Even though fall is by far my favorite season, with its spectacular colors and cooling temperatures, there is definitely something about spring that brings excitement and a sense of hope. When those first bright flowers begin to appear and the first pale green leaves sprout on the trees, it seems to awaken something in our own souls—the expectation of new life.
Spring is a season of revival, when what was so long dead, or dormant, comes back to life. If winter is the “old man,” then spring is the newborn, bringing with it all the excitement and hope of a brand-new start.
It is very appropriate then, that at this time of year, we are seeing the seeds of hope that have long been planted through the chaplaincy program of Chester County Prison begin to sprout. We are continuing to see a growing spiritual hunger among the residents, men and women.
Practically every day there is another report:
- One of the residents has given her life to the Lord,
- A correctional officer asks for prayer,
- Another asks for a Bible,
- An inmate who has been incarcerated in CCP 15 times comes sincerely seeking to know God and is ready to turn her life around,
- Women telling of the peace they feel when they read their Bibles and encouraging others to come to church with them, talking about the positive changes they’ve begun to notice in themselves.
- So many stories, all speaking of men and women hungry for hope.
As God continues to do His work in the hearts of those at CCP, we want to thank you for coming along side us, supporting our efforts through your faithful prayers and giving. It makes such a difference and we are so grateful. And please, please pray with us that God will have His way in Chester County Prison and that we will see more and more men and women, both residents and staff, coming to the only source of true Hope for their lives. Especially at this time, when there is so much uncertainty and fear in our world, our God stands as a beacon of hope. Pray that more and more will come to see “the light” and turn and place their trust in Him.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming Banquet in the Fall and sharing with you more stories of the faithful work of our God. Thank you again for your prayers and support.