Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I had the opportunity to speak Saturday at the Grace Covenant church men’s breakfast where I described the finer points of prison ministry within Chester County prison. And please welcome eight new members of our prayer chain who signed up at the breakfast – thank you men for joining us! Chaplain Heinrich was also there Saturday as my “show and tell” and the men were riveted on his recent story of a man who’s grandmother hounded Heinrich to look after her boy. He merely provided this man with a Bible and some Christian literature, and came to find out later (from the grandmother) what a major impact this simple gesture had on this “tough guy”. He’d never had a Bible in his hands, let alone one he could keep, and he dug into the Word with tenacity. This man’s heart was touched, and grandma was pleased. This is why we do what we do – not necessarily to please grandmothers, but to grow the Kingdom one heart at a time.
It was also my turn to preach at the prison last night, and I walked the men through Romans 3 where we get an accurate glimpse of fallen and rebellious mankind from God’s perspective (no one seeks God, no one does good, no not one), followed by God’s solution to man’s dilemma – faith in the one who bore our sins and took our punishment that we may be made right before the Father – faith in Jesus Christ as our personal savior.
We always try to impress on the men that the time to have a personal relationship with Christ is NOW, since we are not guaranteed tomorrow. As with most chapel services we provide, the men were given an invitation to pray the sinners prayer to accept Christ. Please pray for those that took that first step of faith last night, that they would continue their faith journey under the protection of the Holy Spirit against the wiles of the devil.
Thanks as always for your faithful prayers each week for the men and their prayer requests below. It is an honor to serve alongside each of you in this ministry as we all do our parts in the body of Christ. Have a blessed week!
Grace and peace,
Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):
- Dave– my kids to be OK, and by the 20th for this county to figure out what to do with me.
- John– had an eye injection in right eye, may need surgery. And for my sentence to be commuted.
- Ross– thankful for court going well, agreed to transfer everything to Florida where I’m from, still need a place to live in Florida before I can be released.
- Angel– for Bernard having severe back pain and getting tests back for lump in side, my brother with kidney disease needs healing, my fiancé still struggling with drugs and not doing well – I think she’d using again – the devil has a grip on her. Prayers for my public defender and that I would be out soon. Also prayers for peace in the world.
- Shaun– all the inmates in here to have what they need, for my family, and provide for my sister and 2 kids. Also for my children and grandchildren, and my family who is doing time as well, especially my daughter.
- Joel (as translated by another inmate)- my family, especially my Mom, for all of us in here, for my protection while I’m here and keep me safe when I get out. Change my heart, I’m tired of coming in/out of prison – I want my life to change. Also pray for peace in the world.
- Joshua– my Mom and my family.
- Darren– to receive forgiveness from those I’ve hurt, and to have the strength to forgive those who’ve hurt me.
- John– for Israel.
- Alonso– for all the men not here in church, and for those I can’t seem to make amends with.
- Phil T– my son Kyle was in a fender-bender with his car, he’s OK physically, pray for wisdom in all the decisions to be made and that everything would turn out OK.
- Andrew– going to rehab.
- Joel– my wife got kicked out of her apartment.
Inmate Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)
- Maurice– for relief of the stuff I’m dealing with – my emotions (resentment, guilt, shame) – I need more clarity and the ability to move through it.
- Joseph– my children, my family, all the people in Chester County prison – for the ones that love the Lord and are afraid because of what the enemy puts in their head (peer pressure). For the boldness of believers in here, that they not be afraid to say the name of Jesus. For open hearts to accept the Lord before death.
- Andy D– for potential volunteers to the prison team with cold feet. We pray for more workers in this ministry, specifically more guys to support the second service.
- Andy L– just learned that my best friend from High School died – Wes Boyer – pray for his wife and daughters.
- Rick C– my son’s school friend Conner (27) died suddenly, the friend group is taking it hard and there’s no info about how he died.
Prayers from Onesimus Ministries
For our wonderful chaplains – Rhonda and Heinrich – to experience a fresh filling of the Spirit each morning, and renewed strength, wisdom, and compassion as they minster throughout the prison each week.
For the processing of a few new volunteers to go smoothly and quickly, that they may join us on Monday evenings very soon. And prayers for God to touch a few more volunteer hearts to join us.
For the overworked prison staff members and their families to receive God’s strength, endurance, and peace until the Lord provides some new hires to share the load.
For aftercare ministries serving those recently released from prison and helping them get a foothold on a new life in Christ that they began in prison. May these ministries have all they need to be effective for the Kingdom and may each of the clients grow a heart of faith like they never have before.
If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at
These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –
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