Habeas Corpus

Literally, produce the body.  It’s a legal term that means if you have evidence, let’s see it. Many of the men to whom we minister on a Monday night are skeptical of almost everything because they have lived in a world of deceit.  They have seen every scam artist and imposter there is and are reticent to believe anyone about anything without seeing the evidence.

The evidence that Jesus was the one spoken of by the Old Testament prophets is stunning.  Written hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of years before Jesus walked the earth the prophets said the Messiah would come through the line of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Jesse, be of the House of David and be born in Bethlehem Ephrata. Jesus satisfied every one of those prophesies.  

There is only one possible explanation for the accuracy of those prophets, and it is that they were motivated to write what they wrote by a power that not only knows the future but exerts control over it.  That is the message I often bring when it is my turn to speak on a Monday night.

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Trusting The Lord’s Heart

“God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”  – Charles Spurgeon   This is the quote that I had in mind when I preached recently in CCP on Isaiah 55: 8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts

All of us can relate to this passage taken at face value so to speak. Things happen and we begin to question God, and some, if we’re honest, may doubt God. God, where were You, where are You? Why did you let this happen? God, do you love me? I’m sure many of the men we’ve encountered in Prison have had thoughts like these as they have dealt with the trials and challenges of life.  Some of these were brought on by circumstances over which they had no control, some by choices they have made. Regardless, the pain and struggles are real and all of us try to understand and make sense of God when we really can’t. Consider Job…

Since teaching on that passage, this was brought to bear with the tragic loss of a friend from church. I write this within a couple of hours of attending his funeral – the thoughts are fresh. He was a believer, so we know and take comfort he is with Jesus right now. But this is where the questions begin. He was 56 years old when he had his heart attack. He had just celebrated one year of marriage to his second wife as his first wife went home to be with the Lord in 2018. He and his bride had just been approved to foster 3 brothers ranging in age from 7 – 14, with the intent of adoption. I learned that my friend had been adopted so he had a special heart for these boys.

And so, with this tragic, inexplicable loss, the questions begin: God, why now? God, what’s going to happen to these boys? How can it be explained to them that God is a loving God? How can we comfort his wife? I spoke with her briefly. Through her pain, she is trusting God.

Let’s go back to the passage in Isaiah and look at the surrounding passages to get context. This is a passage about salvation!  God is telling us that we wouldn’t understand His marvelous plan. In our sinful minds, we think we need to earn salvation by some effort of our own, or perhaps we just merit it because we’re “good people”. God says no, not so! God invites us to come freely and partake because He loves us. He sacrificed His Son – He bore the pain and shame on our behalf. He calls us to humbly come and accept the free gift of grace. God, why do you love me so much that you did this for me?  I believe His reply would be, “You wouldn’t understand.”  Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me!

This is why we can trust God’s heart when we can’t trace His hand. Because of the Cross! He has a plan and we are blessed to be a part of it and to share it with others.  Jesus told us we would have troubles in this life, but He also told us of the promises of Heaven and He made the way for us to be there with Him. Praise Him for His unfathomable love!

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Watching God Work

As we continue to settle into our “new normal” at the prison, I have been encouraged by the attendance and engagement of the women at our chapel services. I was speaking with one of our volunteers recently, and she has also noticed the same thing I have: there has been a great uptick in the number of women coming down for chapel services since we reopened, compared to the numbers we were seeing before COVID. We are regularly getting twice as many women coming to church as before. It is an answer to prayer and we’re thanking God for it.

The women seem especially engaged and more focused during the services.There seems to be a greater seriousness in their pursuit of the Lord. A couple of the women have begun a Bible study group on the block and invite other women to join them. They requested some study material from the chaplain’s office to work through, and are now excited about the group they’re leading. The women have also discovered an app on their inmate tablets which produces Christian material geared especially towards the incarcerated. Produced by a group of formerly incarcerated Christians, the app provides Christian teachings, music, Bible reading and study, and other faith-related content. The women are extremely excited to have discovered it and are recommending it to each other, and the number of them who are making use of the app is quickly growing. One woman said to me in chapel, “Make sure you tell the men about the app too. Make sure they know about it.” In true Christian desire to share good news, she wants to ensure the male inmates are also aware of the app.

It has been a thrill to see the women desiring and eagerly seeking to know the Lord. In the chapel services, they enjoy getting into discussions and showing what they’ve learned in their studies. I’m always happy to affirm them and compliment them on their Bible knowledge; always encouraging them to keep going, keep seeking, and keep expanding their knowledge of God’s Word. I’m so grateful to God for the privilege of being there to help these precious women along the path as they open their hearts to Him, and to experience the blessing of watching as He begins to transform their lives.

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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 5/13/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Monday nights are always a joy for the prison ministry team, and last night was no exception. The inmates in both services were actively engaged, which is always great.  It makes us feel like we’re making a difference when our incarcerated brothers respond to the love of Jesus as we sing, testify, and learn from the Holy Word of God.


Psalm 5 helped focus our minds on our standing before the Father:

O Lord, hear me as I pray;

    pay attention to my groaning.

Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God,

    for I will never pray to anyone but you.

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.

    Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.


O God, you take no pleasure in wickedness;

    you cannot tolerate the slightest sin.

Therefore, the proud will not be allowed to stand in your presence,

    for you hate all who do evil.

You will destroy those who tell lies.

    The Lord detests murderers and deceivers.


Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house;

    with deepest awe I will worship at your Temple.

Lead me in the right path, O Lord,

    or my enemies will conquer me.

Tell me clearly what to do, and show me which way to turn. (Psalm 5:1-8)


Jose began the 1st service message with an Old Testament passage to see how it looked towards the cross of Christ, then followed through with a New Testament passage in the light of the cross.  He walked us through Numbers 21:4-8 where the journeying Israelites grumbled about God’s food and water provisions in the desert, so He sent poisonous snakes to get their attention and realize their sin.  God eventually instructed Moses to put a bronze snake on a pole where those afflicted could look up and be delivered. We can clearly see foreshadowing of Christ on the cross, where Jesus even said in John 3:13 how the Son of Man must be lifted up, and those who look up and believe will be saved.  We all must look to Christ alone for salvation.


In 2nd service, Matt took us “Into the Storm” asking what we normally do when a storm is coming.  We tend to shelter and hunker down like cows do when storms come, or we sometimes run away. Since we know the source of all power and strength, shouldn’t we hit the storm straight on and get through it quicker as the mighty bison? Storms are inevitable in life and can beat us down if we just try to endure.  Realize Jesus will always come to us like he did walking on water to the apostles in the midst of their storm, but not always right away. If we know Jesus, why not be bold like Peter and ask Jesus to call us out of the boat? He started as a bison, but “cowed out” when he focused on the storm instead of keeping locked-in on Jesus.  That’s the answer – stay locked in on our Savior, he’s got us.


And that’s how the inmates feel when we remind them of all the prayer warriors lifting them up each week. They feel like we’ve got them covered, presenting their cares before our glorious Savior who is more than able to do more than we can ask or imagine. Thanks for your partnership on this faith journey, and may almighty God bless you and yours in a very special way this week.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Dave– for stability in my life
  • Andy L– for my neighbor who was arrested for killing a dog who tried to kill her. Her court date is coming up, and the neighbors are all trying to help as they can.
  • James– for faith, and for all the Moms as it was just Mother’s day on Sunday.
  • Miguel– that my 3 boys (4-1/2, 2, and 9mos) are all doing OK, and that I can reshape myself in here to be better for them.
  • Dan T– praise and thanksgiving that cancer recurrence was caught in time and treatments are over.  Also pray for my brother-in-law to let go of trusting solely in intellect and finally accept Christ.
  • Drake– thankful that my relationship with God allows me to move past trauma. Pray for those with mental health issues, and that we can all have a better relationship with our Moms.
  • Nasim– for my relationship with God, still working on it, and help to overcome sin.
  • Ryan– prayers for each of us, we are all in here for a reason, may the Lord help us stop looking at the negative and use this as a learning experience for what He is trying to teach us.
  • Eric– pray for financial increase and a steady job when I get out, and a stable hobby and a girlfriend.
  • Evan– for my Mom and all the other Moms that were missed on Mothers Day.
  • Samuel– for my Grandfather (90) who got no welfare check today (financial hardship), and for my situation – that I can get home and get into rehab sooner.
  • Ryan– I feel the Lord calling me to start a ministry called “Criminals for Christ”.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– for my strength in the Lord, no word yet on my hearing, although it’s moved to another judge who may not have reconsideration of sentence.  Pray for judge’s heart to terminate my probation.  Also for this facility as a whole, all the sick and shut-ins, and my family at large.
  • Troy– My friend Jeff (56) died of a heart attack just before his 1st wedding anniversary – pray for his wife Sarah and the 3 kids they were in the process of adopting – not sure what will happen to them now.
  • Martin– family, for my Grandmother (97) to have strength and health, for my sobriety, and God help me deal with the temptations every day.
  • Jeremiah– for family, and thankful for the volunteers.
  • Glenn– family and loved ones, friends, and for everyone to do the right thing.
  • Jose G– salvation for Rony who struggles with alcoholism, and salvation for Johannes and Benjamin.
  • Matt R– for my coworker Shaun and wife Megan (36) fighting for her life with stage 4 cancer – pray continued healing and strength.  Also for friends Katy and Aaron on the verge of divorce, and Aaron battling addiction – may God help him get on the right path.
  • Rick C– for my friend Louie who just underwent radical cancer surgery to remove colon, and for my friend Herb in Paoli hospital battling back from a coma after brain bleed/damage.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • For the Chaplaincy department at the prison – Pastor Jack Crans (healing from cancer), Rhonda Soland ministering to the ladies, and Heinrich Botes ministering to the men.
  • Blessings upon newly installed Warden Holland, his leadership team, the prison staff, and all of their families.
  • The inmate population on the minimum security blocks, the medium security blocks, the maximum security block, the restricted blocks, and all of their families.
  • For the Aftercare ministries across Chester County.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at outreach@onesimusministries.org.



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website – https://onesimusministries.org/category/weekly-prayer-requests/



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 5/6/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are encouraged by increasing numbers of inmates coming out to both church services on Monday nights. Pray that attendees would be inspired to invite even more of the guys on the cell block to join them, and the Spirit would move hearts.  As always, the ministry team stands ready to be God’s hands and feet to serve whoever He puts in our path.


Last night’s prayer time began with Psalm 1:


Oh, the joys of those who do not

    follow the advice of the wicked,

    or stand around with sinners,

    or join in with scoffers.

But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants;

    day and night they think about His law.

They are like trees planted along the riverbank,

    bearing fruit each season without fail.

Their leaves never wither,

    and they prosper in all they do.


But this is not true of the wicked!

    They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.

They will be condemned at the time of judgment.

    Sinners will have no place among the godly.


For the Lord watches over the path of the godly,

    but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.


In 1st service, Andy L quizzed the men on our greatest enemies.  Fear, worry, anxiety, desires, and pride topped the list – all rooted in Satan’s ongoing war against Jesus. People continually fall for his wicked schemes, but God is all powerful and prevails through every situation the devil thinks he’s won.  From original sin, to Noah’s day, to Daniel in the lion’s den, to Jonah running away, to Saul persecuting the church – God turned each one around for His glory.  He takes every disaster and makes something good out of it – including our lives – but giving our heart to Him isn’t the end.  He wants disciples of Jesus!  We have one life to live, and must decide who’s team we’re on, then suit up and get into the battle!


Andy D based his 2nd service message on Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” He used several illustrations, such as withholding food and water for a sick pet going in for digestive ultrasound, and the story of Job to emphasize how the servant doesn’t often see or understand what the Master is doing, but we must trust in His love and mercy that the right things will happen.  God doesn’t react to sinners as we would, because it’s not about us or what we’ve done (good or bad), it’s about what Jesus already did for us. He offers grace and salvation that all would be saved.


I get to hear several good messages each week, and am inspired to share them with all of you.  Thanks as always for your partnership in this ministry as we jointly lift up all the men and women connected to Chester County Prison, their families, and the prayer requests below.  God bless your week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Ken– things we’re grateful for, family and friends, and for guidance.
  • Sam– Forgiveness of sin, and very thankful to be able to come out to church tonight.
  • Eric– special dedication to the Lord of Hosts to get me out of this tabernacle room.
  • Mike– for world leaders who have lost their way.
  • James– my wife is struggling financially and received an eviction notice for her and the kids.
  • Eric– for a nice paying job when I get out of here, and for a nice girlfriend.
  • Miguel– for the health and prosperity of our children.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to finally let go and accept Christ.
  • Phil T– to end the wave of antisemitism that has flooded our country and the world.
  • Eric– for Dan’s full recovery from cancer treatments.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– for the sick and shut-ins, my family at large, and a softened heart for Judge Taylor Smith on reconsideration of my sentence where she wants to add 6 months.
  • Martin– strength, family, those of us going through addiction and recovery, and for my grandmother who is 97.
  • Jeremiah– for family, my significant other, and friends.
  • Mike– for my son and daughter in the absence of a father, and for their mother who doesn’t know Jesus. Pray that all goes well with my preliminary hearing. Thanks for the volunteers bringing the message each week.  Pray for all the inmates not in church tonight, that they would have favorable outcomes to their troubles, and for the Lord’s will to be done in my life.
  • Matt R– for coworker Shaun and wife Megan headed to NY for her late stage cancer treatment (last week’s appointment was canceled) – strength and healing for Megan.  Healing for my friend Aaron in active addiction, and for all those locked up here to have wisdom and God’s strength in the face of temptation.
  • Andy D– continued recovery for my friend Herb in Paoli hospital (brain bleed/damage).  He’s gone from coma and ventilator to awake and speaking a few words- the Lord is definitely doing something here.
  • Rick C– for all the folks in Southeast Texas affected by flooding and tornadoes.  And for a young lady I met during bike blessing event at motorcycle club in Reading, that Jesus would reveal himself to her and grant her wisdom to end the confusion of her situation and mixed beliefs.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Healing mercies for Pastor Jack Crans.
  • Our Chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich.
  • Warden Holland, his leadership team, and the staff at Chester County Prison
  • Families connected with inmates and staff at the prison.
  • Health, wisdom, and compassion for inmates and staff.
  • Aftercare ministries in Chester County.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at outreach@onesimusministries.org.



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website – https://onesimusministries.org/category/weekly-prayer-requests/



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/29/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Another absolutely gorgeous day God provided for us all!  I think we often take for granted things like going out and enjoying the nice weather. When it gets this nice out, the inmate’s opportunity for church can sometimes be in competition for yard time.  And can you blame anyone for wanting to be outside enjoying God’s creation, with some fresh air and sunshine after being cooped up inside a cell all day long?  A tough choice for sure.


We rejoice with whoever comes out to the services each Monday night.  We enjoy worshipping alongside our incarcerated brothers with prayer, singing, sharing testimonies, and hearing a message from God’s Word. Last night we began praising God with Psalm 146:


Praise the Lord!


Praise the Lord, I tell myself.

    I will praise the Lord as long as I live.

    I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath.


Don’t put your confidence in powerful people;

    there is no help for you there.

When their breathing stops, they return to the earth,

    and in a moment all their plans come to an end.

But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper,

    whose hope is in the Lord their God.

He is the one who made heaven and earth,

    the sea, and everything in them.

He is the one who keeps every promise forever,

    who gives justice to the oppressed

    and food to the hungry.

The Lord frees the prisoners.

    The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.

The Lord lifts the burdens of those bent beneath their loads.

    The Lord loves the righteous.

The Lord protects the foreigners among us.

    He cares for the orphans and widows,

    but he frustrates the plans of the wicked.


The Lord will reign forever.

    O Jerusalem, your God is King in every generation.


Praise the Lord!


Dan gave the message in 1st service, challenging the men with two questions – is there a God? And if so, is He the God of the Bible? Two of the biggest questions for the human race. For those unable to believe without seeing the evidence, how does one explain over 500 billion galaxies? If all that matter and energy wasn’t created by a superior being, how’d it get here? Most would agree it was created, and if created then there is a creator. Dan offered proof of the Bible’s validity through major prophesies in Daniel and Zechariah coming true hundreds of years after they were spoken.  Since God is real and the Bible is true, we all have a decision to make.


In the 2nd service, Bill offered 3 great pieces of advice – Believe the Gospel, Be a friend, and Walk like Jesus.  He offered many Bible passages in support of such wisdom, but centered it on one particular passage.  He walked us through Jesus healing the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5, where the man’s friends lowered him through the roof to get to Jesus. Believing the Gospel and accepting Jesus is the most important decision anyone can make, and friends are so important, especially ones who help us get there. Then living out the life God calls us to is best modeled after how Jesus walked in perfect concert with the Father, abiding in His love.


Together with you, we prayerfully lift up this ministry, our chaplains, the inmates, and their prayer requests below.  Thanks for continuing with us on this weekly journey of faith, seeing where our Heavenly Father leads.  May your prayer time be rich with blessing, and may God’s peace rule in your heart.  Have a spectacular week.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Brent– for my friend’s daughter (Natalie, 16) who is very sick, my family recently lost our uncle, and I just lost a good friend (Paige, 24) who passed away after severe brain damage.
  • Vincent– my grandmom (96) who had a stroke just passed away last week, pray for my family.
  • Josh– family
  • Dave– strength for each day, to stay sane in a place where we have control over absolutely nothing.
  • Eric– myself and others dealing with depression, keep my family healthy, pray for stability in my life.  Also praying for financial increase in my life.
  • Andy L– my neighbor was almost killed by a big dog who had her by the throat.  Nobody would help her  with the situation, so she took matters into her own hands and fed a big handful of tranquilizers to the dog, then got arrested for it and sent to jail.
  • Terran– for compassion and God’s grace.
  • Phil T– my daughter Brooke has yet to accept Christ, and has a hard time handling pressures when her kids are sick, pray she would experience God’s grace and peace and accept Jesus in her heart.
  • Joshua– for my retainer to get lifted, and for my Parole Officer (Robert) who sustained a back injury.
  • Josh– mercy
  • Dan T– my brother-in-law with PhD won’t let go and accept Christ.  Also for God’s will on my health and for my life after radiation treatments – will find out if effective on 5/9.
  • James– want to center my life on God and be consistent once out of prison for the sake of my kids.  Help me to walk in faith.
  • Matt R– to be the spiritual leader in my family as God calls me to be.  Grant me strength, knowledge, and wisdom to do it effectively, and help me break any generational curses and establish generational blessings instead.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– for my wife (Kay), my youngest daughters (Brianna and Brielle), and my family at large. For everyone inside Chester County Prison, and for the strength to carry on.  Pray for my situation in Philadelphia where Judge Taylor Smith wants reconsideration of my sentence to add 6 months, praying for mercy, compassion and that God would touch her heart.
  • Jeremiah– for my children, church, and a female friend who just turned herself in.
  • Harry– for my domestic relations case coming up over custody of triplet boys (no agreement), and for those of us with drug and alcohol addictions.  I get out in 60 days and I’m worried about walking in faith so I don’t go back to old habits and old friends and bad choices that led to this place.  I only have my fiancé and a home, I need to find work but not among old friends.
  • Andy D– my friend Herb was in Paoli hospital in a coma after he fell and hit his head (brain bleed/damage).  The Lord seems to be healing him- the ventilator tubes were removed and he seems responsive to visitors.  Pray for continued recovery and God’s will for his life.
  • Matt R– for coworker Shaun and wife Megan headed to NY for late stage cancer treatment.  Pray for my friend Aaron battling addiction and divorce.  Pray for Martin – didn’t get to meet one-on-one this week, keep his mind sharp and in a good place.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • For Chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich as they minister throughout Chester County Prison to inmates, staff, and families.  May God bless them richly to be a blessing to many others. And continued strength and healing for our friend Pastor Jack Crans with late stage cancer.


  • Blessings of wisdom and strength for Warden Howard Holland as he assumes the permanent role as Warden of Chester County Prison. And God bless all levels of prison leadership with everything they need to become an effective team after all the personnel changes in last few months.


  • Blessings upon all prison staff and their families, that their lives would be filled with peace and joy.


  • For all the inmates and their families to make the wisest choices possible, and experience the fullness of God’s blessing in their lives.  For strength and sound bodies, minds, and spirits.


  • For the aftercare ministries helping ex-inmates in their return to society as productive and God-fearing citizens.  God bless the ministries with all they need to be effective in the mission God calls them to, and may it bear much fruit with changed hearts in clients and within the whole community.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at outreach@onesimusministries.org.



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website – https://onesimusministries.org/category/weekly-prayer-requests/



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/22/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’m honored to be part of a great prison ministry team, where each week different people step up into different roles to cover our bases as we serve the inmates each week.  This week, Phil stepped up to lead the first service, and Erwin lead us through the prayer time, and it was my turn to give the message.  In second service, Marty stepped up for the prayer time, as I was preaching a “double header” last night.  I truly appreciate all my brothers and their willingness to serve in whatever capacity is needed.


Beginning a week before my turn to give the message, my prayers turn to what God would have me say to the men in prison.  He knows who will be there and what needs to be shared, even if it’s only for one guy.  And there’s nothing more rewarding than to be told by someone after your message, “I really needed to hear that”.  It’s pure joy to be used by God for His purposes.  My goal in serving is always to glorify and honor Him.


I felt God led me to speak about strength last night. Not just physical strength, but inner strength.  And the huge difference between doing things in our strength versus trusting in God’s strength. We walked through examples such as Paul’s thorn in his flesh, where God told him “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2Cor12:9), as well as 2 Old Testament examples.  We discussed Israel’s punishment of wandering 40 years in the desert for trusting the report of 12 scouts instead of God’s direction to conquer the promised land in His strength.  We also saw God punish David for numbering the people in 1Chronicles 21, being focused on troop strength instead of trusting God and His strength which always proved reliable.


I didn’t realize until typing this email that so many prayer requests and testimonies from last night dealt with seeking strength.  Another indicator that I was hopefully on target for what God wanted me to share!


And we thank you for how you all share in this ministry lifting up these men and their prayer requests each week. We join you in trusting God to hear and answer each prayer, and may we all share in His strength in all we do for Him.  Have a blessed week!


Grace and Peace,




Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Phil T– my friend is experiencing weakness from radiation treatments for cancer that resurfaced after several years.  Pray for his healing, and for his wife who lost her Mom about 10 days ago.
  • Ricky– for peace of mind, and for brothers to walk with me through trials.
  • Joshua– friends and family.
  • James– father passed away last week, pray for the family and his cousins.
  • Rick C– friend Jennifer having major autoimmune issues, having allergic reaction to pretty much every material, scent, and food.  Wisdom for caregivers to diagnose and treat properly, and ultimate healing from God above.
  • Joshua #2– for my new born baby (Joshua John) and his Mom.
  • Phil T– my friend Regina who had trouble with previous pregnancy is once again pregnant, pray that it goes much better with Mom and baby staying healthy all the way through.
  • Jeff– my wife (Jessica), my daughter (Bella), my Mom who is in hospice, and my Dad who is having heart surgery.
  • James– for strength and freedom.  Also for my addiction, my Dad died from an overdose.
  • Vincent– my grandmom (Dolores, 96) had a stroke.
  • Joshua– for the judges, the public defenders, and the parole officers.
  • Jose G– my first cousin James has stage 4 cancer, has lost his eyesight and is half paralyzed.
  • Andy L– my neighbor (Rhonda) needs a kidney and has lost her strength, was also attacked by a big dog who nearly killed her. Prayers for healing and recovery.
  • Eric– for Pastor Peter and the folks at Goshen Baptist church, where I had delicious spaghetti and meatballs.



Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Andy D– my friend Herb who fell and hit his head, causing a brain bleed which deprived his brain of oxygen for 7-8 minutes. Prognosis is bleak, he remains in ICU on a ventilator.  Prayers for his cousin who has medical POA and will have to make tough decisions.
  • Craig– for my family at large, my youngest daughters (Brianna and Brielle), and especially my wife (Kay) who is stressed out holding it all together by herself.  Give me strength to carry on bothin here and out in the real world. Pray for my situation in Philadelphia where judge wants reconsideration of my sentence to add 6 months, praying for mercy and compassion.
  • Harry– for all of our addictions and temptations, for strength and hope. For my relationship with 7-year-old triplet sons – their mother wants full custody but I’m not giving up my share of custody. Going to court for visitation rights and support money for her, which I’m willing to pay.  Had sentencing for my case – got 60 days in Chester County Prison which I’m serving now.
  • Martin– strength and stability, ability to deal with temptations of the flesh, for my family, my situation, and all our court cases.
  • Zack– supposed to go to rehab in 7-10 days, praying it happens, and for everyone’s strength.
  • Matt R– for coworker Shaun and wife Megan with late-stage cancer.  Healing for her and strength for both of them as she’s battling for her life and he’s dealing with that as well as taking care of their 3 kids under age 7.  Also pray for my friend Aaron who just started outpatient treatment for addiction.  For all the inmates in here, their court cases, and their daily trials.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

  • We pray for all the chaplains at Chester County Prison, first of all lifting up Pastor Jack Crans for strength, complete healing, and full restoration as he continues to serve the Lord in many capacities.  Of course we also lift up our wonderful assistant chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich, asking the Lord for His continued blessings of wisdom, endurance, and compassion as they minister to many connected to the prison.


  • Continued prayer for prison leadership as a new Warden is selected, and for every level of leadership to be blessed with all they need to be fully successful at work and at home.  We pray God’s rich blessings upon all the staff members and their families.


  • For guidance and direction on all the details for the annual Onesimus banquet in October.


  • For all the aftercare ministries taking care of ex-inmates that most of society would rather ignore.  May God bless them with all they need to do the mission God has called them to, and may their efforts bear much fruit with changed hearts and changed lives that lift up the whole community.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at outreach@onesimusministries.org.



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website – https://onesimusministries.org/category/weekly-prayer-requests/



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/22/24

Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/15/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The tone in the prison last night was a little more somber than usual, perhaps because it’s so nice outside and we get to enjoy it whenever we want, while inmates are stuck inside most of the day with just a few minutes of yard time. It is prison, after all. I guess it’s easy to take for granted the many individual freedoms we enjoy and exercise every day. 


We can’t do much about physical freedom, but we try our best to lift their spirits each week.  Psalm 143 really seemed to fit the mood of the evening as we kicked off our prayer time.


Come quickly, Lord, and answer me,

    for my depression deepens.

Don’t turn away from me,

    or I will die.

Let me hear of your unfailing love to me in the morning,

    for I am trusting you.

Show me where to walk,

    for I have come to you in prayer.

Save me from my enemies, Lord;

    I run to you to hide me.

Teach me to do your will,

    for you are my God.

May your gracious Spirit lead me forward

    on a firm footing.

For the glory of your name, O Lord, save me.

    In your righteousness, bring me out of this distress.(Psalm 143:7-11)


Phil shared the Good News in 1st service, consistently reminding us it’s all about Jesus. That’s where we must put our faith. Jesus told the Pharisees the law can’t save them, it points to Him – only He can save.  It’s a gift of God that we can’t earn. A Barna survey in 2020 revealed 50% of Christians (and 70% of Catholics) believe heaven can be earned.  We must realize that Christ + Nothing = Salvation. Paul said in 1Cor 1.18, “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”


In 2nd service, Troy first took us through the armor of God in Ephesians 6, explaining all the different elements of the armor, emphasizing it’s use against ideas and our thought life, not flesh and blood.  Each piece can protect us, though it’s not even needed if we choose to blend into the world around us.  Battered armor is a sign of doing God’s work. Troy also walked us through the Romans road, which presents the Bad News, then the Good News in just a few verses – Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-10, and 10:13.  It’s worth memorizing for the benefit of those God may put in your path.


We encourage the men every week to get into God’s Word daily to see what He has for us – His living Word is different every time we read it, because our understanding and our situation will be different. The men are further encouraged by the knowledge that all of you are praying for them each and every week.  It doesn’t hurt that several volunteers testify how prayer requests within this prayer chain have been wonderfully answered over the past few months.  Is our God great or what?  Thank you all so much for joining with us in doing what He tells us to do – love one another.  Have a spectacular week!


Grace and Peace,




Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Ricky– Our release dates! And victims of Ukraine war, especially the children.  Also thankful for staying sober 20 years and hope I can stay sober the rest of my life.
  • Ross– my cellmate looking forward to getting out, but going through some spiritual struggles.
  • Jeff– my wife (Jessica) and my daughter.  And for justice when I get back to Virginia, I had heart issues on the way to court that put me in the hospital, but they put out a no-show warrant. Pray the judge sees the issue clearly and has mercy.  Also pray for Israel.
  • Phil T– for Becky Myers with a really bad cold that won’t go away.  Pray for healing and that it’s not more than that.
  • Vincent– excited that my girlfriend (Casey) is pregnant with my first child, I want to be there.
  • Jose G– pray for the salvation of Johanne and Benjamin.
  • Dan T– for salvation of my brother-in-law, who has heard the message but struggles with submitting to the Lord – pray his heart would be softened.
  • Phil T– My son-in-law lost his uncle, pray for peace and comfort for the family.
  • James– addiction, my family.



Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– thankful for volunteers giving up their time each week, pray for wife (Kay) and all my daughters, pray for the Lord’s strength to carry on, that I would be a doer and not just hearer of the Word, and that I could lead by example.
  • Martin– for family, my recovery, my situation (judge pulled out the rug under me by denying drug rehab at the last minute), and thanks for volunteers.
  • Clarence– for the volunteers coming out each week, for the men who couldn’t make it out to the service tonight, family, for the Lord to keep His hands on me, and for light to shine on my situation, help me keep the faith one day at a time.
  • Bill H– praying for best possible results of a medical test my granddaughter had today.
  • Martin– my cousin Samantha lost her custody battle, father has 100% custody, she is going through very stressful time.
  • Matt R– for Megan, wife of my coworker Shaun, still battling back from brink of hospice with stage 4 cancer, she had a good week and is doing normal things.  Pray for full healing.  Also pray for my friend Aaron battling addiction and on verge of divorce, may he get the help he needs.
  • Earl– thank you God for your inner strength in me.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

  • We always like to lift up our chaplains in Chester County Prison each week.  We pray healing and restoration for Pastor Jack Crans, and we pray for blessings of wisdom, endurance, and compassion on our assistant chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich who accomplish the day-to-day ministry among the inmates and staff.


  • We pray for the changing leadership within the prison, from selection of a new Warden to all the changes across departments.  May God bless these men and women with all they need to be fully successful in their roles, bless their families and home life, and may they continue to look favorably upon the chaplaincy program at the prison and the value it brings.    


  • We pray God’s provision for the right location and catering services for our annual banquet in October.  We thank our Lord in advance for the table sponsors He will bring forth, And may the Lord lead us to the right speaker(s) to reflect the value of partnership in this ministry.


  • For all prison staff working many shifts and long hours due to staff shortages.  We pray God would bless and watch over their families, and refresh their spirits as they come to work each day.


  • We ask God’s great provision and blessings upon the aftercare ministries serving recently released inmates as they transition to life outside of prison while maintaining a strong faith connection.  May the ministries have more than they need to serve each client effectively, and may the staff and volunteers be refreshed as they do the Lord’s work.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at outreach@onesimusministries.org.



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website – https://onesimusministries.org/category/weekly-prayer-requests/



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/15/24

Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/08/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Hooray! Spring finally decided to show up- it’s supposed to hit 76° today! We also had a decent day for eclipse-viewing yesterday with my son in Manayunk. I’ve attached the best picture I took before we got completely clouded over.  Absolutely stunning – the architectural magnificence and grandeur of God’s planetary creation on display for the world to see.


Then last night we got to minister among his greatest creation – people – particularly those seeking Him from the confines of a prison cell. Two very distinct services, both very meaningful to those who came out.  Psalm 130 was our scripture to kick off the prayer time:


From the depths of despair, O Lord,

    I call for your help.

Hear my cry, O Lord.

    Pay attention to my prayer.


Lord, if you kept a record of our sins,

    who, O Lord, could ever survive?

But you offer forgiveness,

    that we might learn to fear you.


I am counting on the Lord;

    yes, I am counting on Him.

    I have put my hope in His word.

I long for the Lord

    more than sentries long for the dawn,

    yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.


O Israel, hope in the Lord;

    for with the Lord there is unfailing love

    and an overflowing supply of salvation.

He himself will free Israel

    from every kind of sin.


Erwin got right to the point in 1st service – Why the Gospel? And Why does it matter? He explained how sinful man can be reconciled to a Holy God only through the one perfect sacrifice worthy to pay the penalty – Jesus Christ. The only true Gospel comes from God and centers on the Lord Jesus Christ who did all the work, nothing we do can possibly earn salvation- we are saved by grace through faith.  Many false gospels tell a different story, but Jesus claimed “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6) and there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12).


2nd service was very intimate with only a few inmates attending, so we adopted a small group format with lots of interaction. Marty taught the parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-20, explaining the 4 heart conditions in response to God’s Word. Hard hearts (the path) believe false gospels or just don’t care. Rocky soil displays personal shallowness focused on appearance vs substance, all about me vs. faith (all about Him).  Thorny soil puts worldly cares on equal footing with God’s will, consumed with worry and not seeing a bigger picture of salvation through grace by faith.  And finally fertile soil, yielding to God, absorbing and wanting more of His word, willing to share God’s love, and allow the Holy Spirit to grow His kingdom through us.


We get to interact directly with inmates, and follow-up prayer is every bit as important to promote their faith journey by lifting them up and the things they care about.  They know what you do for them and appreciate it greatly.  Let me add my thanks as well.  It’s an honor to serve in this ministry beside each one of you.


Grace and Peace,




Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Phil T– answered prayer for my granddaughter doing much better in school.
  • Eric– for civility and peace within my family, especially with Mom and Dad.  May I leave this facility in peace, and leave this tabernacle tonight in peace.
  • Boyd– to have faith on the street, and stay on track.
  • John– for God to give all believers courage to share Jesus and grow His Kingdom, for everyone’s families, for all those that pray for us, for the volunteers inside the prison, and for healing/restoration of my eye – pray I can get released early to get the eye surgery I need.
  • Glenn– thank you Jesus for what you did, and for wisdom and discernment.
  • Jess– my Mom is in hospice, my Dad has heart surgery Thursday, and for my wife Jessica.
  • Andy L– to be faithful and steady in prayer, and may God refresh and renew my prayer life which seems a bit stagnant lately.
  • Dan T– my brother in law with PhD, searching and knows the answer but unwilling to let go and yield to the Lord.  Pray for perfect timing, words, and opportunity for Dan to speak into it.
  • Josh– the criminal justice system and this place need integrity – the people need to try harder.
  • Jose– salvation for Rony and Francisco. And for friend Tim’s 5 children who are lost.
  • Ulysses– family, my children, my court date on May 6, and to get answers from my lawyer.
  • Rick C– for my friend Jimmy who had emergency appendectomy surgery, and my friend Herb feeling very overwhelmed lately.  Also for our friend Morgan to accept his Christian retirement location.



Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Clarence– for the volunteers who come out and bring us the Word, my family, closure with my situation- I’ve been here a year without knowing what’s going on, court dates keep slipping, etc.,  Lord strengthen me and keep me spiritually grounded, keep working on me, and for the men on the block who didn’t make it out tonight.
  • Mike– thanks for all you volunteers each week, for everyone in here, especially those who don’t know the Lord, for my 2 kids to be doing well even without me there, and for their Mom to accept Christ.  Pray for my parent’s health and all those with “unanswered” prayers.
  • Andy D– healing for my left eye, suffering extreme dryness issues, help me to remember the drops.
  • Rick C– for my daughter Ali, getting married in Fall, dealing with many pressures and feeling a heavy financial burden lately (due to employer paycheck mistakes), may God relieve the burden and may she and her fiancé sort through everything together in blessed union.
  • Matt– for Megan, wife of my coworker Shaun, being healed of stage 4 colon cancer, she seems ok but developed skin issues due to treatment.  I was real sick last week with viral stuff and double pink eye, need continued strength to lay my negative attitude and other things at His feet.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

  • For chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich to have another blessed week as they minister within Chester County Prison to the inmates, staff, and families connected to the prison.  And may the chaplaincy program continue to be looked upon with favor by the prison leadership.


  • We lift up the staff and leaders of Chester County Prison, and pray the Warden selection process installs the person God has already selected for that office.


  • Strength, healing, and wholeness for our brother Pastor Jack Crans as he faithfully serves amidst his late stage cancer.


  • Wisdom and open doors for Onesimus board in the search for new banquet location and catering services. 


  • For the hardworking prison staff, experiencing many shifts and long hours due to staff shortages.  May God refresh them and watch over their families.


  • Blessings upon the aftercare ministries taking on released inmates as they adapt to life outside of prison.  May the clients continue to build faithfully upon the foundation of Christ, and may each ministry volunteer experience refreshment and renewed strength in the Lord as they serve.  We pray these ministries would have all they need to continue to operate as long as God would have them do so.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at outreach@onesimusministries.org.



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website – https://onesimusministries.org/category/weekly-prayer-requests/



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/08/24

Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/01/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We just celebrated the most significant Holy Days on the Christian Calendar, commemorating the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.  I pray you all had a wonderful weekend remembering and celebrating the empty tomb!  He is risen, He is risen indeed!


We reminded the men in Chester County prison of these significant events and their meaning at both services last night. Then we settled into our prayer time focusing on another excerpt from Psalm 119:


Teach me, O Lord,

    to follow every one of your principles.

Give me understanding and I will obey your law;

    I will put it into practice with all my heart.

Make me walk along the path of your commands,

    for that is where my happiness is found.

Give me an eagerness for your decrees;

    do not inflict me with a love for money!

Turn my eyes from worthless things,

    and give me life through your word.

Reassure me of your promise,

    which is for those who honor you.

Help me abandon my shameful ways;

    your laws are all I want in life.

I long to obey your commandments!

    Renew my life with your goodness. (Psalm 119:33-40)


Jose continued the Holy Week theme in first service with his message “Today you will be with me in paradise”, teaching how salvation came to Old Testament people through faith in the promised Christ as the sinless ultimate sacrifice.  It’s not all that different than today- we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus our Messiah, like the thief on the cross in Luke 23:32-43. His faith looked forward to King Jesus and fulfillment of His promise of paradise with the Lord forever. Christ’s intercession for us began on the cross and continues at the right hand of the Father.


In 2nd service, Matt gave a great object lesson on transformation with the “coffee bean story”, suggesting when we experience pressure, heat, and turbulent times (like a pot of boiling water), we can choose to be a carrot – getting soft and falling apart – or an egg – getting hardened throughout – or a coffee bean –  transforming our environment from the inside out.  He provided 5 life lessons from the story: 1) work out spiritually, mentally, and physically, watching what you feed yourself, 2) the secret to life is humility in servant leadership, 3) control what you think, say, feel, and do, 4) your past doesn’t define you, and 5) the importance of how you look – positive body language and attitude are contagious.


It was definitely another evening of encouraging the men in prison to seek eternal life with Christ and living a transformed life while we’re still here.  As always, we appreciate each one of you taking the time to lift up these men and their prayer requests below.  We hope serving these men draws you ever closer to our God and King.  Have a blessed week!


Grace and Peace,



PS- We still have 11 email addresses to manually add to each week’s email due to not accepting the group email invitation.  New invitations will be sent right after this email, if you receive one, please accept.  Thanks!



Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Joshua– for friends.
  • John– safety for all the volunteers, for those who pray for us, our families, children, and for love, peace and harmony in here.  Also pray that brothers and sisters can put on the full armor of God.
  • Joseph– for all those not able to come out to the worship service tonight, and those upset over what is going on with their case.
  • Phil T– for my son-in-law Rob and his mom Evelyn – Rob’s Uncle John is on a ventilator.
  • Jose– for Rony’s salvation and also dealing with addiction.  For salvation of Johannes and Benjamin.  For friend Tim whose 5 children are lost, but praise that 2 are showing some change.
  • Joshua– for the court system – seems like nobody knows what they’re doing.
  • Joe– for continued faith when out of here, discipline to stay in God’s Word, and thankful to God for getting the deal I wanted.
  • Phil– for Tony who had his hip replaced today.
  • Saunders– family of former employee Robert Auch, who also served at City Gate desk – He passed away recently.
  • Evan– for my kids, and all our kids who are missing us, pray their lives not impacted by our mistakes.
  • Rick C– for my friend Jen’s father- stroke recovery.  Also for my friend Jimmy who had emergency appendectomy surgery this morning.



Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– for all 5 of my daughters and my grandkids (several have birthdays coming up soon), my family at large, and my VOP (violation of parole) court date in Philly on Wednesday.  And for the strength to be not just a hearer of the Word, but doer of the Word.
  • Martin– for my successful and full recovery, my family, thankful for a letter from my 97 year old  grandmother, also thankful for my 1-1 session with volunteer Matt, and for all the volunteers who come in each week.
  • Harry– for those struggling with addiction and strongholds, pray the court goes well tomorrow – I’m leaving it totally in God’s hands – and for all of us to keep seeking the Lord and walking in faith.
  • Joshua– I’m supposed to be released tomorrow, pray I can find a good church in Oxford, and for my daughter, son, and family.
  • Jeremiah– for family, specifically for my niece in a bad situation.
  • Andy D– thankful for successful Easter service in Kerr Park, Downingtown, where we had over 245 guests.  Pray for those guests and for one woman (and potentially others) who said she’d never been to church before- may this be the first step of her faith journey towards Christ.
  • Ryan– for my sister Elizabeth struggling with addiction, I saw her for the 1st time in 2 years.  Pray she stays clean and comes to know the Lord, and may our relationship be healed.
  • Matt– for Megan, wife of my coworker Shaun, she has stage 4 colon cancer and was about ot be in hospice but just experienced a major turnaround – she has energy and eating again- praise God – pray for full healing.  Also pray for my wife who has anxiety with a job situation.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

  • Traveling mercies and a safe return of our brother Dan and his wife who are vacationing overseas.


  • God bless our wonderful chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich as they serve the inmates, staff, and families connected to Chester County Prison.  May they continue to bless everyone in their path.


  • For the leadership of Chester County Prison, and for the selection process for a new Warden – may the person God has fore-ordained be installed to the top office.


  • For Pastor Jack Crans as he continues to serve amidst his late stage cancer, may the Lord strengthen and restore him.


  • For guidance and open doors as Onesimus board members search out a new location and catering services for the annual banquet in October. 


  • For the prison staff working long hours due to staff shortages, may God bless them and their families with safety and refreshment.


  • For the volunteer organizations serving the aftercare needs of recently released women and men.  May these ministries have all they need to effectively witness and serve the needs of clients, and may all who come there be refreshed and experience significant growth on their faith journey.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at outreach@onesimusministries.org.



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website – https://onesimusministries.org/category/weekly-prayer-requests/



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Posted in Weekly Prayer Requests | Comments Off on Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/01/24