Chaplain Rhonda’s Jottings

The time has flown by! It’s been just over 10 months since I took on the mantle of chaplain for the females at Chester County Prison. It has gone by in a whirlwind, but being there has been so satisfying and fulfilling. I am so blessed to see the number of women increasing who regularly come to our church services and Bible studies. More and more of them seem to be coming to hear God’s Word taught and to learn about Him, rather than coming just as an opportunity to get off “the block.” They are reading their Bibles and devotional books, sitting together to study, and helping to build each other up in their faith.

God is on the move in Chester County Prison. Even the woman I meet with each week on Maximum security, after initially being cold and distant towards God, is now responding with interest and is diligently working in her Bible study book. I can see her faith growing, and it’s been so exciting to sit with her and have her ask questions about God or read to me Bible passages that are meaningful or comforting to her.

God in His sovereignty moves when He is ready to move. Please continue to pray for Him to do a mighty work among the men and women of the prison. We are grateful that you share in the work with us. As you pray and give, remember the Lord’s invitation, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to Me and drink.” (John 7:37)

The residents of Chester County Prison have had life experiences of addiction, abuse, neglect, rejection, suffering, etc; lives that have left them desperately thirsty for something more, something better. You are enabling us to offer Living Water to the men and women of the prison everyday, and increasing numbers of them are coming and drinking deeply, finding the refreshment, hope, and transformation that only God can provide. Thank you for your faithfulness. We can only guess at the eternal impact we may be having.

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