If You Can’t Be There, Engage In Prayer

1 John 5:14 – “This is the confidence we have approaching God; that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”

Abut a month ago, my wife and I, along with others members of our Churc,h travelled to Minnesota and attended a training called Engage Global.  We did not go because we feel called to international missions, but rather to learn more about God’s heart for the lost; especially in unreached countries where the people have no idea who Jesus is, much less know anything about the Gospel.  It was a wonderful time, including the firehose of information and many take-aways of how we can participate in Global Missions effectively without actually becoming missionaries.

One of those takeaways was the reminder of the power of prayer. All of us, I’m sure, have experienced God’s love and power though answered prayer – even if it wasn’t the response that we prayed for. We know God loves us and His ways are perfect and to paraphrase Spurgeon I believe: “We need to trust God’s heart, when we can’t trace His hand.” We see in God’s Word many examples of the power of prayer and God’s faithfulness in answering it – especially on the Cross.

2 Peter 3:9 speaks of God’s heart towards the lost, which is all of us, that none should perish, but that all should reach repentance.  We can all pray for the lost towards that end!  I think it’s safe to say that all of us who have truly repented of our sins and put our faith and trust in Jesus can attest to the fact that there were people praying for us. I know that’s true for me and I am forever grateful to those folks. So, even though you may not feel called to be directly involved in Prison Ministry, please pray for us.  The doors have opened again and we will face many challenges as no doubt the enemy will seek to distract, discourage and stop us.  We are so grateful for all the financial support we receive, but I find in my life it can actually cause me to forget to pray.  There is nothing compared to the power of prayer.  It is a way to cultivate love for the lost and to grow closer to the Lord as we seek to align our will with His.  Thank you again for all your support!! We look forward to this new season of Prison Ministry and we take great comfort in knowing our brothers and sisters are praying for us. Thank you!!

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