Prison Ministry Prayer Requests for this week – 9/4/23

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As you may have seen in the news, a convicted murderer escaped from Chester County Prison a few days ago, and the manhunt is still going on.  Hundreds of law enforcement officers are searching the area and following up on any leads.  It should come as no surprise that Chapel services have been cancelled this evening due to this higher priority for the officers.


Please join me in prayer for all the people involved in the massive search effort, that they would remain safe, and that the suspect would soon be taken into custody.  We pray for a peaceful end to this ordeal, and pray that it would not have a lasting impact on our ability to continue worship services inside the prison.


In lieu of actual prayer requests from inmates (since services cancelled tonight), I’ve compiled a summary list of the prayer requests we seem to hear each week. Thank you for your prayers for the manhunt situation, the inmates, and the staff of Chester County Prison.  Have a blessed week!


Grace and peace,




Inmate Prayer Requests (Summary from last 3 weeks):


  • For our spouses/girlfriends/significant others
  • For our families and friends, many going through a tough time without us
  • For our children
  • Healing of strained and broken relationships with family members
  • Leniency and a positive outcome in upcoming cases
  • The people of Florida affected by the hurricane.
  • The people of Hawaii impacted by the wildfires
  • For those getting out of prison to learn to stay in the Word and live life in accordance with God’s will
  • Everyone’s health in here
  • Help us to have faith
  • For wisdom, guidance, and understand when reading the Bible
  • For strength, hope, mercy, and grace



Prayers from Onesimus Ministries


For the health and wellbeing of a few elderly parents of board members – Dan’s mother-in-law (94) whose health is failing and is ready to go home to Jesus, and for Andy’s mother (93) recovering from an operation and maybe looking at another one.


Thanksgiving for a good restart of worship services in the prison chapel, and fo rthe 3 weeks we’ve been able to minister in-person to the men.  Prayers that recent events would not preclude us from continuing worship services next week.


For Chester County Prison staff and their families affected by recent events and already working long hours due to staff shortages.


Enduring strength, wisdom, and health for our wonderful chaplains Rhonda and Heinrich, as they serve inmates, staff, and families connected with Chester County Prison. 


We lift up the needs of various aftercare ministries out there, and pray they would continue ministering to recently released men and women.  May they have all they need to help ex-offenders get on (and stay on) the right path that God wills for them.


If you’d like to find out more about mentoring and discipling a man or woman coming out of prison, drop us a note at



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