Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 12/25/23

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

If you were fortunate enough to attend the annual Onesimus banquet back in October, you would have heard the testimony of former inmate Pete Zandona on how meaningful it was to him personally when volunteers came into the prison on Christmas day.  He was both honored and impressed by these men who could have been spending that time with their families, yet chose to come into the prison to be with them.  Those men showed the love of Christ by their actions, just like Jesus wants us all to do.  It’s easy to be nice or thoughtful when it’s convenient for us, but it really means something when it takes us out of our routine and we must be intentional.


Well, that same opportunity presented itself in Chester County Prison last night.  Since Christmas was on a Monday this year, the team decided weeks ago that if was OK with the prison, they were coming in just like any other Monday night.  Most of the team was there to worship with and minister to the men who came out for the 7:00pm and 8:30pm services.  We are so thankful for these volunteers and the Christlike example they set.


I pray that when such opportunities come before each of us (and they will), that we would follow our Savior’s selfless example and choose to love by doing what’s best for others instead of what’s most convenient for us.  God loved us so much He sent His only Son to be a sacrifice for our sins, and while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.  I don’t know if we can possibly match that level of selflessness, but we are to try.


I want to thank Phil for covering prayer time and collecting the prayer requests last night.  I also thank each of you for the love you already show for others through your support of this prison ministry – loving people you don’t know and likely will never meet – just as Jesus wants us to. Your prayers and other means of support are a blessing to many.  May our Heavenly Father pour out blessings upon you and your families this Christmas season, and the whole year through!


Grace and peace,




Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Dave: for his significant others, his kids, and for good news on his case on January 3rd.
  • Brant: for a single mother and her 7 kids that he knows whose roof leaked recently causing damage to furniture and ruining presents for her children, and for all to have a better year in 2024.
  • Angel: for people of the world, for addicts, for his fiancé to get help, for his family, and his brother with kidney disease, and for his dad with the psychological issues he’s dealing with, and for peace, and for those who have his freedom in their hands, and for him to get the help he needs.
  • Derrick: for his significant other dealing with tough times, his 9 year old son who is sick, and for his family.
  • Nasiem: asked prayer for himself in especially for his faith and for his sin.
  • John: for those who don’t know Jesus, to walk closer with him, and for his family and loved ones, and for the homeless.
  • Chris: for his girl, Maryanne, in dealing with her addiction, and for him to have patience with her when he sees her destroying herself.
  • Steven: for the volunteers, thanks for the Recovery Bible which has been a blessing to him, and for the commissary bag from Trinity Church.



Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– his wife, Kay, his children and family, and for strength in enduring.
  • Martin– for his family, his recovery, for the outcome of his case, and for the volunteers.
  • Logan– echoed Martin’s prayers, especially for the volunteers.
  • Danny– for his son to stay on the right path, and for his sister who soon will be having her first child.
  • John– for his family, and especially for his son.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

  • Let us all lift up families who are missing people this holiday season, whether in prison or having passed away over the previous year.  God’s blessing on those who are missing them dearly.


  • Prayers of thankfulness for our wonderful chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich, their families, and God’s faithfulness to meet their needs both personally and through their ministry to the inmates, staff, and families associated with Chester County Prison.


  • Continued prayers of healing and strength for Pastor Jack Crans as he contends with late stage cancer, yet faithfully serves in many capacities through County Corrections Gospel Mission.


  • For God’s continued provision and blessing upon aftercare ministries across Chester county- may they have an abundance of what they need to effectively minister to recently released men and women in our community.  And may all their clients rebuild their lives on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, that they could re-enter society as responsible citizens and be seen as children of the Most high God.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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