Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 8/14/23

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


As I write this on Monday afternoon, we’re anticipating our first Monday night inmate services at Chester County Prison in over 3.5 years.  Last week was to be our first night back, but storms knocked out partial power at the prison, cancelling all evening activities.  Today’s TV weather report calls for the same thing tonight – during travel to the prison they expect strong thunderstorms and possible tornadoes.  Sure feels like the enemy doesn’t want us back out there lifting up the name of Jesus and preaching salvation available for sinners who would confess with their mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9).


Our God is so much stronger than any storm, and His will be done.  Jesus demonstrated Lordship over nature when he commanded the wind and waves to cease from a boat in the middle of a storm.  I have no doubt He can do the same for the team going into the prison tonight, and we’ve asked Him for that in Jesus’ name.




We’re back from the prison! God positively answered many prayers to hold back the storms. In fact, I didn’t see even one storm warning on my weather apps.  God is so good. And for those of us He calls into prison ministry, the truth of Romans 8:28 was very evident last night.


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)


This may sound funny, but it felt good to be back inside Chester County Prison.  The men that came out to the services were so happy to see us and commented how much it meant to them that we were there. It was a wonderful evening of prayer, singing, testimonies, and bringing them the Gospel message.  The turnout was better than expected, with 20 men at the first service and 13 at the second service.  No doubt the numbers will climb once word gets around that we’re back.


So, for the first time in 3-1/2 years, here are inmate prayer requests collected by the team during the Monday evening services in the prison chapel.  We ask their names so that you can pray for them by name, and they very much appreciate that we send out their requests to you.  Thank you for lifting these men up in prayer, and the things they care about. God bless you.


Grace and peace,





Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7pm service):


  • Mark – for leniency and mercy in my case, and for my family and friends on the outside.
  • Dion – for freedom, and for the best possible outcome for everyone’s cases.
  • Phil – for another chance, and for my sister who will have her 2nd baby in 2 months – that Mom and baby would be healthy.
  • Dave – for forgiveness.
  • Bernard – for forgiveness, and peace throughout the cell blocks, and for our country that is in trouble.
  • Scott – for my 3 children to be doing OK without Dad being there.
  • Brandon – for mercy, and for a close friend who’s grandmother just died.
  • Eric – for guidance.
  • Charles – for redemption.
  • Vincent – for a way out of here, and for my children, my grandchildren, and my brothers and sisters.
  • Phil T – For my coworker Jesse with bladder cancer who can’t work.
  • Wayne – for my girlfriend who is going through radiation therapy.
  • Elwood – for my family and my girlfriend.
  • Mario – for transformation.
  • Nazir – for everybody in the jail.
  • Andrew – for fairness.


Inmate Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)


  • Nick – to be back with my family as soon as possible.
  • Rob – my health.
  • James – for those that accuse us, and for my Mom Carol who has tumors, pray they are not cancer, and pray for my sister.
  • Jordan – for the guys back on the blocks and for my mother. And that I get released at my Friday court date.
  • Donovan – for my family and friends back in Georgia, especially those involved in some feuds.
  • Keith – for my friends and family back in Louisiana.
  • John – that I would not lose my house.
  • Dan – for my son, Dan jr. going to Sweden.
  • Eric – for my family and my kids.
  • Will – pray for everyone and their families, for my family and my significant other to receive and recognize God’s grace, and for my 2 young daughters to feel God’s love.
  • Dan T – for our country and our leaders.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries


Ongoing thanks and praise to our great God for allowing volunteers back into Chester County Prison to minister in-person to inmates.


Continued prayers lifting up our wonderful Chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich, may God bless them with everything they need as they minister to inmates, staff, and families connected with CCP.


For prison operations to run smoothly with volunteers back in the mix, and prison staff to be accepting of additions to the prison schedule as more volunteer teams get phased in during the upcoming months.


For various volunteer groups to be eager with anticipation of their return to prison ministry, and that God would bless them with the volunteers needed.


For the aftercare ministries who disciple recently released men and women, that they would be blessed with all the resources and volunteers needed to help former inmates build upon the foundation of Christ.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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