Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 12/18/23

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It never fails to amaze me, especially as we approach holidays, how so many men in prison pray first for their families, then the other inmates, and lastly for themselves.  It goes against human nature – when we hit tough times we usually default to being consumed with our own situation.  But God’s people are different – even in prison – we do our best to follow the lessons He teaches us in His Word.  Lessons such as love one another, which means putting others first, especially in prayer.


Last night the message I delivered in both services was all about God’s promises through his prophet Isaiah and how so many of those prophecies have already come true.  We looked specifically at Isaiah 9 prophecies of a coming Messiah, and Isaiah 53 of why that Messiah came and what He would do for His people.  For each prophecy we also looked at its fulfillment in New Testament passages. 


The key takeaway was that if we see how so many prophecies came true, why would we doubt the truth of any other prophesies or promises in the Bible?  And if God’s promise of salvation to those who accept his Son as Lord and Savior is true, what holds anyone back from claiming that promise?  I finished by inviting and leading in prayer all those present who wanted to accept God’s promise of forgiveness and salvation.  I believe a few men accepted the invitation and got saved last night (I don’t ask) – Praise God!  I also charged everyone with Jesus’ command in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone”.


As we celebrate our Savior’s first coming and look forward to His return, let me say how much we appreciate all of you and your support of this ministry.  Then men in Chester County Prison consider your prayers a lifeline and are truly grateful that people they don’t even know care enough to lift them up and pray for the things they care about. Thank you for your partnership in prayer, and may God bless you and yours richly this advent season and beyond.


Grace and peace,




Female Inmate Prayer Requests from Chaplain Rhonda:

A.C. – prayed to ask Jesus to be her Savior while in here. Left last week heading upstate. Please pray that she continues to walk with the Lord and grow in Him



Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Dave– for everyone here, my friends, my cell mate, my family, my new significant other, and for the final determination of my case on Jan 3.
  • Angel– my fiancé still struggles with drugs/addiction, my brother needs a kidney, my father is 83 and having memory issues, for my sister, my friend back from Hawaii, thankful for the volunteers.  That all of us would have happy holidays, for peace in the world.  For all those struggling with addictions-the situation is really bad out there – people are dying. Also for my probation/retainer situation to get resolved so I can get out and spread God’s word.
  • John– for all those out in the cold, homeless, and hungry- to have a blessed Christmas finding shelter and food and the strength of the Lord. For my family, especially my kids and grandkids, and that everyone would worship the Lord in the true meaning of Christmas.  Also that I would get out of here soon to have eye surgery.
  • Ross– thanks for everyone in here, and for all the folks struggling during the holidays.  And for my friends in Florida and in Arizona.
  • Mark– for those who hurt us- I’m battling with understanding forgiveness right now, help me understand it and forgive the guy who kicked me so hard.  For healing of relationships and help truly understanding gratitude and friendship.  Help me know who I can depend on, I have no family to help me.  Pray for situation with my eyes – can hardly see due to missing one contact lens and the other ripped, and no replacements or glasses- having a rough time with that.
  • Kevin– for people struggling with schizophrenia and those caught in darkness.  And for persecuted Christians.
  • Steven– all praise, honor and glory to God, thankful for all the volunteers. For all the families of the men in here, and for everyone who supports me.
  • Brandt– for all of our families through this holiday season, my Mom lost her house, and we lost our brother last year.



Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– thanks for the volunteers sharing God’s word with us every week.  For my wife Kay in Georgia with our 2 kids Brianna and Brielle. For all of our families, and for those suffering and those addicted.
  • Martin– thankful for volunteers, for my family, my grandmother, and safe travels for my Mom coming into Philly today.  For my full restoration from addiction.  Me and my girlfriend are struggling – please heal that relationship.
  • Harry– for all of our families to have a Merry Christmas and joyous season.
  • Devon– for my kids, mom, and family.  And for everyone travelling now.
  • Rick C– for our brother Phil having back issues.
  • Andy L– for the single Mom that lives near me and is completely overwhelmed – pray for her and her decisions about the Dad who shows up but wants nothing to do with the kids.
  • Andy D– for my family and our first Christmas without my Mom.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

  • Pray for all the families who have lost loved ones this past year and are approaching this holiday season missing them dearly.


  • Ongoing prayers of strength, endurance, and compassion for our wonderful chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich.  May God continue to use them as a light in the darkness of Chester County Prison for all the inmates and staff and their families.


  • Please continue to pray for Pastor Jack Crans contending with late stage cancer, yet he continues to faithfully serve in many capacities through County Corrections Gospel Mission.


  • For God’s continued provision and blessing upon aftercare ministries across Chester county- may they have an abundance of what they need to effectively minister to recently released men and women in our community.  And may all their clients rebuild their lives on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, that they could re-enter society as responsible citizens and be seen as children of the Most high God.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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