Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/02/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Labor Day – the last blast of summer, celebrated with picnics and get-togethers across the country. Several volunteers left our picnics early last night to get together with inmates, who were very appreciative that we were there, knowing we gave up something to be with them. Another small expression of love that we hope in some way mirrors the much greater love Jesus has for us, and He gave up much more than a neighborhood picnic.


Our weekly time began as usual with prayer, using Psalm 37 to focus our minds on the LORD:

Don’t worry about the wicked

    or envy those who do wrong.

For like grass, they soon fade away.

    Like spring flowers, they soon wither.


Trust in the LORD and do good.

    Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

Take delight in the LORD,

    and he will give you your heart’s desires.


Commit everything you do to the LORD.

    Trust him, and he will help you.

He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn,

    and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.


Be still in the presence of the LORD,

    and wait patiently for him to act.

Don’t worry about evil people who prosper

    or fret about their wicked schemes. (Psalm 37:1-7)


Phil’s 1srt service message was all about the power of words, which can be the greatest blessing or tear someone down. As James 3 tells us, the tongue is powerful and can’t be tamed, so be careful. Our words matter, and as Matthew 12 says, we will be judged by our words. Words from a father or mother can have lasting impact on the child, so follow (and share) God’s word which is alive and powerful. We must let the word of Christ dwell within us richly (Col 3.16) knowing that words we share can change a person’s destiny.


In 2nd service, Bill used the miracles of Jesus in Mark 4 and 5 as backdrop to his message that miracles continue even today. Jesus’ display of power to calm the storm frightened His disciples, as He spoke peace over nature, followed by speaking peace over a man possessed with many demons. The world dealt with sickness and possession by keeping it away from everyone, whereas Jesus confronted it to heal the hurting. The people wanted Jesus to go away, valuing a herd of drowned pigs over the rescue of a man from the demonic realm. He calls us to trust in His power to face the evil in our world, putting on the full armor of God, ultimately for the benefit of others.


Example after example in God’s word show us how much He values each of us, so much He sent His son to die for us. We do our best to make that abundantly clear to the men in prison each week, offering them a better way – to follow the God who loves them completely.  Your prayer support of the men and this ministry is vital to that message falling on receptive ears.  Thanks as always for your faithful support in many ways. God bless you.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Kyle– Mom (Connie, 67) had mass found in her lung and it’s cancer, she’s set up for proton therapy, pray for her healing.  Also my Dad (Bobby) was in a car wreck in NC and has severe back pain.


  • Kenny– really tired from working in kitchen, still getting migraines and haven’t seen a PA yet although I’ve submitted many requests.  Pray for “the pause” between getting angry and reacting poorly, where I can make a better choice to react better or not at all.  Pray for family, my friends Frances and Jimmy, especially on passing of Jimmy’s sister – may he have peace in his heart. Pray for my time in here to go fast and smoothly, and for all of us to get out soon  and get a second chance.
  • José– I have 2 weeks left, please pray for what happens once I get out, for my family, daughter, girlfriend, my Dad’s physical and mental health, and thankful for God’s blessings.
  • Keith– pray for Anita, got to call her Tuesday and it was a real good call.  I miss her and love her, and she knows I love her. My dream is to get back together with her when I’m out and we can live sober and help people – She’s still living wild but I’m not giving up on her. I started drug and alcohol class and it’s going well. I’m trying to shore up weak parts of my life and need God’s help.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Volunteer Jose is out sick this evening – pray for his healing and quick recovery.
  • John– that I can return to my family soon.
  • Drake– for final approval of all the details for my baptism in here.  Also for correspondence courses for furthering my education.  Also for some CO’s to stop treating inmates badly.
  • Ross– for upcoming court date for Shane, for all the ladies in this prison, thanks for the volunteers each week, and for anyone from out of state.  Also for anyone getting out to have a good journey.
  • Johnny– to get into a program and get started doing my time at state prison so I can get home sooner. Also thankful for everyone supporting me inside and on the outside.
  • Zack– that I can get into rehab soon.  Also for my Mom (Kären) who is struggling with me in here.
  • Thomas– my family, strength, an d to not be here too long.
  • Josh– thankful that my oldest niece is reunited with her Dad who was released from State Prison and they are re-kindling their relationship.
  • Tony– that we all get something out of our journey here. Also thankful for the guys in here who choose to be kind instead of rude.
  • Rasheem– my kids and their Mom, and all the kids without Dads out there.
  • Miguel– patience and wisdom to get through the days. Pray for the Lord to take care of the CO on my block who is abusing his power.
  • Dan T– for the peace of Jerusalem, and for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever obstacle is preventing him from accepting Christ.  Pray for upcoming divine appointment between he and Dan.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Andy D– pray for the right time to invite my sister to Alpha, pray she says yes, and pray her life is impacting the way mine was when I took Alpha many years ago.
  • Jeremiah– my children, my significant other, and thankful for volunteers.
  • Angel– thankful that my Mom (92) coming to court to help – pray for everything to come together. Pray for my wife, my kids, my grandkids, and for everything to get back into place.
  • Bill– my brother Vince had a ruptured appendix and had surgery. Seems to be doing OK, pray for his healing and recovery.
  • Andy– diagnosed with hernia and have doctor appointment coming up. Pray for healing and that if surgery needed it can wait until after Christmas.  Pray for God’s timing in all this.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • To sell all our tickets to upcoming Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • Continued blessings upon our chaplains at Chester County Prison- Jack, Rhonda, and Heinrich.
  • God’s favor and blessing upon the inmates, staff, and their families at the prison.
  • For prison leadership contending with staff shortages and high turnover impacting operations and causing undue stress for supervisors, staff, and volunteers.
  • Wisdom, guidance, and discipline for all recently released men and women to stay in God’s word, continually seek Him through involvement in local churches and with Christian brothers and sisters.
  • Blessings of God’s provision for the resources and volunteers needed to support Aftercare ministries across Chester County.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 8/26/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As most kids head back to school this week, it’s another missed milestone for those in prison which tends to trigger depression.  Our hearts are with the downtrodden, and we pray in agreement with several inmates who are looking for better days ahead.


Last week we kicked off prayer time with the first half of Psalm 34, this week we read the second half:

The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right;

    his ears are open to their cries for help.

But the LORD turns his face against those who do evil;

    he will erase their memory from the earth.

The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help.

    He rescues them from all their troubles.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;

    he rescues those who are crushed in spirit.


The righteous face many troubles,

    but the LORD rescues them from each and every one.

For the LORD protects them from harm —

    not one of their bones will be broken!


Calamity will surely overtake the wicked,

    and those who hate the righteous will be punished.

But the LORD will redeem those who serve him.

    Everyone who trusts in Him will be freely pardoned. (Psalm 34:15-22)


Erwin’s 1st service message “Prisoners and Jesus” used God’s Word to encourage the men as he read several  scriptures highlighting how Jesus loves them more than they can imagine.  Jesus not only spoke of loving and visiting those in prison, he consistently befriended people labelled thieves and criminals by religious leaders, like tax collectors Zacchaeus and Matthew.  Jesus waits for us to invite Him in, like these men had Jesus over to dinner with their friends. Erwin spoke of the call on Christians to come into prisons, like in Mt 25 where Jesus describes what we do for “the least of these” is actually what we do for Him. He ended with assurance that God has a plan and a place for each of us, don’t lose hope – trust in Jesus!


Marty walked through Luke 15 for the men in 2nd service, using parables to emphasize how God not only exists, but is a real Father who seeks to save the lost, even the one, who strays away.  All heaven rejoices when the lost are found in Christ, like straying sheep, lost coins, and like prodigal sons. Sin drives us away, and for some, keeps them away from a relationship with the God of creation who loves us and wants us to know Him personally and intimately.  Like the prodigal son’s father, He stands ready to welcome us with open arms no matter what we’ve done. It’s the best offer we’ll ever get in life, don’t pass it up!


The loving Father image portrayed throughout the Bible may be a foreign concept to some, but is so true we continue to preach it to hurting men.  The Holy Spirit takes it from there, and we pray every week for every one of these guys to take Him up on the offer and join the family of God as one of the redeemed.  Thanks for continually praying alongside of us.  Your partnership is crucial to the mission of this ministry. God bless you for all you do in His name!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00 Service, plus Inmate sessions):

  • Eric– family, strength and understanding, get through my time in rehab.
  • John– I go home in a few weeks and need the Holy Spirit to continue to guide me outside of here, help me stay in God’s word, and lead me to the right place – I need housing.
  • Kenneth– my trial is next month, need to keep the faith – my mind is playing tricks on me [more likely under attack by the enemy].
  • Kellimel– when I get out I need help to stay focused to stay in God’s will, and to stay strong for my kids and family. Pray for all of the men here, and thankful for the volunteers.
  • Bart– for others to see us as fathers, brothers, as people in a bad situation and not judge us. Thankful for the volunteers coming in each week.


  • Kenny– pray for family to all be doing well, it’s Mom’s birthday tomorrow (8/23), pray all is well at home. Praying for my friends Frances and Jimmy, and my girlfriend all doing well, pray for my grandparents are OK – grandmom had a stroke but seems better now – pray for her peace as she gets stressed easily.  Pray for my peace and sanity and to keep a positive mindset, that my time would go smoothly, and for God to continue to show me the right way.
  • Keith– pray I can get back to Maryland soon to get my time started there, and that I can go to camp center (work release program) versus just sitting in prison.  I have 17 months left and need to figure out next steps in starting over – need God’s help and guidance for a solid plan and to keep me out of old habits, old routines, and old places.
  • José– pray for my Dad (José Sr.) who is stressed out with some tough times – he is looking for answers but doing too much weed, and his live-in stepdaughters don’t help out at all – he needs guidance on how to handle all that.  I have 3 weeks left and feel like I’m being targeted on recent cell searches – help me through this time of testing and for guidance for life outside of here.  I want to be a changed person and help others.  Pray for my girlfriend and family.  Thankful she is coming to visit me today.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Drake– pray that I can access materials to pursue an associate’s degree, and for glasses so I can see.
  • Anthony– pray for something to come together for me next week, I’ve been here a long time and paid my debt-  it’s time to go.  Also pray for Grandmother who’s getting old – she’s always been my backbone but we’ve been out of touch lately, I pray she’s OK.
  • Ross– pray for Bernard who went up state, for Cody, and for Lawrence.  Pray for everyone with upcoming court dates, those with parole dates coming up, all the guys here and in this prison, and in prisons across the country.
  • Johnny– I’m innocent in my case, pray for the judge to see that. [I prayed that the facts of the case would be accurately represented and the truth would be clearly seen]
  • Theron– For better days ahead, and for my family and friends.  Also for a better relationship with God.
  • Derek– my Mom has cancer, for my family, all the guys here, and all the kids in the youth detention center next door.
  • Jim M– for my son Jacob, and for all those who are lost to come to Christ while there is still time.
  • Dan T– for Mario who was released today and suffers from alcoholism – he lost everything because of it – pray he gets his life back together. Also for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever roadblock is in his way of accepting Christ.
  • Andy L– for my niece living in a dangerous situation – her absentee husband is making threats against her life.
  • Phil T– for peace and reconciliation for everyone – between people, groups, nations, and between God and mankind.
  • John– for the health and wellbeing of daughters, and for my wife to have healthy pregnancy.
  • Zach– pray for my Mom (Yulanda) is going for a job, getting through lots of background checks.
  • Rick C– praise God for Dan’s quick recovery from covid, and pray for the many who are suffering from a recent spike in covid cases, especially older folks who risk complications.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Clarence– thanks for volunteers blessing us with the Word, pray for the guys back on the block, my court situation, my brother Jeremiah and all he’s going through, and for Matt and his ministry to men.
  • Lamont– my Mom is being incarcerated right now for something she didn’t do – may the truth be found out.  Also pray for families of the 13 servicemen and women killed 3 years ago in that Airport in Afghanistan.
  • Justin– for my peace of mind – I’m having issues with anger – pray for a calm and peace.
  • Darren– for my ex-girlfriend Amy- her father has cancer, for her family, and for my ex-wife and her family, pray my kids are doing OK, bless them.  Pray for my Mom (Leanne) taking care of the whole family, and her fiancé Tim who’s been in and out of hospital with congestive heart failure- for his healing and both of them to stay strong, and for anyone who is struggling to get through their struggles.
  • Raymond– thankful for volunteers, lift up the presidential election and pray for those in leadership and that godly men and women would get into office.  Pray that God would touch the hearts of all the men here, and that we could take our rightful place in our homes as the men God calls us to be, help us stay disciplined to pray and stay in your Word.  For everyone’s families and children who are our future.  Help me surrender to God’s will over my own, give me strength, and for my court date Wednesday.
  • Michael– for my wife Jenny in Indonesia, and that we can be reunited soon.
  • Matt R– pray God would stir the hearts of leaders of institutions like this prison to put policies and programs in place to help inmates.  Also pray for Lancaster County prison which is worse.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • For success in spreading the word and selling seats for our first-ever Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • Blessings upon our outstanding Chester County Prison Chaplains- Jack Crans, Rhonda Soland, Heinrich Botes.
  • For the families of all the staff and inmates at Chester County prison.
  • Pray for prison leadership in dealing with staff shortages and high turnover which impacts daily operations and causes stress for supervisors, staff, and volunteers.
  • For recently released men and women to stay in God’s word, continually seek His guidance, engage in local churches, and find all the support they need to successfully transition back into society.
  • God bless the people and resources of the Aftercare ministries across Chester County.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 8/19/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I truly appreciate all the prayers from inmates, volunteers, and prayer warriors for my health. God allowed me to rejoin the team this week and it was great to see everyone again. I was eager to get back in the saddle leading the prayer time, and the Lord led me to begin with the first half of Psalm 34:


I will praise the LORD at all times.

    I will constantly speak his praises.

I will boast only in the LORD;

    let all who are discouraged take heart.

Come, let us tell of the LORD’s greatness;

    let us exalt his name together.


I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me.

    freeing me from all my fears.

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;

    no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

I cried out to the LORD in my suffering, and He heard me.

    He set me free from all my fears.

For the angel of the LORD guards all those who fear Him,

    and He rescues them.


Taste and see that the LORD is good.

    Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!

Let the LORD’s people show Him reverence,

    for those who honor him will have all they need.

Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry,

    but those who trust in the LORD will never lack any good thing. (Psalm 34:1-10)


I am pleasantly impressed how often the Holy Spirit inspires the Psalm selection and the message to address the men’s current struggles, as reflected in the prayer concerns.  It’s amazing what can happen when we avail ourselves to the Spirit’s leading.  God is so good!


Jose used a four-spoked wheel visual aid in the 1st service to teach about loving God and loving people the way Christ showed us. Based on Matthew 22:37-40 where Jesus proclaims the greatest commandment (love God) and the second like it (love others), Jose drew the vertical spokes of ‘Prayer’ and ‘Word of God’, with Christ in the center, as the way to God. Then he drew the horizontal spokes of ‘Fellowship’ and ‘Witness’ as the way to love others. The circular wheel enclosing it all is the Christian life, with the Holy Spirit being the essential “air in our tire”.


Matt tackled a tough topic in 2nd service – “Father Wounds”.  He related to many men who experienced broken homes and abusive or missing fathers with his own experiences of the same. Earthly fathers can cause real emotional damage to their kids who need love, affirmation, safety, and stability, when they bail on all of it. He contrasted this dark reality with the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 to show what a true loving father looks like – how our own Heavenly Father loves us.  He offered 6 practical steps to heal father wounds, and reminded us that real healing is only possible through God in our lives. And with God in our lives, we have all we need to not repeat the same mistakes with our kids.


God’s goodness is so evident in many ways both inside and outside the prison.  We see Him change lives every week, and we’re so blessed to have all of you covering the ministry, the chaplains, the volunteers, and the men in your prayers – absolutely essential to any ministry.  Thanks for your dedication to follow His call and support in all the ways you do – you are an answer to our prayers!  God bless your week.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from Chaplain Rhonda

Y. C. – first time incarcerated; mother of 7; family in turmoil with her being locked up; please pray for God to provide peace, comfort, and guidance and for them all to come into a relationship with Him through this ordeal.

C. R. – “Pray for me to become more humble and for my 5 children to be in the hands of my heavenly Father as I’m away.”



Prayer Requests from last Thursday (Inmate sessions):

  • José– My sister and Dad visited me last week and my brother and girlfriend are coming today, I’m not sure who’s more excited- them or me. I’m learning a lot in my “Thinking for a Change” class, like how to talk to people the right way and not seem confrontational. I’m really looking forward to going home and starting over.  Pray for my family and girlfriend, everyone’s safety, and to find a good church when I’m out.
  • Keith– Praise God, my court date went much better than I hoped for [I had prayed with Keith that it would work out better than he expected].  Even had a good talk with the judge, and they usually don’t want to speak with us – she was impressed with my attitude and how I’m turning things around with God’s help because I’m tired of my old life. God definitely answering my prayers – He’s so good – like I got a cellmate who snored really bad, I prayed about it, and he got moved to another cell the next day!  Please pray for Anita who is still living wild with substance abuse- pray she will know God and His love and deliverance.  And pray for my kids – Anthony, Brandy, and Shaun (and their significant others).
  • Kenny[unfortunately visiting hours ran out before I could see Kenny this week, please keep this young man in your prayers for encouragement to keep digging deep into God’s word, and transformation by the renewing of his mind like Paul talks about in Romans 12:2].



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– health and safety of my daughter, and recently found our we’re pregnant with another girl.
  • Johnny– God is good, and I pray He will help all those going through hard times right now, especially those dealing with anxiety and deep depression.  Also pray for my court date Wednesday.
  • Jim M– my son Jacob.
  • Phil T– For our brother Dan who has covid, and for all the men in here suffering with depression and anxiety.
  • Zach– for my Mom (Kären) who prays for me all the time.
  • Jose G– for all the men in here to know Christ as Lord and Savior.  Also for my Daughter (Christina) who is pregnant and has covid.
  • Miguel– two of my sons have birthdays this week (Ezra turns 3 today, and Percival turns 1 Saturday), pray my family can really live it up for them, and for their safety and security. [FYI – his third son’s name is Virgil]
  • Phil T– my son Kyle is getting married, and caused issues in the family when he pushed the date in front of his sister’s wedding.  Pray for peace in the family.
  • Rick C– thanks for recovered health and back in the prison tonight. Also for my Daughter (Ali) getting married in 2 months to have peace and wisdom for good decision making.
  • Please continue to pray for Drake– usually upbeat and outgoing, he’s really down and non-communicative lately.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • John– for my family, going through a rough time right now.
  • Justin– my Dad is having a hard time, my Aunt just died, pray for the whole family.
  • Darren– the guys back on the block are going through some stuff, pray they can stay strong.
  • Mike– for Rick’s getting better, and for my 2 kids (Michael and Everly) that are headed to a new school this year.
  • Jeremiah– for my son, and for my grandmother on dialysis and also having a tough time breathing.
  • Brandon– for my brother and sister-in-law who just had their 2nd miscarriage.
  • Colson– my family, my Mom, my wife and child are having financial difficulties, and for my siblings.
  • Ryan– my business is going through bankruptcy, not sure what next steps are – need wisdom.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Praise God for his provision and pray for everything to go well with our first Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill on Oct 25 (see
  • Pray for relief of staffing shortage and high turnover rate at the prison which impacts daily operations and causes stress for supervisors, staff, and volunteers.
  • God bless our wonderful prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
  • Blessings upon the families of prison leadership, prison staff, and inmates.
  • For men and women recently released from prison to stay in the Word, continue their faith journey, engage in a Bible-preaching church, and find the spiritual support/accountability they need.
  • God’s blessing upon all the Aftercare ministries assisting inmate transitions back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Benefit Dinner at Green Street Grill

Join us on Oct 25th at Green Street Grill in Downingtown for some great food, live music, and a silent auction that all goes to support Prison Ministry at Chester County Prison.

Click HERE to buy tickets/learn more

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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week -8/12/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During prayer time in the Monday Night services, I’ve shared that we Christian men should try to ask more mature questions in prayer. Instead of crying out “Why me? Why this? Why now?”, perhaps we ask “What are you showing me through this, Lord? What are you trying to teach me? Please help me see it”.  Some people say “everything happens for a reason”, and I’ll add “God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8.28). We may never see a reason or cause for something, but we need to take it on faith.


For example, I’m curious why He’s kept me out of prison the last 2 Monday nights. Last week was sickness, this week I lost my voice. Not knowing the reason won’t keep me up at night, but makes me wonder.  Perhaps the men needed to hear something another prayer warrior spoke during the prayers. I may never know, but I’ll keep waiting on the Lord in hopes to get back with the team soon.  Prayer requests from a few 1-1 sessions Thursday are below.  Erwin and Bill covered the prayer times in the two services last night (thanks guys!), and the prayer requests they collected are below also.


Andy L’s message in 1st service was quite applicable to those in depression like Drake – no doubt by God’s providence. He talked about tough times and facing despair.  Andy’s thrust was there’s only one LifeSaver when troubles come – the Lord, who can deliver us from any challenge if He is the Lord of our lives.  Andy referenced Psalm 107, and talked about 4 types of people: The Lost, Prisoners, Fools, and those who seem successful, but have lost their courage due to trusting in the wrong thing.  God allows troubles to His ultimate glory by their restoration. The path to salvation is always the same – Cry out to the LORD!


In 2nd service, Andy D preached about faith – not what it looks like or how strong, but who is the focus – Jesus!  He used the example of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28, looking for Jesus to heal her daughter. Love for her daughter drove her to risk everything crossing social, racial, and religious lines to plea with Jesus for her life.  She knew He was the answer, and her faith was modeled by humility, persistence, and patience.  She trusted ultimately in the love of God.  Our faith must be centered on a Holy God who loves us completely, hears our humble prayers, and will answer in His way and His timing which is perfect.


God always provides! He’s proven it over and over in the Bible, in this ministry, and in our lives. For some reason, He often likes to include us in how He provides for others.  We thank God for each of you, and how God has included you to provide for the men and women of Chester County Prison. We pray you find it a blessing to be part of this ministry – we sure do!  Have a wonderfully blessed week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (Inmate sessions):

  • José– huge praise that his program came through- taking a weekly class that will allow him to get out in 5 weeks!  Thankful that girlfriend Haley and her daughter Juliana (6) had fun at HersheyPark.  Prayers for those that need a push and some guidance- they need Jesus. I want to help people find Jesus, and I want to get through these next 5 weeks peacefully.
  • Keith– court date got pushed to Friday 8/9, prayers that something good gets worked out.  Prayers for my family and our great country.
  • Kenny– very excited with all the reading I’m doing – devouring Bible and several study guides – can’t get enough.  The guy running the Bible study on the block got moved, so now I’m running it.  Praying for God’s help and wisdom to run the Bible study.  Pray my family is doing well, and prayers for the family of my Dad’s friend Pablo (42) who just died of pancreatic cancer. Pray for my time to so smoothly.  Big praise that I’m moving to a new block where I’ll get to work in the kitchen, and also get to attend the second Monday night service.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Erwin– for Rick to feel better soon, his healing, and to be restored to Monday night’s soon.
  • John – for his daughter to know how much he loves her.
  • DJ– for everyone in jail, and for the non-English speaking attendees to somehow comprehend the message.
  • Daeron – for his friend who was brought into CCP on Friday, his first-time at jail.
  • Raymond – leaders of our country, for his wife having back surgery on Tuesday or Wednesday, for Kyle looking for his son, and for the volunteers.
  • Ryan – for people to get into programs, to change his life, and for his family who depends on him, and for his buddy having a kid.
  • Phil T– for Cowboy’s wife facing a host of health issues (Cowboy is a friend of my future son-in-law). For son Kyle, who moved up his wedding in front of my daughter’s wedding, causing heartache to her and her fiancé, and strife for the entire family.
  • Derrick – his family and for his mom with cancer, and his dad with dementia.
  • Jack– for the A/C on the block to be fixed.
  • Taylor – for his brother traveling to his sister’s wedding this weekend, and for Taylor’s reconciliation with his family.
  • Zack– for grace and mercy.
  • Also please pray for Drake.  He usually sits up front and encourages other inmates, but didn’t sit in usual place – he sat in the far back.  He was withdrawn, disconnected, and when asked if he was okay, he didn’t even respond.  Seems to be suffering from profound depression.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • John: That Jorge’s transition out of prison this week would go smoothly, and for John’s family.
  • Clarence: For us, and for men on the block who didn’t/couldn’t come out, for Family – comfort in loss of Aunt, for successful housing search for fiance, for his children, for closure on his case and Jeremiah’s case.
  • Jorge: cellmate Jeff for successful court case today, for family, children, his baby’s Mom, and smooth transition out of prison.
  • Rick C: healing of viral symptoms.
  • Kellimel: family, grandma with health issues, patience, fellow inmates, better situation at prison.
  • Jeff: for a hearing with new Judge, protection for his family, especially his daughter going through a tough time.
  • Rob: Restoration of A/C system in the block.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Prison staffing shortage and high turnover rate impacting operations and causing stress for staff members and supervisors.
  • Our prison chaplains – Jack Crans, Heinrich Botes, and Rhonda Soland.
  • Wellbeing of prison leadership, prison staff, and their families.
  • To allow expansion of Chapel schedule to enable more prolific use of volunteers.
  • Recently released men and women to stay in the Word, continue their faith journey, engage in a Bible-preaching church, and find the spiritual support/accountability they need.
  • God bless the Aftercare ministries assisting inmate transitions back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 8/5/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As far as vacations go, last week was a real nice getaway to the beach with my wife and grown kids, and the last time it’ll be just us (my daughter gets married in October). The downside was me being sick the whole week and still recovering. Unfortunately that kept me out of the prison last night – our goal is to share with the men, but that stops at germs.  Sickness moves through a prison like wildfire, so we’re careful to stay home when unwell. Once again, I depended upon my brothers to cover the prayer time and send along the inmate prayer requests, and they came through as they always do.


At the prayer time, Phil suggested Psalm 91 when a spiritual pick-me-up is needed. Then he shared this excerpt:


Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,

     nor the arrow that flies in the day.

Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,

     nor the disaster that strikes at midday.

Though a thousand fall at your side,

     though ten thousand are dying around you,

     these evils will not touch you.

Just open your eyes,

     and see how the wicked are punished.

If you make the LORD your refuge,

     if you make the Most High your shelter,

     no evil will conquer you;

     no plague will come near your home.

For he will order his angels

     to protect you wherever you go.

They will hold you up with their hands

     so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. (Psalm 91:5-12)


In 1st service, Dan delivered what was reported to be his most impactful message to date.  A succinct yet powerful message about idols robbing us of all that God desires to bestow on us. Specifically he mentioned drugs, alcohol, money, and sex, and he was quite blunt with the men about how he himself struggled with alcohol, and that he knew that they could relate. Dan referenced this in the context of 1 John 2: 15 & 16.


Troy shared with inmates in 2nd service how Jesus our hero and high priest showed us the way to deal with temptation and emerge victorious. Christ experienced deeper temptations than we may ever face, and from the devil himself. He was tempted to satisfy His hunger immediately while on a 40-day fast, then risk his safety to challenge if God really loves Him, then resist the lure of power and immediate glory if He would just bow in worship to Satan. Jesus demonstrated victory over temptation and sin through total reliance on God His Father, and we must live into His finished work and not fall for the doubts and half-truths of the enemy.


Idols and temptation are as real today as they ever were in history.  Our current technology may look different, but the personal struggles we all face haven’t changed (and Satan uses the same playbook he has from the beginning – and why not? It works). We continually encourage the men to look to Jesus and His strength to face these things, going it alone spells disaster. And we’re so glad all of you are with us on this team supporting inmates of all kinds.  Thanks for all the ways you support the ministry.  Have a truly blessed week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (Inmate sessions):

  • [Since on vacation, I did not meet with any inmates last week.  Please keep in your prayers José, Keith, Kenny, and Steven]



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– for my daughter (age 6) to know how much I love her.
  • Drake– for guidance, for protection from backstabbers, for court tomorrow…possibly bail(?)…and for liver problem.
  • Eric– to get through this time, & for his kids & family; also for the volunteers.
  • Michael – for the judicial system who just denied him bail, and for other countries.
  • Darren – for court tomorrow and for others facing court hearings.
  • Ross– for Bernard back on the block, who’d love to attend again, but is especially sick, for everyone in prison & for John Russell battling diabetes
  • Junior– for his family, his wife & daughter & for the volunteers.  Also for Antonio, Miguel & the other attendees who don’t understand English.
  • Miguel – (NOT the one in Junior’s prayer directly above) to overcome false tongues & anxious souls.
  • Derrick – for his mom with cancer.
  • Jim– for his son, Jacob.
  • Jose– salvation for everyone here & for the nation.
  • Phil T– for Dan’s message tonight & for his brother in law who is his “special project”, for Rick’s recovery, for Jim’s wedding on Saturday, and for my son, Kyle, to have clear direction from God about his career options.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Rob: For Rick C (volunteer) to get better.
  • Lamont: Men on the block with ongoing cases.
  • Rob (#2): Family Mom just got new housing.
  • Clarence: For us, men on the block who didn’t/couldn’t come out, Family – aunt just passed on Sunday, closure for his case and Jeremiah’s case.
  • Deron: Mother’s fiancé had congestive heart failure – his recovery, his kids.
  • Keith: himself – spiritual needs, fiancé to stay sober, father to move on, fellow inmates.
  • Kellimel: family, patience, fellow inmates, closure (no details given).
  • Jeff: able to get into a rehab within the next few days, return to his family, his daughter, his friend sitting next to him (no details given).



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Our prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
  • Prison leadership, prison staff, and all of their families.
  • For more prolific use of volunteers by allowing expansion of the chapel schedule.
  • Resolution of staff shortages which impact families and prison programs.
  • All recently released men and women to find spiritual support and continue their faith journey.
  • Blessing upon Aftercare ministries assisting inmate transitions back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 7/29/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Welcome to the “vacation edition” of the weekly prayer request email, as I’m at the beach in Ocean City, MD, with my family this week. In my stead we had very capable volunteers covering prayers last night at the prison – Phil in first service and Matt in second service. I thank my brothers for handling the prayer time and sending along prayer requests so I can provide them to you below.


Phil encouraged the men from a book on prayer he’s reading – pray for big things and never give up, always keep going because no matter what happens, the storm eventually ends and you want to make sure you’re ready when that happens.  In similar fashion, Matt began his prayer time with the “911 prayer” (Psalm 91) which describes the confidence that believers have through all manner of dangers and challenges.


Those who live in the shelter of the Most High

    will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

This I declare about the Lord:

He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;

    he is my God, and I trust him.

For he will rescue you from every trap

    and protect you from deadly disease.

He will cover you with his feathers.

    He will shelter you with his wings.

    His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,

    nor the arrow that flies in the day.

Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,

    nor the disaster that strikes at midday.

Though a thousand fall at your side,

    though ten thousand are dying around you,

    these evils will not touch you.

Just open your eyes,

    and see how the wicked are punished.


If you make the Lord your refuge,

    if you make the Most High your shelter,

no evil will conquer you;

    no plague will come near your home.

For he will order his angels

    to protect you wherever you go.

They will hold you up with their hands

    so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.

You will trample upon lions and cobras;

    you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!


The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.

    I will protect those who trust in my name.

When they call on me, I will answer;

    I will be with them in trouble.

    I will rescue and honor them.

I will reward them with a long life

    and give them my salvation.”(Psalm 91)


Jim gave a stark reminder to the men in first service that time may be short before Jesus returns – all the major prophesies leading to His coming back have been fulfilled. It could happen on the way back to their cells tonight. The key point is to be ready, as illustrated through many Bible passages. The Great Tribulation and Judgement Day are not things you want to mess around with, we should all decide now where we want to be for eternity, and do something about it.  If that means giving your heart to Christ, what are you waiting for?


In second service, Ryan preached on Psalm 142, written by David on the run from Saul trying to kill him.  In the cave of Adullum, David had all other earthly refuges stripped from him with nowhere else to turn for comfort except to his God. In the Psalm David feels free to be honest with God about his complaints, worries, and fears. Our God listens to our honest cries, exemplified by the life of Jesus, constantly listening to the honest cries of those around him. God wants to be our refuge, where we turn when we need comfort the most. David didn’t stay in the cave forever, but later became King of Israel. And though he was a great man (and a great sinner), he always came back to God as his refuge. Our God is a steadfast refuge that will never leave us nor forsake us. All other things we go to for comfort will not last, but God is right here with us and he’s not going anywhere.


We consistently remind the men in prison of how our great God desires all men to be saved and understand the truth (1 Tim2.4), and that truth includes no promise of tomorrow (James 4.14). Thank you all for your partnership in this mission to bring Christ’s love and the Word of God to those in prison.  We couldn’t do it without your prayers and other means of support. I pray our great God would pour out a mighty blessing on each of you this week, in a way that it could have only come from Him.


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (Inmate sessions):

  • José– for my friends, my buddies on the outside, my family that helps me, my girlfriend Haley and her daughter Julianna, my spiritual wellbeing, and great outcomes for my meetings with people.
  • Keith– the love of my life (Anita) is seeing another guy, I’m still praying for her (and him), she is still very caught up in drugs and alcohol and this guy is taking advantage of the situation.  I’m angry and disappointed, but I still love her. Pray for Anita’s addiction issues and her relationship with daughter Brittney. Pray for my court date on Monday 7/29, that things go well, and pray for our country and our brave military men and women.
  • Kenny– I am part of a Bible study every night, with lots of reading different books in the Bible – it has changed my whole mood in here – I was really scared when I first came in here but now I want to find a good church and be part of Bible studies when I get out.  I’m sad that I missed being part of a few birthdays in my family this past week.  Pray my family doing well, that I can be a better person every day, for better understanding of God’s word, for my time to go smoothly and quick, and for my coworkers , and good friends Frances and Jimmy.  I have joy that God understands me and is with me.


  • Troy met with Steven-  his prayer request is for his mother Linda that is battling colon cancer for her healing and recovery.  He also is praying for his 2 sisters and for his girlfriend and her kids.  He has a court date August 19th and praying for a favorable outcome.  He has an outstanding warrant in Minnesota that needs to be resolved and also praying for restoration of his driving privileges in Pennsylvania.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– for my daughter to know how much I love her, & for his grandfather on a ventilator.
  • Drake– for guidance, and protection from Satan, and for a speedy recovery from steroid abuse.
  • Ryan – for people in programs to complete them successfully, and for his dad suffering from COPD.
  • John#2– for his sister in law suffering with a bad case of cancer.
  • Raymond– for leaders in our nation, for families of those here, and for God to use us.
  • Eric– to get through this time, & for his family to endure the associated hardships of his being away.
  • Daron– for a better spirit, and for the corrections officers to show respect instead of abuse.
  • Miguel– wisdom for us, & protection for our families, and to become a better dad.
  • Jim– for his son, Jacob.
  • Jose– salvation for everyone in this facility.
  • Phil T– for Jim’s message tonight, for Rick & Erwin and their families on vacation, and for my son, Kyle, who is having issues w his back, his truck, & his business, that he may not waver in his faith, but trust God even more in his time of testing.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Rob– for my court case on Wednesday 7/31/24.
  • J’Ron– all the volunteers.
  • Jorge– my friend John who will be leaving prison soon along with myself, my family and everyone in here.
  • Kellimel– my kids, my family, everyone in here, safety for everyone, that I stay focused run hard after God.
  • Derek– God to keep working on me with the relationships that I’m building back on the block, God shows me the knowledge and wisdom He wants me to pass along, my Bible study group back on the block and the volunteers.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Endurance, health, and wellbeing for our prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
  • Blessings upon Prison leadership, prison staff, and all of their families
  • For expanded use of willing volunteers through allowing expansion of the chapel schedule.
  • Resolution of staff shortages which impact families and prison programs.
  • All the recently released men and women to find spiritual support and continue their faith journey.
  • Blessing and provision for Aftercare ministries assisting inmate transitions back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 7/22/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We see some new faces in the prison staff each week, and that’s been one of our prayers – the prison is still experiencing a staff shortage (we’ve also heard turnover is high).  Please continue to pray for God’s provision in resolving these staffing challenges which impact volunteer-based programs like chapel services.


Since it was my turn to give the message, other volunteers covered the prayer time. Phil encouraged the men in first service to covenant with God using Psalm 101 as marching orders for a godly man:

I will sing of your love and justice, Lord.

    I will praise you with songs.

I will be careful to live a blameless life—

    when will you come to help me?

I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.

I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar.

I hate all who deal crookedly;

    I will have nothing to do with them.

I will reject perverse ideas

    and stay away from every evil.

I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors.

    I will not endure conceit and pride.


I will search for faithful people

    to be my companions.

Only those who are above reproach

    will be allowed to serve me.

I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house,

    and liars will not stay in my presence.

My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked

    and free the city of the Lord from their grip.(Psalm 101)


“More than a feeling” was my message for both services, attempting to better understand Love.  Our culture has polluted and corrupted love’s true meaning, already made difficult with only a single word in English.  New Testament authors chose the universal language of that time – Greek – which has 8 words for different types of love.  We studied the 4 most common (3 are used in NT): Eros (sensual love), Philos (brotherly love), Storge (family love), and Agape (sacrificial love). Categories made it a bit clearer, but God’s definition is needed to truly get it. We read 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, then walked through it slowly substituting “God” for the word “love”, with supporting scriptures, to understand both love and God’s attributes since as 1 John 4:8 tells us, “God is love“.


The major point of my message was that love is not a feeling, it’s a decision (and resulting action) to put someone or something before yourself. Loving a person means their interests come first, love of country means the good of everyone comes first, and love of God means His will before my own. We ended with several scriptures demonstrating God’s love for us (Jn 3.16, Jn 15.13, Rom 5.8), and how we should respond by loving God and neighbors (Mk 12:30-31), love one another (Jn 13.34-35), and even love your enemies (Mt 5.44). I closed with a challenge to “tell your story” to everyone on the cell blocks, per the great commission in Mark 16 and Matthew 28.


We can all show the love of God in many ways. Thank you all for how you show His love through your prayers and support for prison ministry. I can assure you the men in prison do feel your love, as the volunteers always try our best to demonstrate it, and the men are usually very thankful for us being there, and knowing that many others are praying for them. Have a blessed week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (Inmate sessions):

  • Keith– didn’t have court today, still expecting court date on 7/29, pray all goes well with that. The love of my life (Anita) is caught up with alcohol and tough times – she’s in the hospital and I prayed with her. She’s not feeling good and is a mess with financial problems because of her running wild. Also pray for her daughter and their relationship. Pray for my son who just bought a boat, and how I miss the water and riding motorcycle, thankful my son could move my bike inside a building. Finally, pray for my peace as I was moved to a very noisy block.
  • Kenny– for my family and my co-workers at Good Will, for Frances and Jimmy Potter to be doing well, to better myself each day, and to understand God’s word as I read the Bible.  [Note: Kenny told me he accepted the Lord after chapel service on 6/24, he went back to his cell and prayed and cried a lot.  When he woke up the next day, he felt like a whole new person – Praise God!  And please pray for his spiritual protection]
  • José– [Note: did not get to meet today since he is in court – pray that it went well]


  • Eugene (volunteer) seeks prayer for final week of the “Me-We-City” movement sponsored by Coatesville pastors to transform the community by transforming minds, spirits, and bodies across the city- family by family, and neighborhood by neighborhood.  This final week’s prayer focus is Salvation/Revival.



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– for my daughter to know how much I love her.
  • Eric– I leave on the 24th, pray for a smooth transition, a well-paying job once I’m out, and for a beautiful girlfriend (who meets his very specific criteria). For health and stability for me, my family, and all of us in here, for deliverance from the evil one for all of us.
  • Matt– my brain is fried from drugs, I need to find a way to support myself in life and not still rely on my parents.  For my children to know the truth that my addiction is why I left, not because I don’t love them.  For everyone in here to be forgiven and all made right, and thanks that I’m still alive.
  • Jim M– my son Jacob is living in darkness, may he find the light of Jesus.
  • Miguel– safety for family travelling from Puerto Rico and some traveling to Dallas.
  • Drake– for guidance, to get into a faith-based rehab program and not just regular one, and for protection from terrorists.
  • Jose G– safely back from Netherlands, for salvation of everyone in this prison, and for the upcoming election.
  • Andy L– peace and righteousness in my neighborhood, and for each man here to find a good church to attend when they get out.
  • John– peace for our nation.
  • Jason– my daughter Mia (4) has a birthday at the end of the week.
  • Deron– all the unspoken prayers.
  • Matt– deliver us from temptation.
  • Dan T– God saved my life since I am once again cancer-free, and for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever obstacle is holding him back from accepting Christ.
  • Phil T– for safety of volunteer Andy on vacation in Canada.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Derrick– thanks for volunteers, for my relationship with God, continued knowledge and wisdom, and for God to use me with the Bible study back on the block.
  • Clarence– prayers for the volunteers who bless us, for the guys on the block that couldn’t make it out to church- stir their hearts, for my family, my children, and relationships, for closure on my case and my court date next month.
  • John– thanks for the volunteers, pray I can link back up with the “shall never thirst” ministry when out of here – they helped me a lot – and for my girl.
  • Rob– court date on 31st, pray for leniency and mercy, I think they’re really gonna give it to me this time.
  • Jeron– thankful for volunteers, for patience, strength, courage, faith, help me let go and let God.  And for my kids.
  • Kevin– my girlfriend to have a healthy pregnancy, kids, court date on Wednesday, and thanks for volunteers.
  • Jeremiah– for strength – been in here 44 months with no answers, for endurance, a light to shine on my case, a favorable outcome, and to not get discouraged.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Our prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
  • Prison leadership, prison staff, and all of their families
  • For expansion of the chapel schedule and use of more volunteers.
  • Resolve staff shortages which impact families and prison programs.
  • For recently released men and women to find safe haven and continue their faith journey.
  • For all the Aftercare ministries out there taking care of inmate transition back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 7/15/24

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

God answers prayers in many ways, big and small, and He always answers.  We must realize He doesn’t always say “Yes”, sometimes He says “No” and sometimes He says “Not yet”.  We got a definite Yes last night as we entered the prison chapel and felt a rush of cool air – hooray!  The air conditioning was fixed! Quite a difference from 90 degrees and stifling humidity last week.  Praise God from whom all A/C flows!


We thanked God for more blessings than just cool air as we began with Psalm 32:

Oh, what joy for those

    whose rebellion is forgiven,

    whose sin is put out of sight!

Yes, what joy for those

    whose record the Lord has cleared of sin,

    whose lives are lived in complete honesty!

When I refused to confess my sin,

    I was weak and miserable,

    and I groaned all day long.

Day and night your hand of discipline was heavy on me.

    My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat.


Finally, I confessed all my sins to you

    and stopped trying to hide them.

I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.”

    And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.


Therefore, let all the godly confess their rebellion to you while there is still time,

    that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment.

For you are my hiding place;

    you protect me from trouble.

    You surround me with songs of victory.  (Psalm 32:1-7)


Phil began his 1st service message asking the men why do they think we come in each week? Most responses were correct. Phil described it as a 2-part mission, and like emails where we ask people about 2 things (and almost always only get back an answer to the first), many forget about the second part.  Part 1 is to be a disciple – Jesus calls us into relationship and to follow Him.  Part 2 is to make disciples, teaching them to obey all I have commanded (per Great commission, Mt 28).  It’s all about Jesus, who He is, what He’s done, and what He continues to do through us.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and teaching others about Him is why we go in each week.


Marty used Romans 1:14-20 to remind us that like Paul, we are to preach the Good News to everyone, no matter the culture or level of education or station in life. This passage also reminds us that God leaves no excuses for anyone – His glory and magnificence is clearly seen in His creation, from millions of stars in the sky, to the organization of an ant colony, to the engineering and self-healing of a human hand. God’s anger is against those who suppress truth, especially the ultimate Truth – His son. God is not surprised at how depraved our world has become, we see our sins enumerated in His word. But it’s our faith in Jesus that saves us from the judgement, and He calls us to live a much better life following Him.


The men in prison see us as deliverers of Good News, and we share that recognition with all of you, because no ministry can be successful without God and without prayer.  Thank you all for the time you spend each day and each week praying for the ministry/volunteers, the men, their families, and their prayer requests.  Your contribution through prayer and other ways keeps it going.  God bless you!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Thursday (12:00pm Chapel service):

  • Eugene– for forgiveness.
  • DJ– for everyone in the world, and to get out.
  • Joel– for all of us in here, my court date in August, that everything goes good, my family, my Mom in Puerto Rico, all our families, and for peace.
  • Kenneth– spiritual guidance.
  • Ron– that all goes well for all of us here, for peace and happiness.


  • Keith– court date on 7/29, family, my kids, my life in general, for less stress and for the days to go by easy.
  • José– family, my girlfriend and her daughter, thankful that we are talking again after some bumps in the road, for my spiritual wellbeing, and for my friends.


  • Eugene (volunteer) seeks prayer for the “Me-We-City” movement sponsored by Coatesville pastors to transform the community by transforming minds, spirits, and bodies across the city- family by family, and neighborhood by neighborhood.  This week’s prayer focus is Government (and next week’s final focus is Salvation/Revival).



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • John– that my daughter remembers me and how much I love her.
  • Eric– for a well-paying job when I get out, and for a beautiful girlfriend (who meets his very specific criteria).
  • Raymond– for our world leaders to have wisdom to make good decisions, for those less fortunate on the street, abandoned, hungry, homeless.  For those in hospitals and prisons, for our families and loved ones.  For us as men to take our rightful position. For my wife Anna and forgiveness for what I did.
  • Jim M– my son Jacob is lost, may He find his way.
  • Phil T– my cousin Dotsy needs a kidney transplant.
  • Drake– guidance, thankful for the volunteers, and for a medical exam to get some glasses because I can’t see.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever obstacle is holding him back from accepting Christ.
  • Zach– for more consideration of others in here.
  • Phil T– for Lindsay who had breast cancer surgery Friday- recovery and peace for the family.
  • Rick C– for my friend Tom who lost his Mother last night. And safe travels for our brother Jose who is in Netherlands for work.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Jeremiah– my kids and significant other.
  • Martin– salvation, thanks for volunteers, for my family. This is my last service with you guys, I’ll be going up state on Monday.
  • Clarence– for the volunteers who continue to bless us, the guys on the block that couldn’t make it out to church, for closure on my case and my court date next month, for my family and my children, and to grant my motion for rule 600 (violation of constitutional right to a speedy trial).
  • Jeron– guidance, to be led in right direction, to be able to see what God is doing in my life, my kids, my Mom, and family.
  • Kevin– the volunteers, all of us in here, my girlfriend to have a safe pregnancy, kids, family, relatives, and my cellmate has court tomorrow and hopes to go home.
  • Derrick– thanks for volunteers, work on my relationship with God, motivation and confidence in our Bible study group on the block, healing for me and for my roommate Lisa.
  • Andy L– for my wife and I to be a good testimony in our very troubled community – one lady needs a kidney badly, several wives have thrown out their husbands, and some pretty wild stuff.
  • Kellimel– all in here to be saved, our families, for wisdom, patience, and to understand God’s Word.
  • Glen– family and friends to have good health, bring to faith or stronger in faith, everyone to get closer to God (me too), for good health, and for the volunteers.
  • Rick C– safe travels and good time off for our brother Andy.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Our prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
  • Prison leadership, prison staff, and all of their families
  • For expansion of the chapel schedule and use of more volunteers.
  • Resolve staff shortages which impact families and prison programs.
  • For recently released men and women to find safe haven and continue their faith journey.
  • For all the Aftercare ministries out there taking care of inmate transition back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 7/8/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Harry S Truman once said “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!”

That was our test last night at prison since we were warned ahead of time the chapel air conditioning failed. Reminded me of working in my garage in Florida during summer months. Yet our sweaty volunteer crew persisted, laboring side by side for the sake of the gospel – that’s what we signed up for.


We could have used protection from a sweltering room, but prayed more importantly for spiritual protection using Psalm 31:

O Lord, I have come to you for protection;

    don’t let me be put to shame.

    Rescue me, for you always do what is right.

Bend down and listen to me;

    rescue me quickly.

Be for me a great rock of safety,

    a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.


You are my rock and my fortress.

    For the honor of your name, lead me out of this peril.

Pull me from the trap my enemies set for me,

    for I find protection in you alone.

I entrust my spirit into your hand.

    Rescue me, Lord, for you are a faithful God. (Psalm 31:1-5)


Erwin taught the men in 1st service how to be assured of salvation by trusting in God and His word, not on man’s religion which can confuse and complicate the way to heaven. Jesus made it simple, saying “I am the way” and instructed followers it’s about relationship, not works. Romans 10:13 tells us “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” The religious may be shocked as in Matthew 7:21-23 when Jesus says “go away, I never knew you.”  We must confess and believe as in Romans 10:9, then experience life change from the inside-out by the Holy Spirit of God. It’s not about us earning anything, it’s what Jesus did (and does)for us. That’s how we are assured of salvation.


Bill used the backdrop of Titus 2 to speak in 2nd service about “Waiting for Glory”. Walking through the first 14 verses, then concentrating on Titus 2:11-14, he emphasized how we all by God’s grace must renounce ungodliness and make a decision for the Gospel in order to look forward to being with God in glory. Looking back, God no longer demands animal sacrifice since Jesus’ sacrifice as the perfect lamb of God paid it all for all time, paving our way in the present to be saved, and assuring our future where we will be with God in heaven.


Isn’t God awesome how He takes care of our past, our present, and our future? The men in prison are reminded of that each week, as well as how many folks are praying for them and their prayer requests.  Thank you all for joining us being part of their present, encouraging their future, as they want to forget their past. God bless your week!


Grace and Peace,




Prayer Requests from last Wednesday:

  • Keith– for my family, my court date to happen soon with a better deal through the lawyer, for my kids and their significant others. Thankful for someone coming out each week to visit.  Help me be content with what the Lord is providing, and help me in waiting on Him.
  • José– for all the families of inmates, for everyone having a hard time to know someone is thinking about them. For my family and friends, safety and love for my girlfriend (Haley) and my daughter (Julianna), and for volunteers who visit us.
  • (Me)– please continue to pray for José and his spiritual protection as he gave his life to Christ on Wednesday of last week.


  • Eugene (volunteer) seeks prayer for the “Me-We-City” movement sponsored by pastors across Coatesville to transform the community by transforming minds, spirits, and bodies across the city- family by family, and neighborhood by neighborhood.  This week’s prayer focus is Coatesville Pastors & Churches (and next week’s focus is Government).



Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm Monday service):

  • Kenny– my family to be doing well, to better myself each day.
  • John– that my daughter knows how much I love her.
  • Jaden– revelation, and for freedom.
  • Drake– for my friend Kathleen and her mental health, for guidance, and for college educational opportunities while I’m in here.  Also for reintroduction of a gym program in here.
  • Deron– for more support from my family.
  • Jose– for the salvation of everyone in this prison, and for the upcoming election.
  • Ryan– for better chances at getting into maintenance programs (rehab).
  • Eric– for a well-paying job when I get out, and for a girlfriend (who meets very specific criteria).
  • Taylor– to get out of here and be able to start a landscaping business.
  • Dan T– for my brother-in-law to overcome whatever obstacle is holding him back from accepting Christ.



Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm Monday service)

  • Martin– for family, salvation, and thanks for volunteers.
  • Shaun– for understanding of His Word.
  • Steve– court date coming up, for our families, for the men on the block, and for the volunteers.
  • Anthony– for all of us in here, my fiancé and kids, and for my acceptance in to work release center so I can be closer to my family.
  • Darren– my Mom is in financial trouble and going through very stressful time, for my ex-wife to be good to our kids, and help me to help the next guy.
  • Kellimel– our families, my family, guidance, and for us to remain focused when we are back out in the world.
  • Derrick– all the prisoners in the world get to know God, a sooner court date, for my roomate Lisa and her health and guidance, and mend my broken heart.
  • Connor– healthy delivery of my child that was due July 3, and for mom and baby to be healthy and happy and safe.
  • Jeron– wisdom, knowledge, and understanding – don’t know why I’m here and how this system works, and for my situation.
  • Glen– for family and friends doing good, my nephew’s healing after his car accident.  For Razul back on the block, seems like his lawyer ripping him off and he’s been here a long time. Also to get into the work release center soon.
  • Kevin– for the volunteers, for my girlfriend to have a safe pregnancy, my family, my cellmate, and everyone in here.
  • Jeff– that all goes well for me, and I can get into rehab.



Prayers from Onesimus Prison Ministries

  • Our prison chaplains – Jack, Heinrich, and Rhonda.
  • Prison leadership, prison staff, and all of their families
  • For expansion of the chapel schedule and use of more volunteers.
  • Resolution of staff shortage which impacts families and prison programs.
  • For recently released men and women to find safe haven and continue their faith journey.
  • For all the Aftercare ministries out there taking care of inmate transition back into society.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



These weekly prayer requests are also posted on our website –



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