Virtual Thanksgiving Banquet

We always try to live by Paul’s sage advice to “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT) However, with Thanksgiving Day imminent, this ministry is especially grateful to all our benefactors. Your generosity has enabled our chaplains to continue to minister to the men and women at Chester County Prison even in the midst of the pandemic that has stopped all religious volunteers at CCP for more than 7 months…and counting.

Our Lord has providentially sustained this ministry even without our primary source of funding – the Onesimus banquet held each year in early April. Rather than putting God to the test by ignoring this shortfall, we do appeal for a year-end gift to offset the usual banquet contributions…a virtual banquet if you will. Not only will your faithfulness enable Heinrich and Rhonda to continue their shepherding of those at CCP, any surplus will help to make their dreams of after-care a reality, i.e. an outreach to help ex-inmates walk closely with the Lord on the outside and to avoid becoming another statistic in the vicious cycle of recidivism.

So, we’d be exceedingly grateful if you would prayerfully consider making a gift in the envelope enclosed with is newsletter. If you’d prefer to give online, kindly use our donation platform at: or use the “Donate” tab found on our homepage where you will find a link to easily and securely give via the app, or it can be downloaded to your phone, tablet or computer. Merely call, write, or drop an email to giving@onesimusministries. org if you need any assistance in donating or to request prepaid envelopes for giving monthly, quarterly, or even intermittently. Naturally, or more appropriately, supernaturally, any consideration of a legacy or estate gift would be welcomed.

Our chaplains, would also be delighted to speak with any churches who might consider partnering with us in planting God’s “fields.” While we have almost 300 churches in the county that we regularly send this newsletter to, only a handful…less than ten…contribute financially to this ministry to men and women who come to CCP from throughout all of Chester County. So, any and all organizations’ support in funds, resources, or as a welcoming church home to a released inmate would be so beneficial and so very welcome.

On behalf of the chaplains and of the board, we wish a most blessed Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas season to all who have help make such a difference in the lives of so many for so many years.

As a former “resident” of CCP in the late 90s, I can personally attribute the 180 degree turn in my earthly life and the eternal destiny of myself and several of my children, directly to the Good News I heard there, and the nurturing of that faith, directly through this ministry and volunteers during the eight months I spent in Chester County Prison. Words are simply inadequate to express my gratitude to all of you who made all of that possible, but nonetheless, thank you!!!

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