Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 7/1/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Things don’t always go as planned, and sometimes you don’t know what’s holding you back or why.  How we react says a lot about our faith.  Do we get anxious? Angry? Frustrated? Or do we wait upon the Lord, knowing all things are under His control, and that He works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28). Last night we gathered at the prison entrance at our weekly appointed time, but nobody let us in. They know we’re there (many cameras), yet time elapsed and still no sign of anyone coming. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, still nothing.  Will we even have services tonight? As ambassadors of Christ, we waited patiently and simply wondered if something critical was going on inside. Finally, after waiting nearly 40 minutes we were let in, making sure to be kind and gracious to the officer processing us in, since we still got to be there to encourage the men with the Word and the love of God.


Even running woefully late, we always make time for scripture, and how appropriate that we began with Psalm 27:

Listen to my pleading, O Lord.

    Be merciful and answer me!

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”

    And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”

Do not hide yourself from me.

    Do not reject your servant in anger.

    You have always been my helper.

Don’t leave me now; don’t abandon me,

    O God of my salvation!

Even if my father and mother abandon me,

    the Lord will hold me close.


Teach me how to live, O Lord.

    Lead me along the path of honesty,

    for my enemies are waiting for me to fall.

Do not let me fall into their hands.

    For they accuse me of things I’ve never done;

    and breathe out violence against me.

Yet I am confident that I will see the Lord’s goodness

    while I am here in the land of the living.


Wait patiently for the Lord.

    Be brave and courageous.

    Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. (Psalm 27:7-14)


In 1st service, Jose used Luke 18:9-14 to teach about the condition of our hearts, showing the huge difference between a self-righteous Pharisee and a humble repentant tax collector.  At the root of self-righteousness we find pride, and Jesus said it’s the broken and contrite sinner who is justified before God.  Jesus openly rebuked the religious leaders over and over for their legalistic hypocrisy, and He sought those seeking God’s mercy through true repentance by turning from sin and choosing Christ.  True repentance leads to transformation, and God’s Word reminds us that “those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”


Ryan taught the men in 2nd service how words have meaning and power. God gave words power and spoke the universe into being. Words can create and destroy – we can build others up or tear them down.  We are all here because we experienced the grace of Jesus – we need to watch our words. Ryan referenced passages like Pv18:21 and Eph 4:29 to illustrate God’s view on how we use our words. He walked through Jesus’ temptation by the devil in Matthew 4:1-11 to show how the best words – scripture – are the solution to any  temptation when understood in context. When we engrain God’s word in our heart, it can encourage and protect us in our worst moments. Ryan concluded with a challenge to memorize scripture like Psalm 23.


We continually thank God for each of you and the power of your many words raised to our heavenly Father on behalf of the men and women in prison and their families who suffer along with them.  We pray you all have a safe and enjoyable Independence Day holiday and enjoy the many blessings of our great God.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00pm service):

  • Joel– my family, my brother and sister, Chaplain Heinrich bringing the Word to us, my court date in August, and that I can get back to Jesus and leave my life of being without him.  Also for people who need help, like Maria who needs a place to live.  Also for a place to live and good job when I get out.
  • Jeffrey– for my family, especially with the financial issues they are having, and for spiritual growth.
  • Jay– for my family and friends, and that things go good for the next 2 months, and for all the people at church.  Thanks for the volunteers who come in.
  • Kenneth– for my girl (Taja), and her spiritual journey – she is under attack.
  • Jose– for my stepfather and for my business.


  • Keith– pray for a much better deal, possible court date on Friday.  For my family, my oldest son (Anthony) and his wife and his ministry, my daughter (Brandy), and my younger son (Shaun) working hard and getting married this year.


  • Eugene (volunteer) seeks prayer for the “Me-We-City” movement sponsored by pastors across Coatesville intent on transforming the community by transformation of minds, spirits, and bodies throughout the city- family by family, and neighborhood by neighborhood.  This week’s prayer focus is Youth (and next week’s focus is Pastors & Churches).



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Kenny– for my family to be doing well.
  • Eric– for my mother and father’s health, for a good paying job when I get out, and for a girlfriend.
  • John– for my daughter (6) to know how much I love her.
  • Brent– continued prayers for my friend’s daughter (Natalie, 16) going through tests for internal health problems- they still can’t figure out what’s wrong.
  • Ross– I’m from Florida and don’t have an address there or here, so probation is denied.  I feel unsafe here, and pray for a ministry in FL or PA to help me with a place to live so I can get out.
  • Andy L– we have 60 people coming to our house for a family reunion this weekend, prayers to stay sane.
  • Jim M– my son Jacob.
  • Joseph– to get back home, I shouldn’t be here, pray that court date works out, it’s my first time here.  Also reading great Christian books I never saw before, help me understand.
  • Miguel– strength for my lady and my 3 boys.
  • Ryan– my family is moving my stuff 4.5 hours away, hope it all goes well.
  • Steve– my family, friends, and loved ones.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Rick C– for Craig who is now at Montgomery County prison, may his light continue to shine.  And for Harry who got out last week that he found a good church and brothers/sisters in the faith to encourage him and help keep him on the right path.
  • Anthony– for my fiance and myself – we lost our home – that she can find a place.  Pray things will get better and we get through all this.  Also for safe travels to Dallas, TX.
  • Dominic– thankful for volunteers, pray for family and friends and that we get through the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • Kevin– for myself, prayers for the volunteers, and for my girlfriend to have a healthy pregnancy.  For my mom, my dad, and my grandmom.
  • Conner– my fiance is due Wednesday with our first child.
  • Mike– my friend Michelle with cancer, and my Uncle Vince fell and his leg is in rough shape.  Healing for both.
  • Glenn– thankful for volunteers each week, for my family and friends to be taken care of, and my nephew (Matthew) was in a bad car wreck and lost sight in one eye and other complications – may he be healed.  Also he has to deal with the other person that died in the wreck.  Matthew not a believer.
  • David– my family, my sister, uncle, cellmate and everyone who’s been there for me.
  • Jeremiah– my children, my significant other, and good outcome of my case.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Our prison chaplains – Jack Crans, Heinrich Botes, and Rhonda Soland.
  • Prison staff, prison leadership, and all of their families
  • For favor upon religious programs and expansion of chapel schedule at the prison.
  • Staff shortages impacting families and programs in the prison.
  • Pray for a new ministry started by one of the volunteers to help men in crisis – The Archangel Project.
  • For recently released men and women to find safe haven and continue their faith journey.
  • Aftercare ministries taking care of inmate transition back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Welcome New Board Member Jose George!

Our brother in Christ Jose (pronounced Joe’s) George comes to us with over 25 years of prison ministry experience, mostly from serving at The James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna, Delaware. Jose remarked that his daily route to work took him by the entrance to Chester County prison for many years, and he prayed that someday the Lord might open that door to him. God did open that door earlier this year when Jose joined the Prison Fellowship team that hosts 2 inmate church services every Monday evening. He further supports the team with his musical talent, playing guitar accompaniment to the worship songs during the service.

Jose and his wife Ruby were officially welcomed to the team at the annual Onesimus Board picnic on June 28th. We are blessed to have Jose as our newest member of the executive board of Onesimus Ministries.

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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 6/24/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As they entered the prison chapel last night, one inmate said to another “It’s gonna be so hot, they got no air conditioning”.  What were they talking about? Unsaved sinners going to hell? Actually, it was the next stop for that inmate in the coming week – Lancaster County prison (which some inmates describe as similar to hell).  While inmate chit-chat may be limited to local concerns, we volunteers always turn the conversation to consider eternal matters, encouraging every attendee to “seek the Lord while He may be found” since there will come a day (our death or Jesus’ return) when it’s too late.


Seeking God’s guidance has been an ongoing theme during prayer time, so Psalm 25 was very fitting:

To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.

    I trust in you, my God!

Do not let me be disgraced,

    or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat.

No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced,

    but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.


Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord;

    point out the right road for me to follow.

Lead me by your truth and teach me,

    for you are the God who saves me.

    All day long I put my hope in you.

Remember, O Lord, your unfailing love and compassion,

    which you have shown from long ages past.

Forgive the rebellious sins of my youth;

    look instead through the eyes of your unfailing love,

    for you are merciful, O Lord.


The Lord is good and does what is right;

    he shows the proper path to those who go astray.

He leads the humble in doing right,

    teaching them his way.

The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness

    all who keep his covenant and obey his decrees.


For the honor of your name, O Lord,

    forgive my many, many sins.

Who are those who fear the Lord?

    He will show them the path they should choose. (Psalm 25:1-12)


In 1st service, Andy teed up the story of the lame man in Acts 3:1-11 by pondering what his life must have been like.  From early childhood, missing out on running/playing with other kids, to adolescent questions of how to make a living, to making the only choice available in young adulthood – begging. A life of playing on people’s emotions for some pocket change, his perspective was completely limited by his disability until the day Peter and John came along.  The change they offered was complete restoration and healing through Jesus Christ.  We’re all crippled with sin from birth and need exactly the same thing. Will we turn over to God those things that cripple us – broken family, alcohol/drug addiction, depression, anger, love of pleasure, fear – to experience His freedom, jumping and leaping for joy as the lame man did?


“Lost and Found” was Matt’s topic for 2nd service, comparing mankind to the lost sheep in Luke 15:1-7 by discussing 9 characteristics of sheep that lead to our logical need for a shepherd.  And as we’ve all gone astray, we need the Good Shepherd to return us to the proper path, protecting and leading us, caring for us and carrying our burdens as His prized possession, and giving us much more than we would have settled for.  As the perfect lamb of God, He binds our wounds as He sacrifices Himself, taking the punishment for our sin so we can be made righteous before the Father. The question is- do we want to be found?  And once found, will we live a life reflective of what He’s done for us?


Gratitude should be foremost in the Christian’s attitude, and let me express mine to all of you for your ongoing and faithful support of this prison ministry – it couldn’t happen without you. Accept our thanks as we all lift heavenward the prayer requests below.  And please remember our chaplains, the staff, the inmates, and all those families in your prayers throughout the week.  God bless you!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday:

  • Keith– My court date got moved to the 26th, pray it all goes well.  Thankful I finally heard from lawyer who is working a deal with the attorney. Also thankful for my entry into drug rehab program.  Bless my sons, my daughter, and the whole family.
  • Eugene (volunteer) – please pray for the “Me-We-City” movement sponsored by pastors across Coatesville intent on transforming the community by transformation of minds, spirits, and bodies throughout the city- family by family, and neighborhood by neighborhood.  Last week’s prayer focus was Men, this week’s prayer focus is for Women (and next week’s focus is youth).



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Kenny– to get better every day
  • Dan– for a better relationship with my family, and to make better choices.
  • Drake– guidance, spiritual fruit, bodily healing from prescription meds.
  • Brent– my friend’s daughter (Natalie, 16) going through tests for internal health problems that they can’t figure out. Also for outcome of the upcoming election.
  • Ryan– going through some things, help me get a better perception, help me keep it simple. Also thankful for what we do have, even if it’s not very good.
  • Vince– my Dad (Mark) is in the hospital with heart issues and Lyme disease.
  • Steve– my 3 kids (1, 4, and 6) and my family and friends.
  • Phil T– my sister-in-law has cancer surgery on Thurs, and please protect my son while on a job in the Poconos.
  • Jose– for the salvation of all the souls in Chester County Prison.
  • Deron– for my enemies.
  • Zach– for restoration.
  • Rick C– family of Ronny Diem – his wife passed unexpectedly and the funeral was this morning.
  • Eric– for a good paying job, and for a girlfriend, to lose 5 pounds, and I’m depressed and need confidence.  And that I won’t be turned into a dampyr (half human/half vampire). [NOTE: We believe Eric has mental issues, please pray for his mind]



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Craig– thanks for the volunteers coming in to share with us each week, for my family at large, for my strength and zeal to run this race, for the PCRA to drop the extra 6 months on my sentence, and may my light shine as I head to Montgomery County.
  • Martin– for family, salvation, thanks for volunteers.
  • Steve– my lawyer was sick today, and I want to understand what I’m reading in the Bible.
  • Clarence– thanks for volunteers, for the brothers back on the block, my family and children, the brothers in here tonight, and for the Lord to shine light on my case and get a hearing – been here in the dark over a year.
  • Derrick– strength, my friend Lisa recovering well from breast cancer.
  • Dominic– severe back pain, headed to Lancaster County where there’s no A/C, for a good outcome of everyone’s cases.
  • Harry– wisdom and endurance for me, I get out on Monday and want to stay with the Lord.  And for my daughter with 104 fever.
  • Mike– my friend Michelle has cancer – bad diagnosis, it has metastasized.
  • Matt R– for my friend Shaun who’s wife passed away 2 weeks ago, leaving him and 3 kids under 7 – strength and endurance.  Also for my friend Aaron in active addiction to find God.
  • Andy D– for Doris Haley family upon her passing a few weeks ago, and that her ministry would continue to inmates, their children, and people of Pocopson Home. Comfort and peace for the many people touched by her.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Our prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
  • Prison staff, their leadership, their families, and favor upon religious programs at the prison.
  • Staff shortages impacting families and programs in the prison.
  • Pray for a new ministry started by one of the volunteers to help men in crisis – The Archangel Project.
  • Recently released inmates to continue their faith journey.
  • Aftercare ministries taking care of inmate transition back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Exciting New Upcoming Events!

Our Board of Directors has been busy re-thinking our annual banquet, and has come up with some exciting new ideas partnering with supporting churches and organizations across Chester County. We’re still in the planning stages, but here are some things to look forward to in the next 12 months…

  • Onesimus Breakfast in Oxford, PA (October 2024)
  • Dinner night at Green Street Grill in Downingtown, PA (Fall/Winter 2024)
  • Benefit Motorcycle Ride across Chester County (Date TBD)
  • Prison Ministry Benefit Concert at Grace Covenant Church in Exton, PA (Spring 2025)

Stay tuned for more details as plans get firmed up!

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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 6/17/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity!”  A common phrase heard during many Pennsylvania summers, and very true inside Chester County Prison where the chapel air conditioning seems minimal at best.  The air in that place is already heavy with depression and despair, the sticky humidity just makes it more miserable (well, it is prison, after all).  The volunteers bring the light and love of Christ each week, transforming that sticky chapel into a sanctuary filled with God’s Holy Spirit as we pray, lift up our voices in song and testimony, and hear from God’s Word.  To see the countenance of so many men lifted, if only for an hour or so, is a great feeling and indicator that we are doing what God wants us to do – love one another as He loves us.


Thanks for how you show your love for others by your support of this ministry – through prayer and other means – I pray that God’s spirit gives you the peace and joy that you are doing what God wants you to do.


Last night, a short excerpt from Psalm 20 set the stage, as if King David himself directed it to all of us in that chapel:

In times of trouble, may the Lord respond to your cry.

    May the God of Israel keep you safe from all harm.

May he send you help from his sanctuary

    and strengthen you from Jerusalem.

May he remember all your gifts

    and look favorably on your burnt offerings.


May he grant your heart’s desire

    and fulfill all your plans.

May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory,

    flying banners to honor our God.

May the Lord answer all your prayers. (Psalm 20:1-5)


In 1st service, Dan read from a letter sent by a former volunteer who posed some tough questions as he left Christianity behind, ultimately claiming there is no God. Many people have difficulty reconciling the thoughts of having a fallen world and a loving God at the same time, but that’s what the Bible teaches. We lament at all the suffering in our world, wondering why God doesn’t do something about it. And why do bad things happen to good people?  God gives us free will, and a choice to follow Him or not.  Unfortunately, mankind is fallen and corrupted from His original design, and many people make bad choices which cause others to suffer.  We can’t see what God is doing in many circumstances but are called to trust Him, and know that one day He will make all things right.


Bill spoke of Life and Resurrection in the 2nd service, centering on John 11:25 where Jesus announces to Martha that He is the resurrection and the life. He also recounted Job’s sad story about our universal longing for something beyond this life, coming to the glorious conclusion in Job 19:25, “I know that my redeemer lives!”  Back to John 11, Bill walked through the story of raising Lazarus, where Jesus used his friend’s death as a lesson to who He is and what is to come.  You can see the gospel message in verses 25-26, where Jesus tells Martha “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” Now the question is, do we?


God bless you as you consider the requests below, lifting them up in prayer to the Throne of Grace.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 service):

  • Daniel– stop my anger
  • Michael– to get out of here soon, was supposed to leave on the 6th.
  • Kenneth– my trial on Sep 23, and for my girl moving to Virginia on July 1st.
  • Jose’– court on Monday or Tuesday, and for the people praying for us.
  • Joel– court date in August, hope to get released, and then find a good church and a good place to be with God, my family, and my little girl.
  • Jesus– spiritual battles.
  • Gene– family.
  • Jeffrey– my family is having financial difficulties.
  • Rob– my family, and that they gutted the whole house when they moved, and get settled nicely in new place.
  • Keith– God be with me in court on the 17th, that all goes well, and for my family.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Derrick– continued healing from my heart attack last week.  And for my roommate Lisa who recently beat breast cancer, but is in the hospital with an infection.  Also thankful for my recovery from cancer.
  • Eric– to receive a nice paying job when I get out of here, and for a girlfriend, and that I won’t be turned into a dhampir (half human/half vampire), and to get out of this tabernacle. [NOTE: We believe Eric has mental issues, which would be a good thing to pray about]
  • Brent– for my friend’s daughter (Natalie) with tests coming up for internal health problems that they can’t figure out. Also for guidance.
  • Drake– to finish my certifications for PT, Nutrition, and Security.  For continued guidance, for good plea deals, and for my body to recover from steroid abuse.
  • Elder– for all of us in here, and that we can get out as soon as possible.
  • Adolfo– my wife and 2 kids, strength, get out, and our families.
  • Vince– for Roger on the cell block who’s health is real bad, and that his lawyers don’t drain all his finances.
  • Andy L– my daughter, granddaughter, and niece all have stomach problems.
  • Steve– all our loved ones, and loved ones who have passed on.
  • Warren– wellbeing of everyone here, and for those who want to know Jesus and how it all works.  Also for Bernard back on the block still in a lot of pain.  Also for the disappointing inconsistency of the justice system.
  • Jose– for the upcoming elections, that godly men and women would come into office.
  • Phil T– my son got engaged on Saturday to a nice girl who is a believer, pray they have a blessed marriage.  Also for Erwin who is having some issues with allergies.
  • Dan– my brother-in-law to let go and finally accept Christ.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– my family at large, my daughters, my wife Kay, for sick and suffering addicts, for the family of my friend George who died from overdose, for my strength in the Lord and zeal to run the race of life.
  • Martin– salvation, family, thanks for volunteers.
  • Clarence– thanks for volunteers coming out, my family and children, my case where I’m still in the dark and was supposed to be in court today but it got pulled, keep me strong Lord.
  • David– family, my father is an alcoholic who is always relapsing, for myself that I could do better.
  • Donald– family, for myself and all of us to get into the Word and not keep coming to a place like this.
  • Steve– safe travels for my sister and nephew, and good outcome in court next week.
  • Dominic– I’m very thankful.
  • Kevin– my family, especially my grandma with cancer, that my court case works out, thankful for volunteers.
  • Matt R– for all the men in here, and my friend Shaun’s wife passed away from cancer she was battling, pray for strength and healing of her family.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Our prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
  • Prison leadership, their families, and favor upon the religious programs at the prison.
  • Prison staff shortages impacting families and programs in the prison.
  • Recently released inmates to continue their faith journey.
  • Aftercare ministries taking care of inmate transition back into society.
  • Thankful for individuals, groups, and churches that support prison ministry.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 6/10/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As can happen on occasion, the prison was on lockdown last night, and that means all available staff are focused on the security situation causing the lockdown. Unfortunately, it also means that regular programming like church services are suspended.  Please pray for the immediate safety of both staff and inmates at the prison, and that the matter is resolved quickly (if it isn’t already).


It was my week to bring the message, and I was prepared to teach through chapters 1 and 2 in the book of James.  It’s one of my favorite books of the Bible. I love how James calls all Christians to action, particularly in  James 1:22


New International Version

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.


New Living Translation

But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.


English Standard Version

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.


New American Standard Bible

But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not just hearers who deceive themselves.


Amplified Bible

But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth].


Contemporary English Version

Obey God’s message! Don’t fool yourselves by just listening to it.


International Standard Version

Keep on being obedient to the word, and not merely being hearers who deceive themselves.


Various translations bring forth nuances, but the message is clear – we must act on what we believe.  God grants us the faith to follow Him, and James emphasizes that a genuine faith will produce good works.


I was raised in a church that had it backwards – if we do lots of good things, God will be pleased and we will find favor with Him. It’s called “works righteousness” and couldn’t be further from the truth.  That’s what the Jews believed – following the law can make you righteous.  Jesus, and then His apostles had something very different to say – we can’t do it on our own and need a savior.


God first and foremost wants a relationship with His children.  Then out of our gratitude for His amazing love and all He’s done (and continues to do) for us, we WANT to do good works, and we WANT to do His will.  According to James, that’s what a genuine faith produces.


So I didn’t get to share it with the men, but you just got the essence of my message. And as far as prayer requests, I do have some to share this week.   In addition to Monday nights, I also serve in the prison chapel on Thursday afternoons, as well as some one-on-one counseling sessions with inmates. We have a shorter list this week, but it still comes from the same place.


Note: These weekly prayer request emails are all posted to the Onesimus website, so you can always find prayer requests from previous weeks at


As aways, we appreciate your partnership in this ministry, and the time you spend lifting up in prayer the men and women in prison and their families, the prison staff and their families, and our awesome chaplains.  May God bless your week in wonderful ways!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Thursday 12:00 service:

  • Jeffrey– for my family.
  • Michael– for my release from this place – it was supposed to be today.
  • Clarence– for my Mom and for my Aunt.
  • Gene– my family.
  • Keith– my court date on the 17th, and the wellbeing of my family.


Prayers from Chaplain Rhonda (and Chaplain Heinrich)

  • Prayers for softened hearts and open ears for the men and women are always needed and welcomed. 
  • Prayer that we will soon be allowed to expand our chaplaincy schedule in order to be able to offer more services and Bible study times. 
  • Prayer for continued energy, strength, and refreshing from the Lord for Heinrich and me. 


Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • For my friend’s son Daniel (19) in Chester County prison, pray for his heart transformation.
  • For Phil’s pastor’s son Luke, recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer of the appendix that requires a rather tortuous treatment.  Pray for healing and for the whole family.
  • For wisdom that each inmate who hears a Biblical message or reads their Bible would understand and know what to do with what they heard or read.
  • For each released woman and man to continue the journey of faith they began/restarted while in prison, and not be afraid to seek help from an aftercare ministry or local church.
  • Prayers of blessing for new leaders and the entire staff at Chester County Prison and their families.
  • Pray for staff shortage at the prison, that God would supply quality workers who have a heart for Him.
  • Pray for the protection and provision for the Aftercare ministries serving women and men released from Chester County prison.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 6/03/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The summer season has begun! So many beautiful days that we get to spend outside if we choose. Let’s not forget those who don’t have that choice – Hebrews 13:3 reminds us “Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.”  It’s very easy to focus only on that which is before us, but we are continually called on by God to look beyond ourselves and our present circumstances. We as Christians should all strive to be eternally minded.


Thank you for your time spent in prayer each week for this prison ministry, the chaplains and volunteers, the inmates and their families, the prison staff and their families, and of course the prayer requests we collect each week during the Monday night services in Chester County prison. We lift up these prayers during the service, and also remind the men each week that all of you are out there praying them as well.  There is great comfort knowing that many others are praying for your concerns.  Thank you for being the answer to someone’s prayer!


Each week, we use scripture to focus our minds as we transition into a time of prayer. Last night I selected excerpts from Psalm18:

I love you, Lord;

    you are my strength.

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;

    my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.

He is my shield, the strength of my salvation,

    and my stronghold.

I will call on the Lord, who is worthy of praise,

    for he saves me from my enemies.

To the faithful you show yourself faithful;

    to those with integrity you show integrity.

To the pure you show yourself pure,

    but to the wicked you show yourself hostile.

You rescue those who are humble,

    but you humiliate the proud.

Lord, you have brought light to my life;

    my God, you light up my darkness.

In your strength I can crush an army;

    with my God I can scale any wall.

As for God, his way is perfect.

    All the Lord’s promises prove true.

    He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. (Psalm 18:1-3,25-30)


In 1st service, we got to hear Jim’s first-ever message in the prison where he explained how Paul spread the Gospel message in the ancient world – he made use of the roads put in place by the Romans. Then he used the “Romans road” construct to show how we can easily explain the purpose of the Gospel to anyone. Along 6 stops (Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 8:1, 10:9, and 10:13) Paul takes us through the Bad news of who we truly are and our need of a savior, and the Good News of how our loving God met that need in Christ Jesus. These verses perfectly set the context for anyone to call on the name of the Lord to be saved.


In 2nd service, Troy used Hebrews 4:14-15 to fully investigate what it means for Jesus to be our High Priest – the perfect intercessor between God and man.  As the perfect sacrifice, Jesus is our connection point to God and we must set our eyes on Him. He will return as promised and we must be ready – He has given the time for all of us to make the best choice possible in life, and to encourage others to do the same. We can use the “Romans Road” approach, or rely on the many prophesies in God’s word to share with others what is to come, but the point is the same – be ready by accepting the free gift of salvation made possible by our savior.


God bless each of you as you lift up the requests below, and know that we are praying for each of you as well.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Keith– my court date on June 17, I’m very anxious and unsettled about it. And for my children.
  • Joshua– my family.
  • José– family, and to get out of here.
  • Brent– I lost another friend (Elaine) this week, which makes 4 people in my life who died in the past few weeks, pray for peace and may God have mercy on their souls.  Also for my friend’s daughter who has some internal health problems that they can’t figure out what’s wrong.
  • Kyle– my daughter (12), my Mom who is stressed out, and peace for me.
  • Eric– prayer to the Lord of Hosts for a nice paying job when I get out of here, and for a girlfriend, and for financial increase.
  • Brent– thanks for the volunteers, and pray for Dan’s health.
  • Drake– for God’s continued guidance, for friendship, closeness to God. Also to be able to retain more info from the Bible.
  • Miguel– for my 3 boys to be well taken care of during the summer.
  • Dan– my brother-in-law to let go and finally accept Christ.
  • Vince– for the courts to work better and address our issues effectively.
  • Raheem– for a court order to send me home, I’m ready to go.  Feeling overwhelmed, need peace.
  • Andy L– for my neighbor who won’t give her life to the Lord. My wife started a neighborhood Bible study, may God bring the people with open hearts and may it bear much fruit.
  • Jose– for our nation, and may the elections install men and women with hearts for God into office.
  • (Name?)– for my cellmate to get out and stretch his legs once in a while, and for his hygiene and his mental health.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Jeremiah– my children, I have a court date coming up and pray it all works out.
  • Clarence– blessings on the volunteers, for the brothers back on the block who couldn’t make it out, for family, my kids, my court date, and may the Lord shine light on my case – I pray something would happen with court date on the 17th.
  • Harry– for clarity on my domestic relations situation (custody of my triplet boys), for strength and wisdom, and for all of us in here.
  • Reef– for my case on July 29, clarity for the court on what really happened and that they would do the right thing.
  • Glenn– thanks for the weekly volunteers, for my family and friends, hoping to get transferred to the work release center next week. Also for the issue with my lungs to get diagnosed and resolved, and hopefully not be life-threatening.
  • Andy D– for my friend Herb in the hospital slowly recovering from coma, not allowed to drink fluids so voice is shot/can’t really speak and showing a bit of confusion lately.
  • Rick C– prayers that Reef (who gave an incredible testimony) will continue down the path God has set him on, and build his faith without having to rely on feelings and continued demonstrations of God’s power and presence.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • For every man and woman released from prison to follow a new path and for God to lead them to a good Bible-preaching church that matches their personality, welcomes them in, and walks alongside them in their journey of faith.
  • We lift up all the new leaders and the entire staff at Chester County Prison and their families.
  • We lift up the staffing situation at the prison, that God would supply more workers who have a heart for Him.
  • We lift up our wonderful prison Chaplains – Pastor Jack (continued healing from cancer), Rhonda ministering to the ladies, and Heinrich ministering to the men. And may God expand the programming and chapel schedule in His perfect timing.
  • We lift up all the Aftercare ministries serving women and men released from Chester County prison.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 5/27/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

What a beautiful weekend God graced us with for Memorial Day.  And for those attending Memorial Day ceremonies (at least in the morning), it was a blessing that the rain held off. It’s weekends like this, full of outdoor activities and family gatherings that are hardest for inmates.  They long to be in a different place with people who care about them. During our time with them in the prison chapel, that’s what we try to provide – a safe haven where they can just be themselves, surrounded by volunteers that care about them.


We reflected on Psalm 17 as we entered into prayer:

O Lord, hear my plea for justice.

    Listen to my cry for help.

Pay attention to my prayer,

    for it comes from an honest heart.

Declare me innocent,

    for you know those who do right.


You have tested my thoughts and examined my heart in the night.

    You have scrutinized me and found nothing amiss,

    for I am determined not to sin in what I say.

I have followed your commands,

    which have kept me from going along with cruel and evil people.

My steps have stayed on your path;

    I have not wavered from following you.


I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God.

    Bend down and listen as I pray.

Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways.

    You save with your strength those who seek refuge from their enemies.

Guard me as the apple of your eye.

    Hide me in the shadow of your wings. (Psalm 17:1-8)


In 1st service, Phil reflected on Memorial Day to honor our fallen heroes who sacrificed everything for our country, reminding us of the ultimate selfless sacrifice of Jesus, who said there is no greater love than to lay down your life for friends – which is exactly what He did. God seeks our changed hearts focused on Him, and commissioned all followers to teach others to obey all He commanded.  We need to share His Word as the guidebook to life, and as James tells us, don’t just listen, do what it says!


Ryan challenged us in 2nd service to consider our attitude when we pray and ask God for anything. Our world conditions us to believe we deserve things, even the best things. God’s word warns us of asking with wrong motives. Mark 10 tells of James and John asking to be on Christ’s right and left hand in glory, only to be told they don’t know what they are asking. A few verses later, blind Bartimaeus simply asks Jesus for mercy. Jesus responds to his humility by asking what He can do for him, which was to see again. How much more must we be aware of our motives when we speak to God in prayer, and ask for what we truly need – His loving mercy.


Mercy and love certainly seem in short supply in today’s world, yet as followers we are called to give as we have received.  Thank you all for your giving hearts as you spend time in prayer for the men and women in prison and the prayer requests below. We all practice mercy as we treat them and pray for them as human beings versus inmates.  We are all guilty before our heavenly father, and He sees us white as snow through the righteousness Jesus imputed to us.  In thankfulness, let us follow His command to love those around us.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Drake– God’s continued guidance, to be mindful that in giving we receive, for salvation, for our release from prison, and for our ability to shepherd relatives towards Christ.
  • Sam– for my grandfather’s recovery, for Israel, and for the war in Ukraine.  Also for all of our court cases to go well, and that we can all get home soon to family.
  • Eric– for a good paying job and a girlfriend when I get out, and for there to be more love.
  • Phil T– my sister-in-law (Faith) has intestinal cancer, and my buddy (Glenn) has prostate cancer. Also for my daughter Brooke and her husband Alan to know the Lord and be safe on their trip to Italy.
  • Robert– for my family currently being evicted- that they could move to a good home and get some help in all of this.  Also for my father in state prison to get a sentence reduction so he can see the kids graduate.
  • Kyle– my Mom’s health and for my daughter. Please keep my family safe and for my 5 sisters.
  • Vince– that everyone can stay safe on this Memorial Day weekend, especially travelling.
  • Phil T– for sanity and justice in worldwide legal systems that we see going crazy, like the International Criminal Court going after Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Criminal court in Manhattan going after Donald Trump.
  • Dan T– For a softening of my brother-in-law’s heart to finally accept Christ.
  • Robert– thankful for the volunteers, especially on a holiday.
  • Jim– praise and thanksgiving for answered prayer of no cancer when they biopsied a lump in my sister’s breast.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Jeremiah– my children, my significant other, and for a better plea deal than the 6 years they offered (already been in here 42 months).
  • Clarence– thankful for volunteers and pray for their protection, my family, my children, please keep praying for my situation- 14 months in the dark, trying to fire my lawyer – the hardest part is not knowing what’s going on.
  • Glenn– for my family and friends to be doing well and stay healthy, my niece had a baby and a friend had her baby – pray they are all healthy and happy.  Also for my court date on Wed.  I also have an issue with my lungs, x-ray shows spot on lungs, doctors don’t know what it is and still waiting for a CAT scan.  Also thankful for volunteers.
  • Matt R– my friend Shaun and his wife Megan battling her stage 4 colon cancer, which is turning worse.  May God watch over her, strengthen her, and heal her.
  • Save– for my grandmom who I haven’t talked to in 10 years, and for my friend who just passed away.
  • Rick C– for continued recovery of my friend Herb, and for a good outcome of a few routine procedures on Wed.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • The new Warden and his leadership team.
  • The staff at Chester County Prison (and their families) working many shifts and long hours due to staff shortages.
  • Our prison Chaplains – Pastor Jack (continued healing from cancer), Rhonda ministering to the ladies, and Heinrich ministering to the men.
  • Seeking God’s mercy and provision for the chapel schedule to expand and encompass more ministry to the inmates through involvement of more volunteers ready to go.
  • God’s peace within the prison population and every staff/inmate interaction.
  • The Aftercare ministries serving women and men released from Chester County prison.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 5/20/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

When life is busy we still need to dedicate time for things that honor and glorify our Heavenly Father, even if we don’t feel like it.  Can God use us if we just sit on the sidelines and don’t engage?  If we push through the tiredness, distractions, and pain to do the right thing, often we are so glad we did. (I’m doing my best to motivate myself after two very long, hard days with a new business startup.)


We drew encouragement from Psalm 16 to kick off the prayer time at each service last night:

Keep me safe, O God,

    for I have come to you for refuge.

I said to the Lord, “You are my Master!

    Every good thing I have comes from you.”

The godly people in the land

    are my true heroes!

    I take pleasure in them!

Those who chase after other gods will be filled with sorrow.

    I will not take part in their sacrifices

    or even speak the names of their gods.

Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.

    You guard all that is mine.

The land you have given me is a pleasant land.

    What a wonderful inheritance!

I will bless the Lord who guides me;

    even at night my heart instructs me.

I know the Lord is always with me.

    I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. (Psalm 16:1-8)


In 1st service, Erwin asked why do we pray “in Jesus’ name'”? Is it just the way to end Christian prayers, or is it much more than that? He took us through several passages in John 14, 15, and 16 where Jesus instructed us to ask in His name.  But we are to pray with right motives, and with a heart longing after God’s heart. He is our high priest and intercessor, and His death on the cross tore the curtain in the temple in two, giving us direct access to the Father through Him. He said no one comes to the Father but by me, that includes prayer.


Marty had the men in 2nd service thinking about how things aren’t always as they appear. News shows can leave out significant facts, our fast food meal looks nothing like the menu picture, and many politicians will say anything to get elected. That may be how Nicodemus felt when Jesus was explaining how we must be “born again” in John 3. Of special importance for every Christian is Matthew 7:13 where few will find the narrow gate. And even more chilling is the scariest verse in the Bible – Matthew 7:21 where some will hear Jesus say “away from me, I never knew you”. A sobering reminder that we need to be sure of our motives.


Our motives are to follow Christ’s command to remember those in prison and love one another by going into the prison each week to worship alongside our incarcerated brothers. I trust the motives of everyone receiving this email are to love these men by lifting them and their prayer requests before the throne of grace.  Thanks as always for doing what you do in this prison ministry.  God bless you!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Drake– thankful for God’s guidance, and for everything to go well with my interview for baptism on the 27th.
  • Kyle– my daughter is having a tough time with my situation, and has talked about hurting herself.
  • Andy L– my neighborhood is literally going to the dogs, may God strengthen my wife and I to be the Christian influence and shine the light of Christ in our neighborhood.
  • Mike– for the PA judicial system to do its work – I’ve had 2 hearings canceled, should be 3 strikes you’re out.
  • Hebrim– to get out on the 30th.
  • Brent– for my friend’s daughter Natalie (16), for Dan’s cancer recovery, and for all the volunteers. Also for God to shine light on my case in this corrupt legal system.
  • David– for my wife and parents and kids.
  • Vincent– for my girlfriend to be doing OK – she is locked up going through withdrawal.
  • Phil T– Thankful for a great turnout at my church’s Alpha program, and seeing people growing in the Lord.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to finally accept Christ.
  • Rick C– For safety and traveling mercies for my friend Frank driving his new motorcycle back from Florida by himself.
  • Eric– pray for financial increase and a girlfriend. A special request prayer to the Lord of Hosts to get me out of this vinimeum, and a sp4ecial prayer to the Lord of Hosts to get me out of this tabernacle room.
  • [Note: I spoke with Eric after the service to say that I don’t pray words I’m not familiar with, and there are no “magic words” for God – he simply wants to hear from our heart. Nevertheless, he was insistent that I include his prayer requests “as is” and I promised I would.]



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– thankful for all the volunteers that come out, pray for my wife Kay, my 2 juvenile daughters and all my kids.  I need the strength of the Lord to carry on, I’m half way through my incarceration.  And prayers for the whole wide world.
  • David– for my great niece (3) who’s had 2 heart surgeries and is in the hospital with pneumonia, and be with her mom.  Also my girl gets her biopsy results Wed, pray they are clear.
  • Andy D– friend at church who died just before 1st anniversary – pray for wife Sarah and the 3 brothers they were in the process of adopting.
  • Martin– salvation, family, Lord show us our future and the journey ahead.
  • Harry– those fighting addiction, and all of us in here tonight.
  • Rick C– for my friend Herb slowly recovering from a coma after brain bleed/damage.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • For the new leadership and all the staff of Chester County Prison as new security measures are implemented and change the way some things are done.
  • For the prison Chaplains – Pastor Jack (continued healing from cancer), Rhonda ministering to the ladies, and Heinrich ministering to the men.
  • For the eventual expansion of the chapel schedule to accommodate more volunteers who are ready to  minister to inmates.
  • For peace and compassion among the prison population and between staff and inmates.
  • For all the Aftercare ministries across Chester County helping the men and women released from prison get a better start on a new life.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 5/20/24

Treasurer Report Spring 2024

When considering the instructions given in Proverbs 6:6-8, we’re told to be wise by following the ants example of providing her supplies in the summer and gathering food in the harvest.  In order to survive and thrive in life, one needs to be a constant worker like the ant.  Now that spring has arrived, I see first-hand how busy the ants are outside getting all of their supplies ready for the time to gather their food at harvest.  As believers and followers of the Lord Jesus, we’re privileged to serve Him in a specific capacity where He’s gifted us to show and tell others how they can come to know and enjoy our Savior.  One way you can consider using your abilities given by the Lord is to help lend financial support to Onesimus Ministries.    By either donating funds or materials, you’re providing necessary supplies to the inmates as they need bibles to feed on the Word of God. 

If you feel led by the Lord to assist with the provision of supplies and food for the spiritual harvest of souls at the Chester County prison, you can either click the “Donate Now” button on this webpage or a gift can be mailed to 145 Bethel Road Oxford, PA 19363.  So may we be found to be wise and active as someday we’ll be able to see the harvest of souls that gave their life to the Lord Jesus as  the Lord used our resources in time, energy, and funds that were given for His purposes.

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