Is Something Going On?

There seems to be a stirring happening. Something moving or changing– spiritually speaking. We heard about and/or experienced the stirring that happened at Asbury Univ. in Kentucky back in Feb. An “outpouring of God’s Presence”, the school called it. Many called it a “Revival”. I don’t know what I would call it, but I do know something special was happening there. I went and spent 3 days there at the Univ. to experience what was going on, and there was definitely something different about the atmosphere there. I have never experienced such a feeling of love and fellowship toward people I had never met before; with everyone I met, there seemed to be an instant connection. Every conversation I had seemed to be the most enjoyable and engaging conversation, where we really listened to each other and really talked and shared with each and really, honestly cared about what the other person was saying. The sense of connection and love flowed like a river throughout the whole place, as worship, prayer, and praise continued day after day.

Then we started hearing that the same thing was happening on other college campuses. One campus after another was having extended worship services with prayer and repentance among the students. It seemed to move from only Christian colleges to even secular colleges. There have been multiple reports of large gatherings of students confessing their sins and being baptized and worshiping for hours. I’ve been encouraging everyone I know to pray for revival to continue and spread across our nation.

Now I’ve noticed something at the prison. Between last week and this week, FIVE women have met with me and all told me very sincerely virtually the same thing: they are tired of the drug life; they want to change; they want a new life; a life with God at the center; they want to be mothers to their children, and want to learn what do they need to do to have a life with God. It has been amazing to watch this unfold, as day after day, I met with the women and heard them express these desires.

In Isaiah 43:19, God says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Please pray with us that God will continue to transform the wildernesses and waste places in our land and in our world. Thank you for your support and partnership, in giving and praying, so that chaplaincy can be in Chester County Prison to point the way to the One Who transforms lives.

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