Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Harry S Truman once said “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!”
That was our test last night at prison since we were warned ahead of time the chapel air conditioning failed. Reminded me of working in my garage in Florida during summer months. Yet our sweaty volunteer crew persisted, laboring side by side for the sake of the gospel – that’s what we signed up for.
We could have used protection from a sweltering room, but prayed more importantly for spiritual protection using Psalm 31:
O Lord, I have come to you for protection;
don’t let me be put to shame.
Rescue me, for you always do what is right.
Bend down and listen to me;
rescue me quickly.
Be for me a great rock of safety,
a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
You are my rock and my fortress.
For the honor of your name, lead me out of this peril.
Pull me from the trap my enemies set for me,
for I find protection in you alone.
I entrust my spirit into your hand.
Rescue me, Lord, for you are a faithful God. (Psalm 31:1-5)
Erwin taught the men in 1st service how to be assured of salvation by trusting in God and His word, not on man’s religion which can confuse and complicate the way to heaven. Jesus made it simple, saying “I am the way” and instructed followers it’s about relationship, not works. Romans 10:13 tells us “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” The religious may be shocked as in Matthew 7:21-23 when Jesus says “go away, I never knew you.” We must confess and believe as in Romans 10:9, then experience life change from the inside-out by the Holy Spirit of God. It’s not about us earning anything, it’s what Jesus did (and does)for us. That’s how we are assured of salvation.
Bill used the backdrop of Titus 2 to speak in 2nd service about “Waiting for Glory”. Walking through the first 14 verses, then concentrating on Titus 2:11-14, he emphasized how we all by God’s grace must renounce ungodliness and make a decision for the Gospel in order to look forward to being with God in glory. Looking back, God no longer demands animal sacrifice since Jesus’ sacrifice as the perfect lamb of God paid it all for all time, paving our way in the present to be saved, and assuring our future where we will be with God in heaven.
Isn’t God awesome how He takes care of our past, our present, and our future? The men in prison are reminded of that each week, as well as how many folks are praying for them and their prayer requests. Thank you all for joining us being part of their present, encouraging their future, as they want to forget their past. God bless your week!
Grace and Peace,
Prayer Requests from last Wednesday:
- Keith– for my family, my court date to happen soon with a better deal through the lawyer, for my kids and their significant others. Thankful for someone coming out each week to visit. Help me be content with what the Lord is providing, and help me in waiting on Him.
- José– for all the families of inmates, for everyone having a hard time to know someone is thinking about them. For my family and friends, safety and love for my girlfriend (Haley) and my daughter (Julianna), and for volunteers who visit us.
- (Me)– please continue to pray for José and his spiritual protection as he gave his life to Christ on Wednesday of last week.
- Eugene (volunteer) seeks prayer for the “Me-We-City” movement sponsored by pastors across Coatesville to transform the community by transforming minds, spirits, and bodies across the city- family by family, and neighborhood by neighborhood. This week’s prayer focus is Coatesville Pastors & Churches (and next week’s focus is Government).
Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):
- Kenny– my family to be doing well, to better myself each day.
- John– that my daughter knows how much I love her.
- Jaden– revelation, and for freedom.
- Drake– for my friend Kathleen and her mental health, for guidance, and for college educational opportunities while I’m in here. Also for reintroduction of a gym program in here.
- Deron– for more support from my family.
- Jose– for the salvation of everyone in this prison, and for the upcoming election.
- Ryan– for better chances at getting into maintenance programs (rehab).
- Eric– for a well-paying job when I get out, and for a girlfriend (who meets very specific criteria).
- Taylor– to get out of here and be able to start a landscaping business.
- Dan T– for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever obstacle is holding him back from accepting Christ.
Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)
- Martin– for family, salvation, and thanks for volunteers.
- Shaun– for understanding of His Word.
- Steve– court date coming up, for our families, for the men on the block, and for the volunteers.
- Anthony– for all of us in here, my fiancé and kids, and for my acceptance in to work release center so I can be closer to my family.
- Darren– my Mom is in financial trouble and going through very stressful time, for my ex-wife to be good to our kids, and help me to help the next guy.
- Kellimel– our families, my family, guidance, and for us to remain focused when we are back out in the world.
- Derrick– all the prisoners in the world get to know God, a sooner court date, for my roomate Lisa and her health and guidance, and mend my broken heart.
- Connor– healthy delivery of my child that was due July 3, and for mom and baby to be healthy and happy and safe.
- Jeron– wisdom, knowledge, and understanding – don’t know why I’m here and how this system works, and for my situation.
- Glen– for family and friends doing good, my nephew’s healing after his car accident. For Razul back on the block, seems like his lawyer ripping him off and he’s been here a long time. Also to get into the work release center soon.
- Kevin– for the volunteers, for my girlfriend to have a safe pregnancy, my family, my cellmate, and everyone in here.
- Jeff– that all goes well for me, and I can get into rehab.
Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries
- Our prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
- Prison leadership, prison staff, and all of their families
- For expansion of the chapel schedule and use of more volunteers.
- Resolution of staff shortage which impacts families and prison programs.
- For recently released men and women to find safe haven and continue their faith journey.
- For all the Aftercare ministries out there taking care of inmate transition back into society.
If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at
These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –
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