waiting.  Please also pray for the salvation of my son-in-law Chris, and bless our granddaughters under his supervision.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Mike– thankful for volunteers, for my children (Michael and Everly), for Kim who is working on my sentencing request for the Judge, for my upcoming hearing (no date yet). And praying for all the folks impacted by recent natural disasters.
  • Jeremiah– successful surgery for my sister (Tamika), and a quick recovery.
  • Troy– for healing and quick recovery of our brother Andy after his surgery. Also for my neighbor (Lou) that the Holy Spirit would draw him into a saving faith.
  • Tony– for the comfort of my wife and my kids while I’m not there.
  • Matt R– my mother-in-law (Cheryl) got home Sunday after knee replacement surgery – pray for healing, wisdom to take it slow, and a better outcome than last knee replacement that got complicated after she fell and it opened up.  For my Father-in-law (Gerald) to have patience, strength, and endurance as her caregiver.
  • Jose G– for the salvation of everyone in this facility, for families impacted by the recent hurricanes devastating the southern US, and travelling mercies for my wife Ruby and I as we travel to southern India to visit parents.
  • Rob– for the mess over there in Israel, for my children, and for my girlfriend (Wendy).



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Andy’s healing and quick recovery from hernia surgery, and reduced pain in the process.
  • Praying we can sell the remaining 38 seats for Prison Ministry Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • God’s blessing upon our Prison Chaplains- Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich.
  • Quick resolution to prison staffing issues (shortage and high turnover) which impacts routine operations and religious programming at the prison.
  • We pray for all prison staff members and their families, the female inmates and their families, the male inmates and their families, and the youth at the juvenile detention facility and their families.
  • We pray for all the recently released inmates and those transitioning to state prison – may they discover God’s plan for them and experience true spiritual freedom.
  • We lift up the Aftercare ministries across Chester county, that God would bless them with ample staffing and resources to effectively minister to everyone who comes to them seeking help.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 10/07/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Volunteer Phil and I both have children getting married this weekend – his son and my daughter.  We had a few laughs in the service about them not marrying each other (guess you had to be there).  It’s nice to talk about joyful life events with the men in prison to give their minds a break from the daily grind of prison life.  I know they appreciate hearing news from us as well as their own families, as we build relationships and expand the family of God.


They also very much appreciate all of you who pray their prayer requests each week.  We remind them you are part of their silent support system, lifting their requests to God throughout the week. Let me add our thanks for partnering with us for the sake of the men.  God’s blessing on you and yours this week.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Kenny– just waiting for one of the maintenance team to be released for my job opening.  I got a new cellmate – a Muslim guy – we are getting along and he asks me about what I’m reading in the Bible. My bloodwork all looked good, my high blood pressure runs in the family.  Please pray for my family, my girlfriend, and my friends.
  • Keith[No word from Keith since his release last week] Please continue to pray for Keith, his girl Anita with addiction issues, his family, and his weekly request that God would keep working in his life.
  • José[released several weeks ago] pray he found a good church with brothers and sisters in the faith to encourage him and keep him accountable.


Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God would return us all to our families.
  • Joe– my uncle Steven is in the hospital – don’t know why. I’ve lost a number of important people in my life in short order.
  • Drake– for community healing, and thankful for my friends from church being there for me.  Pray I’d be accepted to the Work Release Center, and for my brother Nathan.
  • Ross– everyone in here, all the court dates and probation violations, pray I can max out my time and go home to Florida.  I’m interested in a program in Ohio.
  • Josh– my Foster Mom (Charlene) lost her Dad.
  • Ron– my kids who lost their Mom 3 weeks ago.
  • Thomas– all the guys in here, that I have a good court hearing, and quick return to family.
  • Phil T– for the people of Israel, the hostages taken a year ago already, for antisemitism worldwide to cease.  Also for my son Kyle’s wedding, and for Rick’s Daughter Ali’s wedding – both coming up this weekend.
  • Jim M– that the US would continue to support Israel, and for my son Jacob.
  • Jose– salvation for all the souls in Chester County Prison, and for our nation. Also want to pray for Binila (60) going through brain cancer- surgery just done and now chemo starting.
  • Erwin J– for victims of Hurricane Helene, and folks in the path of Hurricane Milton.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever roadblocks are in the way of accepting Christ.
  • Warren– for better mental health and humanity.
  • Phil T– for sexually abused people.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Clarence– thanks for volunteers coming out every Monday to share the word, and for all the prayer warriors who pray our prayer requests each week.  For the brothers back on the block that don’t make it out to church services, for Jeremiah’s case, for God to continue to work on me, and that I can get into a rehab program soon.  For strength and to stay grounded in the Word, and thankful for volunteer Matt helped me out- bless him for all he does.
  • Rob– for our families and others in our lives who are also “doing time” (because of us), for everyone in here, and all the incarcerated around the world.  For our kids and the younger generation.
  • Mike– thanks for volunteers, for my children (Michael and Everly), for their mother to find Jesus.  For all the Helene victims and those who could be impacted by Hurricane Milton.
  • Andy D– my upcoming surgery on Wed, 10/9, for all to go well and heal quickly.  For my wife who had recent knee surgery to recover, and that we’d have peace about how we will try to take care of each other.  For my Sister (Donna) battling stage 4 cancer, preventing her from attending Alpha and Bridge course – may she find Jesus.
  • Matt– my mother-in-law (Cheryl) is having her other knee replaced – pray it goes better than other knee done last year.  For my Father-in-law (Gerald) who’s been cancer free for 5 years – strength and patience to hold down the fort
  • Rick– my friend Kerry who had to rush his 1 yr old Son (Noah) to the emergency room with trouble breathing.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Andy’s upcoming hernia surgery on Oct 9 and quick healing.
  • Praying for sellout event – Prison Ministry Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • Lord bless our wonderful Prison Chaplains- Jack Crans, Rhonda Soland, and Heinrich Botes.
  • God please resolve the prison staffing situations (shortages and high turnover) which make routine operations and religious programming difficult.
  • Blessings upon inmates and recently released ex-offenders, that they experience spiritual freedom and set their foundation on the solid rock that is Jesus Christ, and that they would be surrounded by brothers and sisters in the faith.
  • For Aftercare ministries across Chester county to be fully staffed with volunteers and shelves full of resources, in order to effectively minister to all the folks God brings to their door.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/30/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Last night we witnessed true dedication to preaching the Gospel in prison. I saw Andy pulling in to the prison parking lot and noticed the front of his car was mangled up pretty bad.  I asked when it happened, and he casually replied, “Oh, about 5 minutes ago”.  A huge male deer met his demise after jumping right in front of his car on the way to prison.  Andy shrugged it off like it was nothing and preached his message as planned to the inmates in first service.  It’s sad to see one of God’s creatures die like that, but even more encouraging to see God’s protection of one of His children on mission for Him.  We gave thanks in both services, and prayed for Andy’s wife to be understanding (it was her car). He did report later last night that he got home safely and she was indeed understanding – answered prayer all around!


Thank you all for joining us on this prayer journey each week, as we lift up all the inmates, staff, and their families at Chester County prison.  The Chaplains and volunteers also appreciate your prayers, as we pray right alongside all of you. Below are the requests verbalized this week. May God bless you and your family richly this week as we lift all these requests to our gracious Heavenly Father.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Kenneth– my trial was a gut punch – so many lies being told, then being found guilty on all charges even though the attorney admitted I was out of state when the crime happened, but said the charges can still apply.  I don’t understand what is happening, and trying my best to see what God is doing. Help me trust Him.


  • Kenny– getting the maintenance job in the prison is looking good – keep praying that I get it. I got a new cellmate and we’re reading the Bible together – we take turns then talk about what it means.  I had blood and urine samples taken (routine) and pray for my labs to be good.  Please pray for my family, my girlfriend, and my friends Frances and Jimmy going through tough time after losing his adult daughter last week and his sister a few weeks ago. Pray that my time goes smoothly and quickly, and the Lord will show me the right way.
  • Keith[When submitting appointment request, I was notified Keith no longer in custody and his status was “general release”.  He was expecting transfer to a Maryland prison in November, so I’m not sure what happened. Guess we just chalk it up to answered prayer!  Please continue to pray for Keith, his girl Anita with addiction issues, his family, and his weekly request that God would keep working in his life.]



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God would return us all to our families.
  • Jim M– for a family friend (John) with stage 4 kidney cancer.
  • Joe– my friend Jeffrey is terminally ill, with less than a year to live.  Also for another friend struggling to stay sober.
  • Ross– for everyone in here – both men and women, all the court dates coming up, everyone’s health in here, and that I can max out my time to go home to Florida.
  • Jose– for all those impacted by Hurricane Helene devastating the Southeast US, and for all the rescue workers.
  • Matthew– for anyone who needs forgiveness.
  • Joshua– for my family, my friends out there, and pray for all the Judges, PO’s, and CO’s.
  • Drake– for my support system.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever roadblocks are in the way of accepting Christ.
  • Miguel– for patience in hard times, and gratitude in good times. And for my kids (3 boys) to remain healthy and strong.
  • Ross– I also want to pray for a program to help out of state inmates in need.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Troy– all those impacted by Hurricane Helene.
  • Chris– to get back together with my Daughter (Stormy) soon.
  • Clarence– thanks for volunteers coming out each week, for the guys back on the block that don’t make it out to church services, our families and children, my court case, to get closure in a hearing Thursday, for Jeremiah, and for volunteer Matt who is out sick.
  • Jeron– to be reunited with my kids, and that their Mom would get her head right.  Also for volunteer Andy in first service who hit the deer tonight.
  • Bard– all the court cases coming up, especially for John.
  • Andrew– my girl is depressed – pray for strength, my court case, and my family and friends.
  • Zack– the Bible says to pray for our enemies, so for my enemies.
  • Jeremiah– strength.
  • Rick C– my daughter (Ali) is getting married in 2 weeks, praying peace for her and her Mom.
  • Andy D– for the girl who cuts my hair with questions about baptism for her teen sons, may she watch the church video I sent her and come to an understanding of what it means to have relationship with Jesus.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Volunteer Andy’s upcoming hernia surgery on Oct 9 and quick healing.
  • For word to get out and all tickets to be sold for the Prison Ministry Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • For our wonderful Prison Chaplains- Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich.
  • For current and prospective staff at Chester County prison, in light of shortages and high turnover which is making normal operations difficult and impacting religious programming.
  • For both current and recently released inmates to experience spiritual freedom and set their foundation on the solid rock that is Jesus Christ, and that they would be surrounded by brothers and sisters in the faith.
  • For all the Aftercare ministries across Chester county- may they have all they need in resources and volunteers to do the work that God calls them to.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/30/24

Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/23/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Before heading to prison on Monday nights, I prepare to lead prayer time by reading Psalms, beginning with the passage used the prior week.  I keep reading until something stands out and I sense the passage for that evening.  It’s always encouraging when the selected passage “fits in” with the song selections, the testimonies, and the prepared message (all without prior coordination).


Last night, it made me smile when Matt stood up to lead prayer in the 2nd service, and with no foreknowledge, he had pre-selected the same Psalm that I used in 1st service.  And it fit the themes within the 2nd service as well.  It’s so cool to see God use His word and His servants that way.


So which Psalm was it?


LORD, don’t hold back your tender mercies from me.

    My only hope is in your unfailing love and faithfulness.

For troubles surround me—

    too many to count!

They pile up so high

    I can’t see my way out.

They outnumber the hairs on my head.

    I have lost all my courage.


Please, LORD, rescue me!

    Come quickly, LORD, and help me.

May those who try to destroy me

    be humiliated and put to shame.

May those who take delight in my trouble

    be turned back in disgrace.

Let them be horrified by their shame,

    for they said, “Aha! We’ve got him now!”


But may all who search for you

    be filled with joy and gladness in you.

May those who love your salvation

    repeatedly shout, “The LORD is great!”

As for me, I am poor and needy,

    but the LORD is thinking about me right now.

You are my helper and my savior.

    Do not delay, O my God. (Psalm 40:11-17)


It’s really rewarding to be used by God as part of something bigger than ourselves, along with other like-minded followers of Jesus.  I hope all of you feel the same way.  I know how grateful we are to have every one of you praying with us, and for the volunteers, chaplains, inmates, prison staff, and all the families associated with Chester County Prison.  Never underestimate the power of each and every prayer offered up to our Heavenly Father. God bless your week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Kenny– my leg is better from slip and fall while working in kitchen, just bruised.  Thankful I’m now off on Mondays so I can go to church service. Applying for better job in maintenance, pray for opening. Pray for acceptance of my motion to accept “good time” (reduces sentence 8 days for every month worked).  Need wisdom in applying to work release center vs. working/good time deal. Thankful for visit by Dad and Grandfather on Tuesday, pray for my family, girlfriend, and friends all doing well. Also pray for my time to go smoothly and fast, and that we can all get a second chance.
  • Keith– please pray for my girlfriend Anita to have the strength and wisdom to seek rehab and get cleaned up.  Thankful I got to pray with her on the phone, and I pray it’s God’s will for us to get back together when I get out, and for both of us to clean up and be more than we are now.  Pray for my family and that God keeps working in my life.
  • José[He was released a week ago and was very nervous about being on his own again – pray for his strength and understanding where the LORD is guiding him, and keep him far from trouble].



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– God please return us all to our families.
  • Ross– I want to go back home to Florida, praying that my time would max out and probation get revoked so I can go.  Thankful for all the volunteers, praying for all the girls and guys in here, and all the cases.  Also praying for everyone’s health in here.
  • Drake– that my church group will be able to come to my baptism on Oct 31. Also pray that people will stop screaming through the night.
  • Warren– for togetherness.
  • Zack– for my Mom (Kären), and that parole goes well.
  • Johnny– waiting 40 days to go upstate and start my time there, pray things would hurry up and get onto next phase.  Also pray for mental health in here – so many people in despair that need to be uplifted.
  • PJ– pray the charges against me will be dropped which will solve my problems because I’m not guilty.  My next hearing is Oct 21, the day before my birthday, that would be a great gift – I’m ready to go home. [ I usually pray that the truth would be made known and evident to everyone involved in the case].
  • Joshua– for family and that I can get into rehab soon.  Pray for my son  who misses me dearly. Also want to pray for Warren’s situation, and for forgiveness.
  • Tony– for justice and diligence in here.  Thankful that I’m still alive, not hurt, and that I wake up every day.
  • Phil T– my son Kyle interviewed for a better job today, and is getting married in less than 3 weeks.
  • Jose G– pray for the salvation of Elizabeth who is lost, and for the salvation of every soul in this prison.
  • PJ– for the guys on the block in terrible physical shape – some can barely move.
  • Thomas– my court date on the 14th, and for all of us to be free.
  • Dan T– for the right opportunity to witness to my brother-in-law, and for him to overcome whatever roadblocks are in the way of accepting Christ.
  • Jim M– my son Jacob.
  • Deron– God keep blessing me with all I need



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Chris- for God to help me find my way and direct my path – I would like to open a church and do God’s work, and for forgiveness of my sins- past and present.
  • Mike– thankful for volunteers each week bringing the Word, my children Michael and Everly as they adjust to a new home, new parental figure and new school.  For positive outcome at my pre-trial, and for hostages and families of hostages in Israel and throughout the world.
  • Jeremiah– thankful for all the volunteers, and for my children 
  • Joe– get my life back on track – I used to pray daily and lost my way, need to find my way back.
  • Andy D– my wife who is recovering from recent knee surgery, my upcoming hernia surgery, and to be patient through the healing process.
  • Ryan- for the upcoming message I am giving next week- I’m excited and nervous about teaching since I’ve never done it before.
  • Rick C– for Matt’s wife’s heart to be open to the Lord’s leading.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Successful upcoming surgery on Oct 9 and quick healing for board member Andy.
  • Praying for a sold out event – Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • Our wonderful Prison Chaplains- Jack Crans, Rhonda Soland, and Heinrich Botes.
  • All current male and female inmates, the prison staff, and all their families.  Also lifting up the men and women recently released – that they would each establish a new structured life based on a firm foundation of Jesus Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit, and that God would surround them with faithful brothers and sisters.
  • We lift up staff shortages and high staff turnover to be resolved, and lessened impact on operations, religious programs, and less stress for supervisors, staff, and volunteers.
  • Aftercare ministries across Chester county to be blessed with an abundance of resources and volunteers to do God’s work with former inmates that come their way.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/16/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

1 Peter 3:15 says “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect“.  You never know who might ask, or when – and I guarantee most times will catch you off guard.  In prison ministry, we must also be ready to articulate it quickly.  Like last night, when a young man on his way out of the chapel after services asked me “when people are saved, what are they saved from?”  I had about 15 seconds to answer before he joined the group headed back to their cells.  I pray my answer was sufficient, and the Holy Spirit further expanded his understanding.


Being active in any ministry will challenge and grow us – I highly encourage every follower of Christ to identify the gifts and abilities God blessed them with, and plug into ministries that will use them for His glory. We all want God’s guidance in our lives, so remember the old saying, “you can’t steer a parked car.”


Thanks for travelling alongside of us on this prison ministry journey, as we all pray the heart cries of these men each week. We follow God’s will when we love one another in this way.  May the LORD bless you and keep you as we follow Him together!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • John– gets out tomorrow and knows attacks from Satan are coming – especially around lust for women.  He worries about falling – pray for his strength and brothers in Christ to surround him and hold him up.
  • Ryan– pray for Dulce Alvarez (little girl abducted from playground in NJ 5 years ago), and pray for protection for all the children.
  • Eric– for the rest of my time in here to go quickly, and for my family and my kids to have understanding when I’m home and family things get back to the way it used to be.  Also for a better relationship with God.  Thanks for the volunteers and pray for everyone in this place.
  • Derek– for patience, my Mom, my Sister, my Stepdad, and family.
  • Dylan– for my little Sister and Nephew- their health and welfare. Also for my baby’s Mom.


  • Kenny– slipped and fell in kitchen while working, really hurt my leg, getting x-rays tomorrow.  Blood pressure almost normal, still a little high, and still getting some headaches. Pray that my family, girlfriend, and friends all doing well. Pray that my time goes smoothly and fast – it has been so far – and for early release in May.
  • Keith– please continue to pray for my girlfriend Anita who struggles with relationships and drugs, and for my family. Also pray that the LORD continues to work in my life as he has been.
  • José[I just missed him, as he was released a few hours before our meeting time.  Please pray for Christian brothers and sisters to surround him, and the Lord to protect and strengthen him as he begins his new life knowing Jesus as his guide.]



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that God would return me to my family.
  • Drake– for the one remaining part of my baptism ceremony to be approved, thankful for getting glasses, still seeking a better plea deal.
  • Johnny– been here a long time waiting for sentencing to go back up state. Pray for family of inmate on my block who passed away from being given the wrong medication.  Thankful for those who alerted authorities and helped get him to the hospital as quick as possible. I’m feeling really down and need to be picked back up.
  • Ross– thankful for volunteers, and pray my probation is revoked so I can go home (to Florida).
  • Zack– to get into a good rehab program, and for my Mom (Kären).
  • Josh– for my family, and that I still have my job when I get out.
  • Junior– my family, my wife, kids, and my friend (Elder).
  • Jose– for all souls in this place (inmates and staff) to be saved, and for our nation with the upcoming elections.
  • Phil T– thankful that our brother Jose is back in good health, and for his son and daughter-in-law expecting their first child.
  • Zach– for an early release date.
  • Miguel– my family’s guidance, health, and healing while I’m away.
  • Jim M– Praise God for Heinrich’s extraordinary situation and for his continued healing from emergency heart surgery.
  • Phil T– for our brother Dan on vacation, and bless the Alpha program starting at my church, and may my wife agree to attend and find Jesus.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Unfortunately, we were informed there would be no 8:30 service last night.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • We are thrilled God decided to keep Heinrich with us a bit longer.
  • Lifting up board member Andy with his upcoming surgery on October 9.
  • Praying we sell all the tickets for Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • Please keep all our wonderful Chester County Prison chaplains in prayer- Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich.
  • God’s blessings upon every soul at the prison – all the male and female inmates, the prison staff, and all the families.
  • For resolution to staff shortages and high staff turnover impacting operations, religious programs, and causing stress for supervisors, staff, and volunteers.
  • God watch over all recently released men and women as they transition to a new life in Christ on the outside. Protect them, and surround them with faithful brothers and sisters to encourage them to stay in God’s word and engage in local churches.
  • God bless and provide for the many Aftercare ministries across Chester county – grant them the resources and volunteers needed to do be effective in following God’s will all ex-offenders that come their way.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/09/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We had a bit of a scare yesterday with Chaplain Heinrich in the hospital undergoing emergency heart surgery, but we serve an awesome God who had everything under control the whole time. Obviously, it was not yet Heinrich’s time to depart this life, and we are thankful to still have our brother in our midst. Please continue to lift up his wife Susan and the Botes family as Heinrich travels the road to recovery.  The family passes on their appreciation to so many whose prayers carried them through this situation.


The Monday night prison ministry crew held down the fort last night, engaging with our incarcerated brothers across our 2 services with prayer, worship songs, testimony time, and a Biblical message.  I appreciate my brothers Phil and Matt who covered the prayer times and collected the requests below that we can all lift up during this week.


God had put Romans 12 on my heart, which I shared at both services.  The book of Romans, Paul’s longest epistle, reads like an essay, emphasizing Christian doctrine through the first 11 chapters.  Then chapter 12 pivots to application of all that knowledge of our beliefs. We begin by becoming “living sacrifices”, giving up our will, our comfort, and our desires in favor of God’s greater purpose.  Then we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, letting God change the way we think.  He has the perfect formula – let His Word guide our thoughts, since thoughts determine attitude, and attitude determines behavior. In just the first 2 verses, we see how we are to sacrifice our will and old way of thinking to transform our lives with a new way of thinking.  The rest of the chapter describes what that looks like, from how we see ourselves and our giftedness, to our belonging and support of our faith community, and helping others with all that God has given us. In our interactions with others, we must let God be the judge and conquer evil by doing good.


God shows us in His word how so much begins with our thought life, and I believe that’s also the space where our prayer life lives. We thank you all for growing your prayer life by including these requests each week.  We pray you are blessed as you bless others with the covering of prayer.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Keith– I have less than 16 months left, and may be going back down to Maryland in November to run concurrent time there. I’m grateful for the Lord’s working in my life every day. I had an unexpected blessing- my ex-wife revealed casino winning from our past that remained unclaimed ($8000) and she is helping get the claim process done. Please continue to pray for my girlfriend Anita, my family, and for peace in this crazy world.
  • José– only a few days left in here, I’m nervous to go home and be on my own. I need to get some work, get into a good church, and surround myself with Christian brothers and sisters.  Pray that I can lead my girlfriend and daughter to church. Pray for a good, calm rest of the week.  Thankful that I’m so blessed.  Pray for my friends and family, and thank you Jesus for watching over us. [NOTE: José may already be released by the time of this writing – please pray for him to find the structure he needs to thrive in his new Christian life on the outside, and not fall back into old habits.]
  • Kenny– they found I have high blood pressure and now I’m on blood pressure meds for 2 days now.  Already having less headaches. Pray that my family is doing well, for my girlfriend, for my good friends Frances and Jimmy, and for my time to go smoothly and quickly.  Thank God for second chances.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Praise that volunteer Jose is 99% recovered from covid and should be back next week.
  • Naseem– to better understand walking in the Spirit versus walking in the flesh, and what it looks like. To be a better man for the LORD, for my family, and for my wife.  Also, I was a college athlete, and would love to pursue an athletic career in basketball.
  • Ross– for my bail hearing this month, Sunday was 13th anniversary of Mom’s death, and for a guy in my program whose daughter just passed away.
  • Drake– got a good plea deal today, praying for an even better one.  I still need glasses so I can see, and praying for correspondence courses.
  • Mike– to get a bail hearing, I’ve been here 5 months with no information. I miss my grandmother who was always there for us.
  • Rick– praying for my Mom, not sure if she is still alive – getting conflicting information. Pray to be reunited with Spooky my cat.
  • Taylor– after 2-1/2 months in here I finally got court date Oct 1 – looking to get a good deal and hopefully get home soon.
  • Derek– for everyone incarcerated in here – all the men and women.  My Mom has cancer, my Dad has dementia, and pray for all the youth in the corrections center next door.
  • Jim M– for Chaplain Heinrich to recover quickly from surgery, praise the LORD they were able to find and correct the problem.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to overcome obstacles preventing him from accepting Christ.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Mike– thankful for the volunteers coming in here, pray for the hostages and their families. Also my brother Will has eye issues and needs surgery.
  • Jeremiah– my brother Tyrell just released after 15 years in prison, prayers to help him get back on his feet.
  • Darren– my court date for parole coming up on 26th, pray I can develop my home plan before that. Pray for my old boss John and his family. Pray I can back into my kid’s lives, pray for my ex-wife Bobbi and kids, for my girlfriend Amy and her dad who has cancer. Also pray for a friend (Ashley) going up state and not doing well, pray she’s all right.
  • José– my family, my kids, my wife, my Father, and my Mom.
  • Andy D– praise that my sister agreed to attend a bridge course at a local church.  Pray that God will meet her as he did with me 23 years ago.
  • Rick C– for Chaplain Heinrich’s speedy recovery and praise that he’s still with us – God is good.
  • Ryan– my friend Tom who helped me get sober is struggling, and we fear he’s off the wagon.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Our prayers are with the Botes family for their peace and Heinrich’s recovery from heart surgery.
  • Board member Andy has an upcoming surgery on October 9.
  • We pray for a successful Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • God bless our wonderful chaplains at Chester County Prison- Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich.
  • We lift up all the male and female inmates, the prison staff, and all their families.
  • Pray for resolution to staff shortages and high turnover impacting operations and causing undue stress for supervisors, staff, and volunteers.
  • Blessings upon recently released men and women to transition well with the new life in Christ they found (or renewed) in prison.  Protect them from attacks of the enemy as they establish their new footholds in life outside of prison.  Help them stay in God’s word, engage in local churches and have great fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters.
  • For God’s blessing and provision upon Aftercare ministries across Chester county – may they have the resources and volunteers they need to do God’s will for the ex-offenders that come their way.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/09/24

Special Prayer Request for Chaplain Heinrich

We got news this morning that Chaplain Heinrich spent the night in ICU at Ephrata Hospital after experiencing some strange symptoms while playing pickle ball.

In Heinrich’s own words, “I was told that my application for sudden death was not approved.”


His wife Susan just sent an update:

Tests confirmed that Heinrich had a light heart attack and there is a blockage somewhere. Medical team is now proceeding with options for a by-pass solution. They are figuring it out as they go and will be able to say more as dye enters his bloodstream and they can see more. So, yes, we do need the LORD and His will to reign. Pray for this.


Please take some time right now and join the entire prison ministry team as we pray for our dear brother.


Grace and Peace,



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