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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Over the last few years, we’ve heard more about “misinformation” and “disinformation” than we care to remember. These overused terms are just softer ways of referring to lies. Misinformation is lying without intent to harm, while disinformation is deliberate lying to mislead others. Plenty of both in today’s world make it exceedingly difficult to know what’s really true. With trust in legacy news sources hitting all-time lows, curious why people still tune in. We all want truth, though many will just take what they can find. The Bible describes Satan as the great deceiver (Rev 12:9) and father of lies (Jn 8:44) – I think he’s very happy with all this right now.
Whether mis- or disinformation, it’s simply not the truth. But we all have access to the ultimate source of truth- the Holy Bible. With the inspired word of God so readily available in practically every language and translation imaginable, why are so few familiar with its contents, let alone well-versed? Perhaps we’re afraid of God’s truth, or we just want our own truth. Whichever we choose to define our present reality, our inevitable future will bring us face-to-face with God’s reality. For Bible-believing Christians, that day is welcomed with open arms. For others, a fearful unknown will be quite the shock.
As Christ-followers, it’s our job to make disciples- investing God’s truth into the lives of others. Our goal every day in the prison, through volunteers and our chaplains, is to show inmates the truth of God’s ever-present and unlimited love, mercy, and saving grace in contrast to what we see in our world. As always, thank you for your partnership and support to make that happen. God bless your week!
Grace and Peace,
Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Chapel Service, plus Inmate 1-1 sessions):
- Roland– for the guys not here today, pray they come back next week.
- Andy– stressed about band issues, things not coming together for upcoming benefit concert – help me to let go and put it in God’s hands. Also asking God to rekindle passion in me to share the Gospel, following Jesus’ example of seeking and saving the lost.
- Kenneth– to keep the faith, and stay strong mentally through this journey- been pretty oppressive lately. God keep me in your good graces, and grant me wisdom and guidance. Also pray for the victims of the plane crash and their families, and for the family and friends of that kid who fell off a light pole and died during Eagles championship celebration.
- Eugene– for all of us to have a greater hunger and thirst for His Word and His righteousness. Also pray for our president and new administration, and for them to realize how words have power.
- Rick– for our country to seek out truth, and for all media outlets to stop being so biased and twisting stories for their purposes and causing further division.
- Kenny– my brother and best friend both have the flu. Mom continues to work crazy hours. My uncle is a big Eagles fan so hope they do well. Pray for my family – they seem to be doing good – for my friends, especially Jimmie and Frances, and for my time to go smooth and fast.
Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):
- Rick C– for volunteer Jim who had heart surgery this morning- wife said he came through ok, pray for healing and quick recovery, and upcoming knee replacement surgery.
- John– God return us to our families.
- Ross– I have a big meeting tomorrow, hope it all goes well. Pray for everyone in here and their court dates and probation hearings, and everyone’s health.
- Drake– for guidance, thank you for good virtues and the sense of brotherhood, and for being around some good people. Pray for conversion of my parents, they are lost – please change their hearts.
- Brandon– for all in here and what they are going through, for the volunteers who come in each week, for 3 family members fighting cancer- my 2nd Mom (almost clear), my Aunt (stage 4), and my Uncle (pancreatic cancer, doing ok). Pray for everyone’s family and support system that takes care of us and keeps us going- God watch over them.
- John– for everyone impacted by plane crashes and the wildfires in California, for all the homeless as it’s real cold out lately, for the little old ladies in Lancaster who pray for us, and for my 8 kids and grandkids to all be walking with the Lord. Pray for everyone in the prison to renew their mind, and pray for the new president and his administration.
- Jay– my son was born 3 weeks ago and has a hole in his heart, and my little sister (17) was in a real bad car accident last week.
- Stefan– for forgiveness, and my 2 sons (8, 11) – I want to be a good father to them.
- Joel– guidance, my mother, my father, thank you for chance to come here and participate.
- Kevin– for protection and strength, especially against Satan’s power.
- Dan T– for my brother-in-law to hear and respond to the Gospel message- he’s in grief counseling over suicide of 18 year old son, blaming himself, now marriage is on the rocks – pray for the right opportunity to witness and that Jesus would heal and remove his burden.
Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)
- José– my kids (3 boys).
- Kyle– my daughter (Cassidy), my Mom, and my Step-dad.
- Pasqual– my family, my kids, court date on the 10th.
- Philpa– my entire family and all of us.
- Jeremiah– my sister’s recovery from cancer and surgeries, for my strength- feeling defeated. And thanks for all the volunteers coming in out of the kindness of their hearts.
- Donnie– my Aunt Janice has stage 4 cancer, praying for a miracle. Also pray for my family, daughter, grandkids, and my church that’s really taking care of all of us.
- Alan– for my daughters, and my family to be stronger. My brother-in-law (Ryan) had 3 strokes. For Bernadette, Andrew, and George – my friend was shot in home invasion and now paralyzed, her son was shot and killed- cops looking for guns had wrong address. Also pray for our country and this world- things are scary.
- Andy D– for the victims and families of both recent plane crashes.
- Matt R– our friend Martin who is out now says he is praying for all the inmates and volunteers. Pray for Guy who is also out but no longer wants to be contacted, pray for him to not isolate himself.
Prayer Requests from Onesimus Ministries
- That more would come to our 1st ever Prison Ministry Benefit Breakfast on March 1 (details on website, link below). Only 19 reservations so far.
- For Chaplains Rhonda, Heinrich, Jack, and their families.
- All the ministry volunteers serving inside and outside the prison.
- Prison leadership, staff members, and their families.
- Resolution to staff shortages and retention issues/ increased opportunities for volunteers inside the prison.
- All the incarcerated women and men, and their families.
- Aftercare ministries and support organizations ministering to men and women released from prison.
If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at outreach@onesimusministries.org.
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