Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 4/15/24

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The tone in the prison last night was a little more somber than usual, perhaps because it’s so nice outside and we get to enjoy it whenever we want, while inmates are stuck inside most of the day with just a few minutes of yard time. It is prison, after all. I guess it’s easy to take for granted the many individual freedoms we enjoy and exercise every day. 


We can’t do much about physical freedom, but we try our best to lift their spirits each week.  Psalm 143 really seemed to fit the mood of the evening as we kicked off our prayer time.


Come quickly, Lord, and answer me,

    for my depression deepens.

Don’t turn away from me,

    or I will die.

Let me hear of your unfailing love to me in the morning,

    for I am trusting you.

Show me where to walk,

    for I have come to you in prayer.

Save me from my enemies, Lord;

    I run to you to hide me.

Teach me to do your will,

    for you are my God.

May your gracious Spirit lead me forward

    on a firm footing.

For the glory of your name, O Lord, save me.

    In your righteousness, bring me out of this distress.(Psalm 143:7-11)


Phil shared the Good News in 1st service, consistently reminding us it’s all about Jesus. That’s where we must put our faith. Jesus told the Pharisees the law can’t save them, it points to Him – only He can save.  It’s a gift of God that we can’t earn. A Barna survey in 2020 revealed 50% of Christians (and 70% of Catholics) believe heaven can be earned.  We must realize that Christ + Nothing = Salvation. Paul said in 1Cor 1.18, “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”


In 2nd service, Troy first took us through the armor of God in Ephesians 6, explaining all the different elements of the armor, emphasizing it’s use against ideas and our thought life, not flesh and blood.  Each piece can protect us, though it’s not even needed if we choose to blend into the world around us.  Battered armor is a sign of doing God’s work. Troy also walked us through the Romans road, which presents the Bad News, then the Good News in just a few verses – Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-10, and 10:13.  It’s worth memorizing for the benefit of those God may put in your path.


We encourage the men every week to get into God’s Word daily to see what He has for us – His living Word is different every time we read it, because our understanding and our situation will be different. The men are further encouraged by the knowledge that all of you are praying for them each and every week.  It doesn’t hurt that several volunteers testify how prayer requests within this prayer chain have been wonderfully answered over the past few months.  Is our God great or what?  Thank you all so much for joining with us in doing what He tells us to do – love one another.  Have a spectacular week!


Grace and Peace,




Inmate Prayer Requests from Medium Security (7:00pm service):

  • Ricky– Our release dates! And victims of Ukraine war, especially the children.  Also thankful for staying sober 20 years and hope I can stay sober the rest of my life.
  • Ross– my cellmate looking forward to getting out, but going through some spiritual struggles.
  • Jeff– my wife (Jessica) and my daughter.  And for justice when I get back to Virginia, I had heart issues on the way to court that put me in the hospital, but they put out a no-show warrant. Pray the judge sees the issue clearly and has mercy.  Also pray for Israel.
  • Phil T– for Becky Myers with a really bad cold that won’t go away.  Pray for healing and that it’s not more than that.
  • Vincent– excited that my girlfriend (Casey) is pregnant with my first child, I want to be there.
  • Jose G– pray for the salvation of Johanne and Benjamin.
  • Dan T– for salvation of my brother-in-law, who has heard the message but struggles with submitting to the Lord – pray his heart would be softened.
  • Phil T– My son-in-law lost his uncle, pray for peace and comfort for the family.
  • James– addiction, my family.



Inmate/volunteer Prayer Requests from Minimum Security (8:30pm service)

  • Craig– thankful for volunteers giving up their time each week, pray for wife (Kay) and all my daughters, pray for the Lord’s strength to carry on, that I would be a doer and not just hearer of the Word, and that I could lead by example.
  • Martin– for family, my recovery, my situation (judge pulled out the rug under me by denying drug rehab at the last minute), and thanks for volunteers.
  • Clarence– for the volunteers coming out each week, for the men who couldn’t make it out to the service tonight, family, for the Lord to keep His hands on me, and for light to shine on my situation, help me keep the faith one day at a time.
  • Bill H– praying for best possible results of a medical test my granddaughter had today.
  • Martin– my cousin Samantha lost her custody battle, father has 100% custody, she is going through very stressful time.
  • Matt R– for Megan, wife of my coworker Shaun, still battling back from brink of hospice with stage 4 cancer, she had a good week and is doing normal things.  Pray for full healing.  Also pray for my friend Aaron battling addiction and on verge of divorce, may he get the help he needs.
  • Earl– thank you God for your inner strength in me.



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries

  • We always like to lift up our chaplains in Chester County Prison each week.  We pray healing and restoration for Pastor Jack Crans, and we pray for blessings of wisdom, endurance, and compassion on our assistant chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich who accomplish the day-to-day ministry among the inmates and staff.


  • We pray for the changing leadership within the prison, from selection of a new Warden to all the changes across departments.  May God bless these men and women with all they need to be fully successful in their roles, bless their families and home life, and may they continue to look favorably upon the chaplaincy program at the prison and the value it brings.    


  • We pray God’s provision for the right location and catering services for our annual banquet in October.  We thank our Lord in advance for the table sponsors He will bring forth, And may the Lord lead us to the right speaker(s) to reflect the value of partnership in this ministry.


  • For all prison staff working many shifts and long hours due to staff shortages.  We pray God would bless and watch over their families, and refresh their spirits as they come to work each day.


  • We ask God’s great provision and blessings upon the aftercare ministries serving recently released inmates as they transition to life outside of prison while maintaining a strong faith connection.  May the ministries have more than they need to serve each client effectively, and may the staff and volunteers be refreshed as they do the Lord’s work.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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