Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 12/11/23

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we enter this holiday season, there is a heaviness evident among inmates thinking about friends and family getting together to celebrate and they can’t be part of it.  They obviously don’t want to spend Christmas and New Years in prison, and we notice a little more appreciation for volunteers coming in to worship alongside them.  We remind them each week that we are honored and privileged to come in each week to show them the love of Jesus by worshipping with them, spending time with them, and listening to them.  Being part of this team is humbling and encouraging as we see what God is doing through a few willing servants.


Last night’s prayer time used the last half of Psalm 40 to echo the heart cries of the men who came out to the services:


Lord, don’t hold back your tender mercies from me.

    My only hope is in your unfailing love and faithfulness.

For troubles surround me—

    too many to count!

They pile up so high

    I can’t see my way out.

They outnumber the hairs on my head.

    I have lost all courage.


Please, Lord, rescue me!

    Come quickly, Lord, and help me.

May those who try to destroy me

    be humiliated and put to shame.

May those who take delight in my trouble

    be turned back in disgrace.

Let them be horrified by their shame,

    for they said, “Aha! We’ve got him now!”


But may all who search for you

    be filled with joy and gladness.

May those who love your salvation

    repeatedly shout, “The Lord is great!”

As for me, I am poor and needy,

    but the Lord is thinking about me right now.

You are my helper and my savior.

    O my God, do not delay. (Psalm 40:11-17)


Phil gave a poignant message on what it means to be “reborn”, citing examples from his person life as well as John 3 where Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and was taught about spiritual birth for salvation.  Phil exhorted the men that as fathers, our primary responsibility is to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  And we must know Jesus ourselves before we can bring them or any others to Him. Ultimately, we will all stand before God and will be asked “what did we do with Jesus and the offer to be born again?”.  Sobering thoughts encouraging us to all be ready for the King’s return at any moment. 


We must stay in God’s word every day so we don’t stray away. Phil reminds us the number one reason he hears from guys who return to prison is they got out of the Word.  God’s word is powerful and transformative, and we are so blessed to have it readily available in many languages and translations.  We have no excuse for not reading God’s Word every day.


Daily prayer is another staple of the Christian life, and we greatly appreciate all your prayers week after week for all aspects of this ministry.  Please don’t forget those in prison during the holidays, and thank you for all your support. Many blessings on you and yours this week.


Grace and peace,




Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Steven– all praise, honor and glory to God, thankful for the volunteers each week.  My bail hearing today didn’t go well and I got very upset. I decided to pick up my Bible and read, and I came across the passage about giving thanks in all things and not just some things. God’s word inspired me and I was no longer upset.  Also very thankful for my brother Kevin and how he supports me.
  • John– for all the brothers that got out of here, and for the rest of us when we do get out that we will continue to follow the Lord.  Also pray for everyone to understand the true meaning of Christmas.  Pray for my kids, my Mom, and my grandkids.  Pray I will be going home soon and have my eye surgery.  Also want to pray that all of us put on the full armor of God.
  • Ken– thanks for our families and the holidays coming up.  Thanks to all the volunteers, and for my daughter that I can’t get ahold of – pray for resolution to the communication problems.
  • Andy L– for my wife Dot (Dorothy) whose heart was skipping beats and making her very tired.  Pray for her to get the proper treatment and for God’s healing.
  • Joel– for everyone in here, and the sick in hospitals.  Thanks for volunteers blessing us, and thanks to God I already have a job when I get out.  I spoke to family and my brother is going to help me out.  Pray for my mother’s health, and my girlfriend is homeless.  Thankful that God knows what’s going on and He has it all under control.  Pray all the pieces would come together for my case.
  • Ross– for everyone in here and on the outside going through tough times. Very thankful for everyone praying for me.  Thankful for Chris, Ray, and Mark (various roles in justice system) all trying to do their best by me. I pray to get back to my home state of Florida, and for anyone who is ill to get better.  Also want to lift up all those in depression over the holidays.
  • Havier– thanks for the volunteers.  I believe in the Lord that all will work out, help me trust.



Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– for my family, and I pray for the Lord to strengthen me.  Also pray for the world at large.
  • Martin– for my family, and my full restoration from addiction.  For my 97-year-old grandmother, and my Mom.  For a good outcome to my case.  Help me understand your Word better, and please heal the relationships I’ve broken by coming to jail.
  • Nick– for the Lord’s protection and direction.  For patience for both me and my family members – they are going through some things.  For knowledge to get through.
  • Harry– for patience and faith for everyone in here.
  • Clarence– thanks for the volunteers, pray for your safe travels.  For my family, father, mother-in-law, etc.  Also court coming up, pray it works out well.  And for all the brothers back on the block who couldn’t make it out tonight.
  • Andy L– for the power of the Holy Spirit of God to descend upon the families in my neighborhood like a cloud and with fire and wind – God is moving and please continue to move in all the deep problems in my neighborhood.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

  • Let us all pray for Ameen, a young Muslim who attended church last night.  He gave a testimony that he came to honor the men who pray for him and they all go to church.  He appreciated the opportunity to get up and share that he’s going through some tough times. We pray God’s spirit would get ahold of Ameen’s heart and that he heard from the Lord through His word last night.


  • We lift up our brother Phil who suffers from severe back pain, but even two emergency room visits couldn’t keep this faithful servant from preaching the message in both services last night.  Prayers of healing and recovery, as well as wisdom for doctors to treat him effectively.


  • For our two wonderful chaplains- Rhonda and Heinrich- to enjoy blessings of continued strength, endurance, compassion, and wisdom for their ministry within Chester County Prison.  May they both continue to bless many residents, staff, and family members connected to the prison.


  • We lift up our brother Jack Crans as he contends with late stage cancer yet continues to faithfully serve in many capacities through County Corrections Gospel Mission.


  • God’s provision and blessing upon the aftercare ministries across our county- may they continue to effectively minister to the recently released men and women in our community.  May these clients build lives of faith and may each one re-enter society as a responsible citizen and be seen as a child of God.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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